Game of Thrones Season 8 - We ride come April

This topic was created in the Game Of Thrones forum by VirgoHero on Wednesday, November 14, 2018 and has 5 replies.
Posted by VirgoHero

Spreading the good word to my fellow Thrones fans. New trailer released today announcing April will be the beginning of the season. We suspect April 14th." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="">

Spreading the good word to my fellow Thrones fans. New trailer released today announcing April will be the beginning of the season. We suspect April 14th." frameborder="0" allowfullscreen="">

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You KNOW I love you dearly but COMMON! If you're going uphold the "Post a Game of Thrones announcement thing once a year", you have to put a little pizzazz into it!

Maybe add a little video / trailer to get the fans excited or a little picture to whet our appetites! I did the video so I'll add a picture.
I GUESS... Tongue
it will air in April 1?

that cant be goodLaughing