
This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by lisabethur8 on Saturday, July 1, 2017 and has 133 replies.
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why do some men put alot of women down and call them golddiggers?

are you the type of man who is afraid of his money going away and running away from you? because you got with a woman who likes the luxury stuff?

what kind of mentality is this that is running around and what kind of man is that type that thinks this way?

here's a guy who is trying to expose golddiggers.

he is something else...

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Because they don't have money. It's generally broke men who think like this
yeah i notice that.

they are broke so they're afraid of some woman taking away their money.

they better stay single then.

cause they not into sharing.
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

some men can't offer alot, but they shouldnt put down other women who marry rich men.

it's weird. like why are they angry?

i see it alot on youtube comments, like when Tiger Woods married the ex, who he cheated on.

they called her a golddigger and she was the one cheated on. It's a disgrace in a way because they refused to see that she has been a mother and wife and has been loyal. It's like all they see is the money.

and also on youtube comments such as Mel Gibson who very wealthy and married Oskana,

it's like she gets abused and she didnt even take his money when she was offered alot for alimoney if she didnt expose his truth about him, so she lost millions,

but men still call her golddigger.

there's some serious weirdos out there, who dont like women.
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

The second video is exposing the guy .... the pays actresses to do this .... he is a fake ..

He could not find women to in reality who are like this ...obv

Look at the second video ..the girl is exposing him.
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
Its not that men don't like women....some guys will do anything for a buck

People KNOW there are things that will start and argument ...and get attention sexism ..racism ..etc The seeds are there...and people will use it
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

The second video is exposing the guy .... the pays actresses to do this .... he is a fake ..

He could not find women to in reality who are like this ...obv

Look at the second video ..the girl is exposing him.
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i saw that.

there is this video, made by a russian guy,

his accent is evident.

and i'm glad to see that alot of commentors tell him that it's disgraceful and horrible to do that to women.
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
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well, she is loaded lol
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
it doesn't matter. there are some young men who just have been conditioned like that,

but at least i hope they get treated well and taken care of...some men can't be protectors and powerful, so they offer in other ways, and if they find a good strong protector who wants to spend his extra cash why not?

they too need love and protection.
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
well, she is loaded lol
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oh you're talking about a woman cougar who has alot of money??

ok then, well same thing. if she can get love and protection from the younger guy and it's an exchange that is healthy and they love eachother too, and he takes care of her, i dont see it a problem at all.

Posted by -Flo-
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

some men can't offer alot, but they shouldnt put down other women who marry rich men.

it's weird. like why are they angry?

i see it alot on youtube comments, like when Tiger Woods married the ex, who he cheated on.

they called her a golddigger and she was the one cheated on. It's a disgrace in a way because they refused to see that she has been a mother and wife and has been loyal. It's like all they see is the money.

and also on youtube comments such as Mel Gibson who very wealthy and married Oskana,

it's like she gets abused and she didnt even take his money when she was offered alot for alimoney if she didnt expose his truth about him, so she lost millions,

but men still call her golddigger.

there's some serious weirdos out there, who dont like women.
If a man is throwing a fit because the woman he may be interested in, is in fact involved with a man who makes more money than him? That's just obvious insecurity.

BUT, There are women out there who do seek men solely for the money, there is both negatives to this spectrum. Like if they were in a relationship and she ends up leaving him for a guy who makes more and offers her all the material items she wants... come on. That hurts.
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yeah that's obviously very very bad.

. they dont sound like they love the guy at all. money was the motivating factor.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
well, she is loaded lol
oh you're talking about a woman cougar who has alot of money??

ok then, well same thing. if she can get love and protection from the younger guy and it's an exchange that is healthy and they love eachother too, and he takes care of her, i dont see it a problem at all.

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she is not that old

she made it by working for a startup at the right time

even older men she dated want her money lol

edit: and most of them were selfish assholes. they sure had love for $ $ $ lol
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

The second video is exposing the guy .... the pays actresses to do this .... he is a fake ..

He could not find women to in reality who are like this ...obv

Look at the second video ..the girl is exposing him.
i saw that.

there is this video, made by a russian guy,

his accent is evident.

and i'm glad to see that alot of commentors tell him that it's disgraceful and horrible to do that to women.
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He is disquisting prick! Whew!
I would like to point out. This is TV ..those vids are staged. And in reality this is a DANGEROUS environment for women to be that I mean an environment where they are thought of as a commodity. And there are some industries or groups where that idea is more apparent. Same for guys.
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

The second video is exposing the guy .... the pays actresses to do this .... he is a fake ..

