Netflix: Voltron *Spoilers*

This topic was created in the Netflix forum by Celestial_Luna on Wednesday, June 15, 2016 and has 2 replies.
I grew up with Voltron and I was really excited to see a reboot of my childhood shows. There were a few things that they changed - Pidge is a girl instead of a boy (which she is in search of her father and brother that were taken captive along with Shiro. Princess Allura and Coran look different from the original, made me think of the Elves in LOTR. The Voltron team for me was well balanced - the series itself was well balanced in humor, intrigue and action. However I do miss the original score and verbiage when forming Voltron Sad

Even though I was not keen in the way Zarkon looked (well from the original) the voice actor did an awesome job just as Cree Summer (Different World) did as the voice of Haggar, which I did not recognize till I saw her name in the cast list on

This first season was pretty close to the original and if they keep it close then eventually Keith will take over the Black Lion and Princess Allura will be the Blue Lion. Looking forward to the next season and hoping they introduce Prince Lotor - hoping they will animate him handsome since he had an obsession with Princess Allura.

I'm still waiting for either a Thundercats series or Avatar style movie!!

Anybody else watch it? What did you think of it?
Posted by SensitiveBlues
urff my brother is really into this he's trying to get us into it.

Check it out! You might just like it, you never know! smile