What are your thoughts on aspects that lead to this?
Mines is if someone is say Neptune or Uranus and that is the planet making contact with the inner planets but the others is not.
Un-even house overlays?
We all love to watch those rescue videos, right? But what would you do if you knew that there are people out there whose rescues are 100% FAKE and orchestrated by themselves for the money?
Worse so than that, that they put defenseless puppies and kittens
So Leo men commonly date and get with Aries and Leo women, these two fire signs are such a great match for them. Even marriage statistics and studies will find that Leo men get with both of these fire signs quite often. Air sign women, even opposing Aquar
I'll go first.
The men are laid back, cool, awesome, and tend to make for great teachers. Ever know that cool friend you can come to all of life's problems with and you know that they will hear you out, keep a cool head, and not judge you?
I know I've made a bunch of threads asking for advice on this but I'm really feeling lost.
What do you do to manage grief surrounding the loss of a loved one, especially when that person was like your best friend? Are you religious? Is religion used as a
What's the sign and house placement of it? And have you already developed some of the qualities represented by your north node placement or do you still relate more to your south node?
Going towards the north node takes effort and doesn't always come eas
I almost feel like if Pluto is domicile in Scorpio, it should be exalted in Leo.
Everything people say about Scorpios being vindictive, hateful, dark, paranoid, and masters at screwing others over is more true for Leos. I find that Leo men are heavily dr
I made this poem last night, wondering if I should send it. But I guess its better not to.
Do you think I made the right decision? He keeps coming back wanting to be friends, but I really can't take it anymore..
Enjoy, and let me know what you think!
I know the word out there is that Leo men are compatible with Air sign women and in some cases even water and earth sign women than fire sign women, I think this is a bunch of hogwash. Unless she is a Sagittarius, I think that Leo men are absolutely compa
Hi, new member here! I've been aware of this forum and have occasionally lurked the first couple of years I was studying astrology. I'm posting now because I've found myself stuck in life and I've been going over my natal chart for years trying figure out