He could not find women to in reality who are like this ...obv

Look at the second video ..the girl is exposing him.
i saw that.

there is this video, made by a russian guy,

his accent is evident.

and i'm glad to see that alot of commentors tell him that it's disgraceful and horrible to do that to women.
He is disquisting prick! Whew!
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Well if this is the way he behaves in public one can only guess what he does in private. He gives me the shivers.
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
well, she is loaded lol
oh you're talking about a woman cougar who has alot of money??

ok then, well same thing. if she can get love and protection from the younger guy and it's an exchange that is healthy and they love eachother too, and he takes care of her, i dont see it a problem at all.

she is not that old

she made it by working for a startup at the right time

even older men she dated want her money lol

edit: and most of them were selfish assholes. they sure had love for $ $ $ lol
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they wanted to marry her until she proposed prenup lol

geez. what did they expect? she can be stupid in love but not that stupid to lose her hard earned $ $ $ to someone who does not really love her lol

Now I ain't saying you a gold digger you got needs

You don't want ya dude to smoke but he can't buy weed

You go out to eat and he can't pay; y'all can't leave

There's dishes in the back, he gotta roll up his sleeves

But why y'all washing watch him

He gone make it into a Benz out of that Datsun

He got that ambition baby- look in his eyes

This week he mopping floors next week it's the fries

So, stick by his side

I know his dude's balling but yea that's nice

And they gone keep calling and trying

But you stay right girl

But when you get on he leave yo ass for a white girl
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
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Women find scamps irresistible. The Aladdin archetype.

Plus a down on his luck guy sometimes triggers their #nurturinginstincts

Power triggers their submissive instincts. It's their woman wires and their mothering wires being crossed with broke dudes.

Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by CaramelizedCoffee
Because they don't have money. It's generally broke men who think like this
yeah i notice that.

they are broke so they're afraid of some woman taking away their money.

they better stay single then.

cause they not into sharing.
Really foundationally they're insecure. They can use the excuse of why women don't want them..because they're all are gold diggers ...that's why they reject me...or they'll never want me.

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to be honest, i can't imagine a poorer man to be with you.

but i dont know...

they would feel too insecure to be with you cause they can't make enough money.

but maybe because the vibe i get when you post is that you are more demanding and need a man who is a money maker?

you could prove me wrong of course.

am i right?
Posted by cornmaizeshark
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
Women find scamps irresistible. The Aladdin archetype.

Plus a down on his luck guy sometimes triggers their #nurturinginstincts

Power triggers their submissive instincts. It's their woman wires and their mothering wires being crossed with broke dudes.

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yes i see what you mean. i know a few women like that in real life, who like down on their luck guys.

i remember talking to some auntys and older women who are successful women, who are single they are the super successful ladies.

and when they are in parties with lots of family and friends and meet the other potential partners of their nieces and little sisters or friends of the daughters, as an example...

and the young men they are with, get stressed out and can't make money and stay home and take care of the children and are on unemployment.

they get really depressed with the young nieces ect.

and mention, something, like, "Sigh... that's what they want to be with... but the men they chose are very DELICATE types.."

like get too stressed out and bi polar to be out there in the shark world.
onesty, alot of women are like that, DELICATE..

but it's unheard of when a man is so delicate. it happens and it's true!!! there are some men who are too delicate.

Posted by Gemitati
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

The second video is exposing the guy .... the pays actresses to do this .... he is a fake ..

He could not find women to in reality who are like this ...obv

Look at the second video ..the girl is exposing him.
i saw that.

there is this video, made by a russian guy,

his accent is evident.

and i'm glad to see that alot of commentors tell him that it's disgraceful and horrible to do that to women.
He is disquisting prick! Whew!
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he is gross. like super cocky. i dont know what type of woman would take him. but i'm sure there are plenty.

Posted by goat
The truth is most women have a price. The Disney movies were wrong. Some men actually want a woman that likes him for who he is not what he has.

