Poor dudes in Sweden

This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by Aquistorm on Thursday, December 15, 2016 and has 27 replies.

Say what you want about what the video entails. If this is happening all over the world. What would you do if you're forced to sit to piss?
I'll pee on the floor in protest.
Just think, they have that good over there that they can actually get shit taken seriously.

They could have pushed for more funding for more jobs for native Swedish people, more school funding or help out another country.

But nope.

Bother men to piss sitting down.


I would despite living in that country.
Posted by Aquistorm

Say what you want about what the video entails. If this is happening all over the world. What would you do if you're forced to sit to piss?
white knights allowing women to go in line...OMG.

why are they doing this?

they have unisex everywhere for decades but not in restaurants and work buildings ect.

I would NOT like this. I don't want to be in the same urinal with other men.

the feminist group at Stockholm......they are doing this. lol

and there are women who are married that are pissed and want their men to stand up to this shit.

and it's said the psychiatrist lady who is dating some guy who is passive obviously, says okay okay honey. cause she doesn't want him to do this and that.

he can't even stand up to her.


this reminds me of that neighbor lady who used to yell at her EX husband in the middle of the street or in their front yard or garden. while neighbors look on.

they divorced, long ago now, and he's with another woman...

and guess what? Gossip news tell me, (my family's neighbor) that the new woman has a baby! lol

everyone in the neighborhood is like, "oh my goodness, is she pissed at the ex husband some more?"

It's not just Sweden ether. Germany, France, Australia, Japan and Taiwan are doing it too. Makes me not want to visit those countries to be forced to sit down to piss or share a unisex bathroom. I got nothing against women, but it would get quite awkward for a guy and a girl go into a stall side by side. Especially if they don't respect each other's privacy. What I do at the Jon is my business and mine alone.
Posted by Aquistorm
I'll pee on the floor in protest.
Same here bruh. If that ever happen in the US, it won't last long.
Posted by Aquistorm
It's not just Sweden ether. Germany, France, Australia, Japan and Taiwan are doing it too. Makes me not want to visit those countries to be forced to sit down to piss or share a unisex bathroom. I got nothing against women, but it would get quite awkward for a guy and a girl go into a stall side by side. Especially if they don't respect each other's privacy. What I do at the Jon is my business and mine alone.
why do they need to change things? Sad

the separate male/female bathrooms were just and are just fine.
Women got them pee funnels now so that they can pee standing, piss on a tree or use the urinal or sink. Ship a bunch of those there. If it is because women can't use urinals. Then put urinals in the women's bathroom and give every woman one of the funnels.
Posted by Hare
Someone should invest money in "Urinal Trucks" over there....A trailer with nothing but urinals to park outside places where urinals have been removed
I think some women (the feminist groups) have penis envy.
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Aquistorm
It's not just Sweden ether. Germany, France, Australia, Japan and Taiwan are doing it too. Makes me not want to visit those countries to be forced to sit down to piss or share a unisex bathroom. I got nothing against women, but it would get quite awkward for a guy and a girl go into a stall side by side. Especially if they don't respect each other's privacy. What I do at the Jon is my business and mine alone.
why do they need to change things? Sad

the separate male/female bathrooms were just and are just fine.
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Some women are just nosy and want to see what the guys do in the bathroom. Why? I don't know. Maybe got offended by how guys naturally peed since day one of being a guy. Think since they can't use the urinal, then we can't.
We have an aiming mechanism. Just stand & aim. Shouldn't affect anyone.
If they gonna ban the urinal and next the fly in pants. What's next? Mandatory castrations because women can't have dicks?
Posted by Aquistorm
Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Aquistorm
It's not just Sweden ether. Germany, France, Australia, Japan and Taiwan are doing it too. Makes me not want to visit those countries to be forced to sit down to piss or share a unisex bathroom. I got nothing against women, but it would get quite awkward for a guy and a girl go into a stall side by side. Especially if they don't respect each other's privacy. What I do at the Jon is my business and mine alone.
why do they need to change things? Sad

the separate male/female bathrooms were just and are just fine.
Some women are just nosy and want to see what the guys do in the bathroom. Why? I don't know. Maybe got offended by how guys naturally peed since day one of being a guy. Think since they can't use the urinal, then we can't.
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both men and women need their privacy.

it reminds me of when we were in the U.S. both times, this year and last year, and we went to this camping place for a few days and the bathrooms have unisex. the guys were disgusted by seeing a really old lady with boobs hanging down to her waist. it was not right.

and then to be embaressed to come out of the bathroom with men there who are half naked. I don't like it at all. we wont be ever using that place for a camping overnight.

You wouldn't catch me dead sitting down in a public toilet.

I do however make it a habit to sit down at my place.. well, except on leg days. I'd rather have urine-free floor and walls than feel like a man's man when no one's even watching.

