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Feb 15, 2014Comments: 28 · Posts: 193 · Topics: 14
In praise of Cadillacs in general and mine in particular.
Took a little 300 mile road trip today on business. Drove the DTS instead of LS 400. Lately I have only driven the Cadillac a few miles a week. Go out to eat a couple of times a week. Thats about it. Been working a lot of hours.
Left Ft. Worth at 7am heading south on Interstate 35. At that time, all the traffic was coming IN to town, so I had very little traffic to mess with. Stopped at McD's at the edge of town and got a large coffee and some sausage bisquits.
Recently had all the tires balanced and some of the highway has recently been repaved and is pretty smooth.
Cruising along at a pretty good clip...with the eight speaker, 450 watt, Bose Surround Sound playing... sipping coffee... isolated from outside noise and commotion... (except for the Radar Detector) .. it makes you want to just keep driving forever. Forget work... just DRIVE. It is so much fun to drive a good running Cadillac.
It was so smooth and quite... (except for the XM playing) it made me realize all over again, why I love Cadillacs so much.
Where this one really comes into it's own... is touring down the open road. Great feedback from the steering wheel lets you know EXACTLY what the front tires are doing. The wide (245X50) 18 inch tires hold the road really well and give you a fantastic sense of control of the car.
Just barely nudge the gas and it goes from 75/80 to 100+ so easy it is hard to believe that you are going that fast with so little effort. The Cadillac makes high speed touring so effortless, that you can forget to watch the speedometer and be going WAY FASTER than you thought you were going.
I know. Several months ago, on this same road they got me. Cost me $ 375.00... darn it.
On the way back I filled up with gas that DID NOT have Ethanol in it. All the fuel here in the Dallas Ft. Worth area has 10% Ethanol in it. It sure makes a difference in the way it runs and in the improved mileage. I know...I know... I am not trying to start a gas war/mileage war. Just stating what MY car does.
I have rambled enough. But I still love my Cadillac.