However, i see nothing wrong with a woman that wants a man that's doing something for himself. A lot of chicks out there just take it too far.
dont worry, i think there are women for those types and women for the other types.

i think the universe knows who to pair up with who.
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
well, she is loaded lol
oh you're talking about a woman cougar who has alot of money??

ok then, well same thing. if she can get love and protection from the younger guy and it's an exchange that is healthy and they love eachother too, and he takes care of her, i dont see it a problem at all.

she is not that old

she made it by working for a startup at the right time

even older men she dated want her money lol

edit: and most of them were selfish assholes. they sure had love for $ $ $ lol
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sounds like she can't find love.

and has to use money to get love.
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by iCloud9
Posted by LittleFairy
Posted by iCloud9
a friend of mine always date shameless male gold diggers so it's not a gender thing lol
I like to think it's a rare thing.
well, she is loaded lol
oh you're talking about a woman cougar who has alot of money??

ok then, well same thing. if she can get love and protection from the younger guy and it's an exchange that is healthy and they love eachother too, and he takes care of her, i dont see it a problem at all.

she is not that old

she made it by working for a startup at the right time

even older men she dated want her money lol

edit: and most of them were selfish assholes. they sure had love for $ $ $ lol

they wanted to marry her until she proposed prenup lol

geez. what did they expect? she can be stupid in love but not that stupid to lose her hard earned $ $ $ to someone who does not really love her lol

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then it's suggestive she find a man who makes money so they can both sign PRENUP.


I do find that men are just as bad as women...if not, worse.

Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
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if my husband passes away or dies (in an accident) ect. Lord God i hope we die old age and live to see our grandchildren.

but i would not want to marry again, because around middle age, all the men have been either married and thinking everyone is a gold digger, so it's kind of gross

plus no man is gonna be better or ever than the one youre with.

also, if i were NEVER married, never met my man and had a family and i have been single all this time, by middle age, past 35 years old,

alot of men are so JADED. gross.

who are gonna point at you like you're a gold digger if you only work in a small office or a waitress, full time.

better to be single forever and take care of your parents then to be with some man who will shame you and make you feel like shit. GROSS!!!

that's not love at all. alot of these men cannot love when they think like that.

so it's better to give your love to people who deserve it. not men who put you down and tear you apart.

Posted by lnana04
I do find that men are just as bad as women...if not, worse.

it's hard in today's modern world for a single individual.

everyone is suspect. there's no more love.
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I know a woman who has stayed with her husband through thick and thin. He's never had much. He's never been goal oriented or career driven. His only goal in his 20's was smoking weed. Lol No joke, but she's always love him.

Knew a Doctor's daughter who dated a guy that had nothing, she had everything. They made a great couple. The only thing that separated them in the end was she was more goal oriented than he was, but it was never about money.
wow. the first one...reminds me of Arielle who posts here and she had a husband who smoked weed alot.

the 2nd one, well, she most likely has alot of money or inheritance that she doesn't care about money and has a good job too, maybe. So it's not the motivating factor. the main factor was to find love.

i think that's the problem with alot of people out there.

they are the outsiders looking in.

and they are trying to control other people's relationship choice.

just like the scenerio i mentioned with our auntys, older women ect who are successful.

they are single and never found a man up to their standards but when they look at their young nieces or daughters or younger sisters, or friends who have daughters nieces, they are so controlling that they tell the younger women who they should choose.

it's really intrusive and not their business either but i know their meaning is well and good.

but if they didnt find a man on their own to worry about, since they were more focused on their own successes why are they so worried about the younger women who found a young man who isn't driven enough or goal oriented enough in THEIR standards that they have to be controlling and noisey?

really honestly!!!

it's like their love lives are zero, so leave the younger women alone to choose a man who works even a job that is in the gas station?

Posted by tiziani
Posted by cornmaizeshark
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
Women find scamps irresistible. The Aladdin archetype.

Plus a down on his luck guy sometimes triggers their #nurturinginstincts

Power triggers their submissive instincts. It's their woman wires and their mothering wires being crossed with broke dudes.

Makes sense. So how does Prince Ali compromise with her, when he takes over? Just sort of allows himself to be nurtured and pretends he doesn't know any better?
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Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
if my husband passes away or dies (in an accident) ect. Lord God i hope we die old age and live to see our grandchildren.

but i would not want to marry again, because around middle age, all the men have been either married and thinking everyone is a gold digger, so it's kind of gross

plus no man is gonna be better or ever than the one youre with.

also, if i were NEVER married, never met my man and had a family and i have been single all this time, by middle age, past 35 years old,

alot of men are so JADED. gross.

who are gonna point at you like you're a gold digger if you only work in a small office or a waitress, full time.

better to be single forever and take care of your parents then to be with some man who will shame you and make you feel like shit. GROSS!!!

that's not love at all. alot of these men cannot love when they think like that.

so it's better to give your love to people who deserve it. not men who put you down and tear you apart.

