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Mar 13, 2023Comments: 393 · Posts: 748 · Topics: 14
Criticism is a slippery slope, especially with women.
I'd argue this more so just comes down to biological reasons. More women tend to be right-brained opposed to left.
Right-brain thinking leads with:
focusing on effect
whole picture focus
Left brain thinking, which men are dominant in has the polar opposite views.
So when you encounter a scenario where the leader or the person who's steering the vehicle argues with the passenger, the passenger wants to remove the blame from themselves and considers the whole picture and not just the topic you're worried about.
Make sense? Inflation is a shit-show and America comes to the conclusion it's Biden's fault. He's steering the vehicle.
Your favorite sports team had a rough season? It's obviously the coaches fault. He hasn't unified or properly coached his team. Why blame the players under his guidance?
Women think the same way. But this isn't to say that the passenger can't cause issues or just jump out when they feel like it. This is just an explanation that you will bear the responsibility most of the time as a man.
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Nov 10, 2010Comments: 285 · Posts: 30822 · Topics: 650
Well you certainly can’t criticize if you can’t spell.
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Jan 29, 2011Comments: 663 · Posts: 12436 · Topics: 2
That’s a blanket statement. Failure to accept criticism is not gender specific. I hate labels (misogyny, feminists, narcissist etc.) because at the heart of it all is an insecure and or entitled individual, not gender.
I know men like my Pisces moon and Sag moon bros who cannot handle criticism well. That’s like saying women love to gossip. LOL. As if men don’t gossip.
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Dec 11, 2018Comments: 863 · Posts: 1598 · Topics: 10
Women don’t realize that they criticize each other more than men criticize them.