'Learn to aim' does not apply anymore as men have always claimed to possess this ability yet rarely pull it off. Those who know how to keep their place clean and fresh and have ever had male company over know what I'm talking about.

I especially sit down if I'm at someone else's place out of respect. I don't want chicks cleaning urine stains after me.

And if you're a tucker make sure to clean underneath the toilet ring cuz that's where you'll splash when you sit Winking

Posted by tiziani
You gotta ask Enfant for the inside scope.
This is news to me. These things rarely if ever materialize altough I hear quite a few crackpot ideas like proposed by media-hungry (pseudo)politicians. Difference here is that foreign media snapped this up and took it a little too seriously.

Ever heard of the proposal to tax all men to offset the cost of domestic violence and sex tourism? lol I'm a criminal by penis

Posted by tiziani
Posted by enfant_terrible
You wouldn't catch me dead sitting down in a public toilet.

I do however make it a habit to sit down at my place.. well, except on leg days. I'd rather have urine-free floor and walls than feel like a man's man when no one's even watching.

'Learn to aim' does not apply anymore as men have always claimed to possess this ability yet rarely pull it off. Those who know how to keep their place clean and fresh and have ever had male company over know what I'm talking about.

I especially sit down if I'm at someone else's place out of respect. I don't want chicks cleaning urine stains after me.

And if you're a tucker make sure to clean underneath the toilet ring cuz that's where you'll splash when you sit Winking

I expected you to be out there on the streets right on the front line man

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Lol nah that's just my DXP image/rep

I don't feel sorry for them. If they don't have the balls to stand up for themselves, they should consider their man card revoked for being a bunch of pussies.
Posted by Seraphlight
Trump won ....I no longer have patience for your whiny assed misogynist shit...

I could give a rats ass about this.
What misogynist shit? This isn't about misogyny. It's inequality and subjugation.
How come there is no "for feminists only bathroom"?

Anyway, I guess I will go to the women's bathroom and use their toilets as urinals. No problem at all.

I need to take a piss while standing, just to think about my stuff and how to save the world, women etc.

It's just radical feminism at it's finest.
What are they being replaced with?

The same toilets men stand in front of daily?

If so then the jokes on the retarded feminists,

is it not?

It's the principle yes, but even so... not much of

a triumph.
Posted by Montgomery
What are they being replaced with?

The same toilets men stand in front of daily?

If so then the jokes on the retarded feminists,

is it not?

It's the principle yes, but even so... not much of

a triumph.
They will become piss nazi's. Pointing cameras at dudes using the bathroom and make sure they are sitting.
Posted by Aquistorm
Posted by Montgomery
What are they being replaced with?

The same toilets men stand in front of daily?

If so then the jokes on the retarded feminists,

is it not?

It's the principle yes, but even so... not much of

a triumph.
They will become piss nazi's. Pointing cameras at dudes using the bathroom and make sure they are sitting.
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I just listened to the video. .. most of it anyway.

I'm ASTOUNDED that people still believe that

ANY government is working for their benefit.

They're disarming us, for one-- and the lengths

to which they're going to emasculate men is


Holyshit-- lol

Who wants to defend this idea?


Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Aquistorm
Posted by Montgomery
What are they being replaced with?

The same toilets men stand in front of daily?

If so then the jokes on the retarded feminists,

is it not?

It's the principle yes, but even so... not much of

a triumph.
They will become piss nazi's. Pointing cameras at dudes using the bathroom and make sure they are sitting.

I just listened to the video. .. most of it anyway.

I'm ASTOUNDED that people still believe that

ANY government is working for their benefit.

They're disarming us, for one-- and the lengths

to which they're going to emasculate men is


Holyshit-- lol

Who wants to defend this idea?


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Anybody who uses a camera on me while I am doing my business is going to have a wet and stinky camera.
Posted by Aquistorm
Posted by Montgomery
Posted by Aquistorm
Posted by Montgomery
What are they being replaced with?

The same toilets men stand in front of daily?

If so then the jokes on the retarded feminists,

is it not?

It's the principle yes, but even so... not much of

a triumph.
They will become piss nazi's. Pointing cameras at dudes using the bathroom and make sure they are sitting.

I just listened to the video. .. most of it anyway.

I'm ASTOUNDED that people still believe that

ANY government is working for their benefit.

They're disarming us, for one-- and the lengths

to which they're going to emasculate men is


Holyshit-- lol

Who wants to defend this idea?


Anybody who uses a camera on me while I am doing my business is going to have a wet and stinky camera.
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You're being generous Big Grin

Posted by lisabethur8
Posted by Hare
Someone should invest money in "Urinal Trucks" over there....A trailer with nothing but urinals to park outside places where urinals have been removed
I think some women (the feminist groups) have penis envy.
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I think you're right. ?