I just don't believe women I've met are all that interested a man's material success, when it boils down to it. Like OneKnight is saying.

Even a real solid "golddigger" (not just the part-timers who are trying it out because they're bored and need something to do with their time) will have her own reasons, probably rooted in emotional security, for her choices. It's strange to me that a man would choose to take her choices personally. But the world turns!

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what is a part time golddigger?

the goal of this post is wondering why men have to put down women like that?

alot of men are really jaded and really deep down do NOT like women, they have this deep seated hate about women.

i think this comes from their upbringing and mothers. Maybe they saw their mothers as gold digging because their fathers were hateful and cruel to women, and treated the wives awful so they sided with the father. Who knows.

maybe the mother /son didnt have a close relationship so his world view has been tainted in how he sees women. so he will aways rage against women in his deep seated hate.

but yes it's STRANGE that a man, (these men who are hateful) would be so cruel to hate on women who have emotional security needs. It is deep rooted in a kind of hate that they hated women and learned to hate women somehow.
Posted by 5TwentyOne
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I know a woman who has stayed with her husband through thick and thin. He's never had much. He's never been goal oriented or career driven. His only goal in his 20's was smoking weed. Lol No joke, but she's always love him.

Knew a Doctor's daughter who dated a guy that had nothing, she had everything. They made a great couple. The only thing that separated them in the end was she was more goal oriented than he was, but it was never about money.
wow. the first one...reminds me of Arielle who posts here and she had a husband who smoked weed alot.

the 2nd one, well, she most likely has alot of money or inheritance that she doesn't care about money and has a good job too, maybe. So it's not the motivating factor. the main factor was to find love.

i think that's the problem with alot of people out there.

they are the outsiders looking in.

and they are trying to control other people's relationship choice.

just like the scenerio i mentioned with our auntys, older women ect who are successful.

they are single and never found a man up to their standards but when they look at their young nieces or daughters or younger sisters, or friends who have daughters nieces, they are so controlling that they tell the younger women who they should choose.

it's really intrusive and not their business either but i know their meaning is well and good.

but if they didnt find a man on their own to worry about, since they were more focused on their own successes why are they so worried about the younger women who found a young man who isn't driven enough or goal oriented enough in THEIR standards that they have to be controlling and noisey?

really honestly!!!

it's like their love lives are zero, so leave the younger women alone to choose a man who works even a job that is in the gas station?

Those Cap Moon auntys.Laughing

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lol cap sun too. both.


you know it...
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
if my husband passes away or dies (in an accident) ect. Lord God i hope we die old age and live to see our grandchildren.

but i would not want to marry again, because around middle age, all the men have been either married and thinking everyone is a gold digger, so it's kind of gross

plus no man is gonna be better or ever than the one youre with.

also, if i were NEVER married, never met my man and had a family and i have been single all this time, by middle age, past 35 years old,

alot of men are so JADED. gross.

who are gonna point at you like you're a gold digger if you only work in a small office or a waitress, full time.

better to be single forever and take care of your parents then to be with some man who will shame you and make you feel like shit. GROSS!!!

that's not love at all. alot of these men cannot love when they think like that.

so it's better to give your love to people who deserve it. not men who put you down and tear you apart.

I just don't believe women I've met are all that interested a man's material success, when it boils down to it. Like OneKnight is saying.

Even a real solid "golddigger" (not just the part-timers who are trying it out because they're bored and need something to do with their time) will have her own reasons, probably rooted in emotional security, for her choices. It's strange to me that a man would choose to take her choices personally. But the world turns!

what is a part time golddigger?

the goal of this post is wondering why men have to put down women like that?

alot of men are really jaded and really deep down do NOT like women, they have this deep seated hate about women.

i think this comes from their upbringing and mothers. Maybe they saw their mothers as gold digging because their fathers were hateful and cruel to women, and treated the wives awful so they sided with the father. Who knows.

maybe the mother /son didnt have a close relationship so his world view has been tainted in how he sees women. so he will aways rage against women in his deep seated hate.

I think your thread needs @halalbae to weigh in because she's very well read on those kind of issues

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why her?

