anyone else watch this? would welcome discussion :) and ranting LOL
My natal chart: Rising Sign is in 15 Degrees Libra Sun is in 07 Degrees Virgo. Moon is in 20 Degrees Aquarius. Mer
Hey all :) This has been on my mind for a good while, thought i'd spill it and get the perspective of some fellow virgos
do you think that sleeping with something under your pillow can affect what you think about or dream about?
i was always curious about this, not sure if I would ever give it a go. My AP Lang. teacher gave us a story how she went
Hello beautiful ppl. There's this new girl at my block of flats, we met while throwing some trash, lol, and we hit it of
Hello all! I've never been to the stinger den or whatever phrase you use... I have been on dxp for a while now and th
Starting a new job has caused me to be more tired these few weeks. We handle home insurance claims for multiple mortgage
I'm not an expert on Caps, but I have experienced the same things that some recent posters have written. If you asked m
I am an Aries female, with Asc and Moon in Cancer. I am currently getting to know an Aries guy for pretty much the first