Friends before women right?

This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by Aquistorm on Tuesday, December 29, 2015 and has 17 replies.
You know that expression of bros before hos and that sort of thing?

What if you were married and a certain bro steps the line flirting with your wife? In that case would you still consider him your bro?

Because I kicked this guy to the street for doing such thing.

I've known him longer then I knew my wife. After I got married with her. He been telling me that she is hot. He even had the nerve to try and flirt and make inappropriate moves on her. She is the one who told me first. Then he confessed of doing it. I got pissed off and told him I didn't want to see him again.

Am I right or should I look further into this?

Btw, He is a Capricorn sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn.
"bros before hos" has nothing to do with "friends before wife"

the fact that you ask if you're right says you don't have that much trust in your wife so...any call is the right call.

I think it's kind of inevitable when you have a hot wife.

If it's not him it'll be someone else.
Uhh, maybe you should think about who you call your friends. Smh.
Damn he has a lot of fire in is chart.
We had our argument and it was quite heated. Im surprised that we haven't resorted to something physical. @Sagithehunter statement, he does have a bad temper. He more likely does resort to fists if the fight is heated enough.

If he continues to appear in my sight, I will get a court order on him.
Sucks not being the hot one huh
Posted by Aquistorm
We had our argument and it was quite heated. Im surprised that we haven't resorted to something physical. @Sagithehunter statement, he does have a bad temper. He more likely does resort to fists if the fight is heated enough.

If he continues to appear in my sight, I will get a court order on him.

If he comes back or starts stalking you or her, you can call the cops. Put some cameras around the house for added protection. Then you got some material for court.
Posted by tiziani
It's something you need to discuss with your wife. Like Palerio said, it comes with the territory. Other people finding your wife hot is a good sign. You're both alive, vibrant and obviously your relationship isn't killing each other's soul from the inside.

At that point, it's just a question of finding the appropriate boundaries so that no one else gets the wrong idea. Frankly, I'd be more worried if your friend hadn't say anything at all.

Uhhh, did you miss the part where he said that his " friend" flirts and make inappropriate moves on his wife? This isn't simply about him saying his wife is hot.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Gooober
Posted by tiziani
It's something you need to discuss with your wife. Like Palerio said, it comes with the territory. Other people finding your wife hot is a good sign. You're both alive, vibrant and obviously your relationship isn't killing each other's soul from the inside.

At that point, it's just a question of finding the appropriate boundaries so that no one else gets the wrong idea. Frankly, I'd be more worried if your friend hadn't say anything at all.

Uhhh, did you miss the part where he said that his " friend" flirts and make inappropriate moves on his wife? This isn't simply about him saying his wife is hot.

What does any of that have to do with him being here asking if he did the right thing?

If it were my friend I would have thrown him out of a second floor window.

It doesn't matter who did what or how he handled it. It's just obvious him being here has nothing to do with his friend.

Man's afraid of his own wife.
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Isn't it suppose to be like that? Tongue
I have trust in my wife. She is a strong woman. Whenever something is bothering her or something happens to her, she tells me. She often goes alone or with our two youngest kids to grocery shop or whatever. It just tears me apart that a "friend" would do that to me and her.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by Gooober
Posted by tiziani
It's something you need to discuss with your wife. Like Palerio said, it comes with the territory. Other people finding your wife hot is a good sign. You're both alive, vibrant and obviously your relationship isn't killing each other's soul from the inside.

At that point, it's just a question of finding the appropriate boundaries so that no one else gets the wrong idea. Frankly, I'd be more worried if your friend hadn't say anything at all.

Uhhh, did you miss the part where he said that his " friend" flirts and make inappropriate moves on his wife? This isn't simply about him saying his wife is hot.

What does any of that have to do with him being here asking if he did the right thing?

If it were my friend I would have thrown him out of a second floor window.

It doesn't matter who did what or how he handled it. It's just obvious him being here has nothing to do with his friend.

Man's afraid of his own wife.
click to expand

My comment was in response to what you said, not what he said.
I "didn't like" that you agreed with palerinos comment bc what op's "friend" is doing is not "what comes with the territory" when it comes to a friend. Then you went on to act like the only thing the friend did was express that he found his friends wife hot hence why I asked did you miss the other things. Btw, the person op seems to be afraid of is this "friend" of his hence why he came here looking for someone to remind him of the "guy code" and not confront his friend. But, its w.e.
He threw the guy out of the house and out of his life for good. The dude that was once his friend, he probably torn up at the end about the whole ordeal. He'll get over it though, but won't forget what he did. Aquas are good at that. As for his cap ex-friend, not so much.
Posted by tiziani
It's something you need to discuss with your wife. Like Palerio said, it comes with the territory. Other people finding your wife hot is a good sign. You're both alive, vibrant and obviously your relationship isn't killing each other's soul from the inside.

At that point, it's just a question of finding the appropriate boundaries so that no one else gets the wrong idea. Frankly, I'd be more worried if your friend hadn't say anything at all.

We also all secretly crave, ego stroke again, that moment when we're walking down the street and all the bystanders' eyes are pointed at your partner because she's sizzling... and I would say it's even better when other people are flirting with her in front of you, she teases them first, because it's within her nature to be flirty, which is probably why you picked her in the first place (idk that's the type I like), and then rejects them in a classy way that leaves no room for a second attempt.

Actually, I find it healthy in a relationship, for both of us, to occasionally flirt with others, being playful at least with strangers as you don't lose your sheen being exposed to constant external stimuli.

It takes a lot of courage though, I don't think you can ever fully trust a very attractive woman, even if she's your wife, but the high risk/high reward dynamic is definitely worth it because it's the most exciting you will ever experience.

the friend should have been thrown out of a 2nd floor window and OP a 1st floor window by asking "Friends before wife right?"

Posted by LimitedX
Posted by Aquistorm
You know that expression of bros before hos and that sort of thing?

What if you were married and a certain bro steps the line flirting with your wife? In that case would you still consider him your bro?

Because I kicked this guy to the street for doing such thing.

I've known him longer then I knew my wife. After I got married with her. He been telling me that she is hot. He even had the nerve to try and flirt and make inappropriate moves on her. She is the one who told me first. Then he confessed of doing it. I got pissed off and told him I didn't want to see him again.

Am I right or should I look further into this?

Btw, He is a Capricorn sun, Sagittarius Moon, Aries Rising, Mercury in Sagittarius, Venus in Scorpio, Mars in Capricorn.

Could never be, "Bros," with someone who's trying to get with my wife / SO.

Even if he owned his mistakes, he violated trust big time. Hard to imagine myself being friends with any of my boys after doing something like that.

Real, "Bros," would never make a move on your woman. Especially if you have a history which dates back to even being with your wife.

Also as far as male camaraderie goes within my circles, going after your friend's girl is such a sucker move on so many levels.

Last guy i know who did that, swallowed some of his teeth and left out on the street.
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This ^^^^