Posted by 5TwentyOne
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by 5TwentyOne
I know a woman who has stayed with her husband through thick and thin. He's never had much. He's never been goal oriented or career driven. His only goal in his 20's was smoking weed. Lol No joke, but she's always love him.

Knew a Doctor's daughter who dated a guy that had nothing, she had everything. They made a great couple. The only thing that separated them in the end was she was more goal oriented than he was, but it was never about money.
wow. the first one...reminds me of Arielle who posts here and she had a husband who smoked weed alot.

the 2nd one, well, she most likely has alot of money or inheritance that she doesn't care about money and has a good job too, maybe. So it's not the motivating factor. the main factor was to find love.

i think that's the problem with alot of people out there.

they are the outsiders looking in.

and they are trying to control other people's relationship choice.

just like the scenerio i mentioned with our auntys, older women ect who are successful.

they are single and never found a man up to their standards but when they look at their young nieces or daughters or younger sisters, or friends who have daughters nieces, they are so controlling that they tell the younger women who they should choose.

it's really intrusive and not their business either but i know their meaning is well and good.

but if they didnt find a man on their own to worry about, since they were more focused on their own successes why are they so worried about the younger women who found a young man who isn't driven enough or goal oriented enough in THEIR standards that they have to be controlling and noisey?

really honestly!!!

it's like their love lives are zero, so leave the younger women alone to choose a man who works even a job that is in the gas station?

Those Cap Moon auntys.Laughing

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anyway astrology aside,

naw... lol

even gemini suns to be honest. haha. dont be fooled by just earth. air too or fire or any!!

well i dont think it's just astrology, it can be any sign with dominant signs..

or just anyone really. i dont want to blame the astrology.

any older woman who is successful and never thought to look for another man, are single and think like that, all 12 signs.
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
if my husband passes away or dies (in an accident) ect. Lord God i hope we die old age and live to see our grandchildren.

but i would not want to marry again, because around middle age, all the men have been either married and thinking everyone is a gold digger, so it's kind of gross

plus no man is gonna be better or ever than the one youre with.

also, if i were NEVER married, never met my man and had a family and i have been single all this time, by middle age, past 35 years old,

alot of men are so JADED. gross.

who are gonna point at you like you're a gold digger if you only work in a small office or a waitress, full time.

better to be single forever and take care of your parents then to be with some man who will shame you and make you feel like shit. GROSS!!!

that's not love at all. alot of these men cannot love when they think like that.

so it's better to give your love to people who deserve it. not men who put you down and tear you apart.

I just don't believe women I've met are all that interested a man's material success, when it boils down to it. Like OneKnight is saying.

Even a real solid "golddigger" (not just the part-timers who are trying it out because they're bored and need something to do with their time) will have her own reasons, probably rooted in emotional security, for her choices. It's strange to me that a man would choose to take her choices personally. But the world turns!

what is a part time golddigger?

the goal of this post is wondering why men have to put down women like that?

alot of men are really jaded and really deep down do NOT like women, they have this deep seated hate about women.

i think this comes from their upbringing and mothers. Maybe they saw their mothers as gold digging because their fathers were hateful and cruel to women, and treated the wives awful so they sided with the father. Who knows.

maybe the mother /son didnt have a close relationship so his world view has been tainted in how he sees women. so he will aways rage against women in his deep seated hate.

I think your thread needs @halalbae to weigh in because she's very well read on those kind of issues

why her?

She knows all about how issues get transmitted between generations inside of a family and how it affects outlook on partners

click to expand

well if she's not here to weigh.

you can explain it too,

in your own words.

Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Nah. I'll feel worthless.

click to expand

i thought so.


i have been courted by very wealthy men in the past. i couldnt do it. the feelings weren't there.

i have to feel something. but i dont put down other women who love wealthy men and get it.

let them be.


but omg i can't imagine!!!! if my life had been turned around and i married a wealthy billionaire.

i probably wouldnt be posting on astrology forum and learning about metaphysics and stuff,

i would be a socialite!!!

i think that there are some women here who are wealthy though. lol

and men, lol

but they would NOT dare say it.

too many commoners would get upset. the way the energy feels.
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Nah. I'll feel worthless.

i thought so.


i have been courted by very wealthy men in the past. i couldnt do it. the feelings weren't there.

i have to feel something. but i dont put down other women who love wealthy men and get it.

let them be.

