True Blood...

This topic was created in the Television forum by VirgoHero on Thursday, July 16, 2009 and has 15 replies. I don't watch much TV at all but was urged to watch this so I started d/l'ing it from the internet and....
I'm freaking hooked *Kicks a rock* Stupid show!
Any other watchers? I need to know who I can shoot the shit with about the Strange Things Afoot in Bon Temps
Ok... I've heard over and over how good this show is. I love Vampire/supernatural stuff so I'm gonna start watching it damn it.
I guess I might as well start buying the seasons to it so I can start at the beginning.
I've been hooked from the beginning.
Sookie and her high moral horse/double standards get on my last nerves. I'm glad the guys are starting to put her in her place and tell her about herself.
Posted by Prince_Pisces
Loves it! lol.
My favorite character is Maryann! Shes evil, but i like her
Yea! A friend of mine mentioned the series is drastically different than where the books was at at this point so hopefully they do a good job with the Maenid (Mary Ann). Plans within plans smile
Posted by Ms.P
I watch it too. My fav is Lafayette.

Lafayette is freaking HILARIOUS.
This show is poppin!!!1 no one calls or bothers on Sundays from 9 2 10... it's that serious... I luv lafayette bcuz he keeps shit real... that crazy ass preachers wife is hilarous... Sookie is my bitch.... It's the best show out now...o there will be a true blood drink coming out in stores soonsmile
Posted by Cancershorti27
.o there will be a true blood drink coming out in stores soonsmile

I saw that!
I'm betting the twi-hards (Twilight Fans) are going to make them stupid rich.
I liked it. Tara and Eggs were a mess (jeezus, his body is perfect).
Has anyone read the novels?
God damn it! I MISSED it last night. I'll catch up this week so we can shoot the shit.
Posted by Lady_M
Has anyone read the novels?

A friend of mine did. I believe she mentioned it did a good job regarding book 1 but is quite different when it go into book 2 territory.
Jessica - Her Hymen keeps growing back. That SUCKS!
Godric - Interesting topic. Do we find ourselves spending the entirety of our lives bettering ourselves or just becoming more brutal.
Heart Souffle - Hahah smile

Lady M & Ms. P - hahah have a thing for Eggs I see? Tongue
Quote of the Episode:
Jason: "I reckon I already been to heaven and it was inside your wife."

We've only just now got series 2 here in the UK - 2nd episode aired last night.
Heard it's not as good as the 1st series but it seems ok so far (loving Jason at a Jesus camp), what did you guys make of it?
I've watched two episodes of this, and i think it's shiite. Filled with too much sex-cheap filler. But then it is about vampires so bound to need something to jostle it along.
Anyone catch the episode where Eric said "What can I say? I'm a Virgo. I like to keep things neat."