Rock of Love II

This topic was created in the Television forum by Sea Siren on Saturday, January 5, 2008 and has 6 replies.
Anyone else watch the last one? How surprising that it didn't work out! smile
I'm ashamed to admit how excited I am about watching more psychotic strippers fight over a hair metal has-been.
Train wreck entertainment.
Yeah, what's wrong with us Sea Siren? My coworker who's the most conservative and stoic person you could imagine also admitted to watching every episode. What's the most bizarre part of it is that I hate reality tv, hate it.I don't know why this show is somehow the exception, that and the surreal life.
Well...for me it's just hilarious! smile I especially love when Brett is talking about how he's looking for a "spiritual" connection with someone, and then they cut to him making out with several of the psychotic strippers.
Fun watching white trash hookers compete for the same guy.
Well this has just started showing in the UK and I have to admit, it's hilarious!
My sister and I love this show, or any trashy reality show for that matter Sad