Exactly, my preference too.

Also, to add. Building success with a man while you're involved is much more appealing. Gives you a sense of satisfaction. Like you can say to yourself, "I'm great because I can help him to be better."

That kind of stuff.
click to expand

i would rather we BOTH are poor.

but that's just me.

however, i dont see it a problem for some reason when a woman or man goes for a richer man/woman.

i dont have any aniomosity for it. but i see alot of people get upset and start being MEAN!!!

it's like who the fuck cares? why are people so cruel and hateful??

is it because they didnt get offered?? Confused why the hate?

Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
why do some men put alot of women down and call them golddiggers?

are you the type of man who is afraid of his money going away and running away from you? because you got with a woman who likes the luxury stuff?

what kind of mentality is this that is running around and what kind of man is that type that thinks this way?

here's a guy who is trying to expose golddiggers.

he is something else...

I haven't got too much money to part with, although I'm doing okay. I avoid gold digging females like a plague.

I haven't watched those video's, but good on that dude to expose gold diggers.

click to expand
it's a prank.

the purpose was that he was doing it for fun, but it is degrading too.

because if you notice the women are not wanting any money.

many of them dont want it.

and if yuo dont have enough money, why does it bother you what other men have? if they have money and want a poor girl?

is it your money?

i hope you do find a good woman who isn't into money and i doubt that you will since you said you dont have any.

but it shouldnt be about $ $ .

Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by tiziani
Posted by OneKnight
Women do not like money.

I lived in a foreclosure and dated models.

I lived in a mansion and could barely feel my ex wife.

If a woman wants you, that is the biggest sexual attraction there is. No money will get in a way.

Finally someone who noticed this - I always had way more luck attracting women when I was flat broke - what's that about? Weird phenomenon.
if my husband passes away or dies (in an accident) ect. Lord God i hope we die old age and live to see our grandchildren.

but i would not want to marry again, because around middle age, all the men have been either married and thinking everyone is a gold digger, so it's kind of gross

plus no man is gonna be better or ever than the one youre with.

also, if i were NEVER married, never met my man and had a family and i have been single all this time, by middle age, past 35 years old,

alot of men are so JADED. gross.

who are gonna point at you like you're a gold digger if you only work in a small office or a waitress, full time.

better to be single forever and take care of your parents then to be with some man who will shame you and make you feel like shit. GROSS!!!

that's not love at all. alot of these men cannot love when they think like that.

so it's better to give your love to people who deserve it. not men who put you down and tear you apart.

I just don't believe women I've met are all that interested a man's material success, when it boils down to it. Like OneKnight is saying.

Even a real solid "golddigger" (not just the part-timers who are trying it out because they're bored and need something to do with their time) will have her own reasons, probably rooted in emotional security, for her choices. It's strange to me that a man would choose to take her choices personally. But the world turns!

what is a part time golddigger?

the goal of this post is wondering why men have to put down women like that?

alot of men are really jaded and really deep down do NOT like women, they have this deep seated hate about women.

i think this comes from their upbringing and mothers. Maybe they saw their mothers as gold digging because their fathers were hateful and cruel to women, and treated the wives awful so they sided with the father. Who knows.

maybe the mother /son didnt have a close relationship so his world view has been tainted in how he sees women. so he will aways rage against women in his deep seated hate.

I think your thread needs @halalbae to weigh in because she's very well read on those kind of issues

why her?

She knows all about how issues get transmitted between generations inside of a family and how it affects outlook on partners

well if she's not here to weigh.

you can explain it too,

in your own words.

I can't because I still don't understand what she shared with me fully. When you both talk about how people see their mother/father and how it affects the kind of partner they attract, that's a relatively new subject for me.

Here's a link to the whole topic in full:

click to expand

i have to read that too.

anyway, other than the two examples i mentioned that had youtube commentors and just comments on other internet pages over the Tiger Woods marriage and Mel Gibson,

this was also disgusting where they called Reeva SteenKamp a gold digger, where men were putting her down and she was abused and she got killed,

what's wrong with men?? i mean those type of men who are always feeling like they need to put women down? just because they got with a man who was already wealthy?

User Submitted Image

Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Nah. I'll feel worthless.

i thought so.


i have been courted by very wealthy men in the past. i couldnt do it. the feelings weren't there.

i have to feel something. but i dont put down other women who love wealthy men and get it.

let them be.

Exactly, my preference too.

Also, to add. Building success with a man while you're involved is much more appealing. Gives you a sense of satisfaction. Like you can say to yourself, "I'm great because I can help him to be better."

That kind of stuff.

i would rather we BOTH are poor.

but that's just me.

however, i dont see it a problem for some reason when a woman or man goes for a richer man/woman.

i dont have any aniomosity for it. but i see alot of people get upset and start being MEAN!!!

it's like who the fuck cares? why are people so cruel and hateful??

is it because they didnt get offered?? Confused why the hate?

Well to be in a condition where both are totally broke can be harsh. Obviously i haven't experienced that.

But tbh I had been with broke ass guy, now he's my ex. My motivation to continue the relationship with him got lost as soon as i noticed he wasn't trying. Yes, there could be a possibility that he may have felt emasculated by my helping him a lotta times or he simply is a golddigger himself. But yeah, you get what I mean.

Yes, I agree with you. It's their life and if they dont get any bad impacts from them, then why the need to be upset about it, right?

Unless of course, just like what you said, if they get envious about it, then there may be the exact reason.
click to expand
that dont make sense. how is he a golddigger if you are both broke as hell??

i think the other reasons are relationship issues,

like his problem of being "emasculated"

that's his issues.
Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
why do some men put alot of women down and call them golddiggers?

are you the type of man who is afraid of his money going away and running away from you? because you got with a woman who likes the luxury stuff?

what kind of mentality is this that is running around and what kind of man is that type that thinks this way?

here's a guy who is trying to expose golddiggers.

he is something else...

I haven't got too much money to part with, although I'm doing okay. I avoid gold digging females like a plague.

I haven't watched those video's, but good on that dude to expose gold diggers.

it's a prank.

the purpose was that he was doing it for fun, but it is degrading too.

because if you notice the women are not wanting any money.

many of them dont want it.

and if yuo dont have enough money, why does it bother you what other men have? if they have money and want a poor girl?

is it your money?

i hope you do find a good woman who isn't into money and i doubt that you will since you said you dont have any.

but it shouldnt be about $ $ .

1. Yes the money is mine, I have a day job.

2. I'm married to a good woman, a Capricorn woman, who I thought was a gold digger in the beginning, but then I realized she wasn't a gold digger. I found her a job so she can earn her own money.

click to expand
you seem terribly suspicious of women if they dont work. what's wrong with you??

we have a Pisces sun uncle who married a Leo sun/Scorpio moon who never worked a job in her ENTIRE LIFE. alll she did was work with him in the farm.

would you call her a golddigger because she didnt EARN money? but helped him?

you all are kind of lame in my honest opinion if you think that way.
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Nah. I'll feel worthless.

i thought so.


i have been courted by very wealthy men in the past. i couldnt do it. the feelings weren't there.

i have to feel something. but i dont put down other women who love wealthy men and get it.

let them be.

Exactly, my preference too.

Also, to add. Building success with a man while you're involved is much more appealing. Gives you a sense of satisfaction. Like you can say to yourself, "I'm great because I can help him to be better."

That kind of stuff.

i would rather we BOTH are poor.

but that's just me.

however, i dont see it a problem for some reason when a woman or man goes for a richer man/woman.

i dont have any aniomosity for it. but i see alot of people get upset and start being MEAN!!!

it's like who the fuck cares? why are people so cruel and hateful??

is it because they didnt get offered?? Confused why the hate?

Well to be in a condition where both are totally broke can be harsh. Obviously i haven't experienced that.

But tbh I had been with broke ass guy, now he's my ex. My motivation to continue the relationship with him got lost as soon as i noticed he wasn't trying. Yes, there could be a possibility that he may have felt emasculated by my helping him a lotta times or he simply is a golddigger himself. But yeah, you get what I mean.

Yes, I agree with you. It's their life and if they dont get any bad impacts from them, then why the need to be upset about it, right?

Unless of course, just like what you said, if they get envious about it, then there may be the exact reason.
that dont make sense. how is he a golddigger if you are both broke as hell??

i think the other reasons are relationship issues,

like his problem of being "emasculated"

that's his issues.
I didn't say I was broke ?

Ah! I never thought about that, that could be it, yeah!
click to expand
but you said both of you are POOR.

poor meaning no money, live with parents, can't pay bills.
Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by AneemA08
Man. I don't understand why men downgrade woman by calling them golddiggers.

I mean, duh. It's quite a smart move. For you to get a man's money without doin' none but you can get all the luxurious things and be happy about that.

That's intelligence, right there.

~provocative movement
would you do that?

for yourself?

Nah. I'll feel worthless.

i thought so.


i have been courted by very wealthy men in the past. i couldnt do it. the feelings weren't there.

i have to feel something. but i dont put down other women who love wealthy men and get it.

let them be.

Exactly, my preference too.

Also, to add. Building success with a man while you're involved is much more appealing. Gives you a sense of satisfaction. Like you can say to yourself, "I'm great because I can help him to be better."

That kind of stuff.

i would rather we BOTH are poor.

but that's just me.

however, i dont see it a problem for some reason when a woman or man goes for a richer man/woman.

i dont have any aniomosity for it. but i see alot of people get upset and start being MEAN!!!

it's like who the fuck cares? why are people so cruel and hateful??

is it because they didnt get offered?? Confused why the hate?

Lol ?
click to expand
any thoughts? lol
Posted by -Flo-
Yeah exposing these type of women doesn't seem like the best idea, but let's not give real gold diggers, a golden heart. There have been plenty who have thrown away good men and treated them horribly all because he doesn't have the money she desires.

Some men just don't make that amount of money but it doesn't mean he can't offer other great genuine capabilities to the relationship like; love, sincerity, affection, stability, good friendship, humbleness and so much more.

What makes me internally laugh? How these same women who only want money, turn around and cry that men treat them like a product that can be bought and trashed.

Let's be real with ourselves, because this is real life.

What you described isn't a gold digger tho. Gd's know how to spot money, they don't waste time figuring out if a guy is nice or good. They have one objective and that's money. The successful ones don't lose sight of that. They don't waste time on men who present themselves as broke.

Posted by AneemA08
You're trying something here, Lisbeth. smile
i'm just wondering why men who have LESS money

get pissed off at women who marry the wealthy men? there is a reason why they apply the name.

they care alot about it it seems....

because, why does it bother you (you generally speaking) so much that they marry or get with wealthy men/women?

so this term "gold digger" is applied. and it is a degrading word for women. it shows lack of respect.

i do like the song, that Kanye west wrote. lol

Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by FishyDude
Posted by lisabethur8
why do some men put alot of women down and call them golddiggers?

are you the type of man who is afraid of his money going away and running away from you? because you got with a woman who likes the luxury stuff?

what kind of mentality is this that is running around and what kind of man is that type that thinks this way?

here's a guy who is trying to expose golddiggers.

he is something else...

I haven't got too much money to part with, although I'm doing okay. I avoid gold digging females like a plague.

I haven't watched those video's, but good on that dude to expose gold diggers.

it's a prank.

the purpose was that he was doing it for fun, but it is degrading too.

because if you notice the women are not wanting any money.

many of them dont want it.

and if yuo dont have enough money, why does it bother you what other men have? if they have money and want a poor girl?

is it your money?

i hope you do find a good woman who isn't into money and i doubt that you will since you said you dont have any.

but it shouldnt be about $ $ .

1. Yes the money is mine, I have a day job.

2. I'm married to a good woman, a Capricorn woman, who I thought was a gold digger in the beginning, but then I realized she wasn't a gold digger. I found her a job so she can earn her own money.

you seem terribly suspicious of women if they dont work. what's wrong with you??

we have a Pisces sun uncle who married a Leo sun/Scorpio moon who never worked a job in her ENTIRE LIFE. alll she did was work with him in the farm.

would you call her a golddigger because she didnt EARN money? but helped him?

you all are kind of lame in my honest opinion if you think that way.
I believe if any female wants a relationship with a working male, then she should have at least a part time job, so that she doesn't sponge off her partner entirely. Independence is a good thing for many people.

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well it depends on the situation. like our aunty. working on a farm is not easy work.

he, our uncle NEEDS that extra help from his wife. so when they earn for the farm it goes to both of them, because they both contribute to the farm.

everything has to depend. although i do agree with you, especially if the children are in school and grown, women should get some extra work.

Posted by Evoxxxscorpio
I will never hate anyone who is a goldigger cause it is what it is. If you don't like em just stay away from em we all have choices.
i dont really like the term,

but if the wealthy man or woman knows that the other person who has no money dont love them and they make this agreement,

i think it is fine, because they aren't stupid.
