Quick question

This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by sweethearts on Friday, September 18, 2020 and has 36 replies.
If you have a picture of me in your wank bank, is that in your memory or in a file 🤔 🙄
It's in my photo vault app.
Thanks @dazed ... feel violated now 🙄 be different if I sent him the pic.
Surprisingly men are very easily pleased... it’s beyond me why we always assume you are complicated?
Posted by sweethearts

Thanks @dazed ... feel violated now 🙄 be different if I sent him the pic.
You're welcome.
Posted by sweethearts

Surprisingly men are very easily pleased... it’s beyond me why we always assume you are complicated?
So are women if you do it clockwise.
It would 100% be on file for a bit. Eventually I would feel like someone even creepier then myself is getting off on me being creepy towards you, which then I would purge all files and factory reset all devices just to make sure its all gone. Thus putting the image of you inside my actual mental memory.

Hope that helps 😊
Posted by Soul

It would 100% be on file for a bit. Eventually I would feel like someone even creepier then myself is getting off on me being creepy towards you, which then I would purge all files and factory reset all devices just to make sure its all gone. Thus putting the image of you inside my actual mental memory.

Hope that helps 😊
We need a LOL button on here!!

Now that’s starting to creep me out 🙄

My wank bank file only has pictures/vids that were sent to me and tbh, I’ve never deleted any even though they don’t interest me anymore... not sure why I don’t delete 🤔 memories
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Soul

It would 100% be on file for a bit. Eventually I would feel like someone even creepier then myself is getting off on me being creepy towards you, which then I would purge all files and factory reset all devices just to make sure its all gone. Thus putting the image of you inside my actual mental memory.

Hope that helps 😊

We need a LOL button on here!!

Now that’s starting to creep me out 🙄

My wank bank file only has pictures/vids that were sent to me and tbh, I’ve never deleted any even though they don’t interest me anymore... not sure why I don’t delete 🤔 memories
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Sometimes for me its actually a spiritual cleansing or simply the idea of getting over things. Like I honestly get to the point I feel it's the only way I can move forward, or get over a past relationship or sexual idea. I feel it's best to just let it all go. In a functional and current relationship with the person its fine, but even then having to hide the pics, or download weird apps to hide them for you is still creepy imo. Like who owns those apps, and do they actually have access to the pics? Even after you delete the app?

This is a perfect example of me still being creepy, but I rather have the mental image of the act rather then the proof, because then it can't be used against me in any way. I mean that in a legal way for the record 😆 Tbh I'm more worried of having something saved and forgetting about it, then someone in the future finding it somehow. I wouldn't want to be like 10 years down the road and have kids or a functional relationship, then someone find some random ass crazy porn I either collected or recorded in my 20s 😇

I guess it just freaked me out after he said it.. we aren’t in a relationship, haven’t even met yet and I knew he would have... just didn’t think that I’d be in a file if I hadn’t given the picture. But I guess that’s just the way it is these days, the internet is an open view into your life and the pictures people post are for anyone’s taking.

It’s not creepy, if your pics were given you out I’d be creepy too, well that’s just imo

And if someone finds them... what are they doing snooping in your private things?? Red flag!
Posted by Dreamy88

I keep it a bit on my phone and then I delete it. Can't let them fall into the wrong hands. I don't really forget them though so it stays in my memory

Also, sex positions give me flashbacks to which ever woman did it best

Like there was this one girl I was seeing, best doggy style ever. I always think about her when I'm doing it like that

Hmm... Is this wrong?
Well yes!!! Especially if it’s not the girl you’re doing it with and you’re thinking of someone else!!

Just as well we can’t read your mind though hey?

Now you got me thinking ...
Posted by Dreamy88
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Dreamy88

I keep it a bit on my phone and then I delete it. Can't let them fall into the wrong hands. I don't really forget them though so it stays in my memory

Also, sex positions give me flashbacks to which ever woman did it best

Like there was this one girl I was seeing, best doggy style ever. I always think about her when I'm doing it like that

Hmm... Is this wrong?

Well yes!!! Especially if it’s not the girl you’re doing it with and you’re thinking of someone else!!

Just as well we can’t read your mind though hey?

Now you got me thinking ...

Let me just sprinkle some more seeds of doubt in your head lmao

But yes I think about other sex partners with any current partner. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only guy doing this lol
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Oh fuck no!! That’s too much information!

I’m always going to think there are 3 in the bed from now on 🙄 mind you .. I am competitive
Posted by Marai
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Dreamy88
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Dreamy88

I keep it a bit on my phone and then I delete it. Can't let them fall into the wrong hands. I don't really forget them though so it stays in my memory

Also, sex positions give me flashbacks to which ever woman did it best

Like there was this one girl I was seeing, best doggy style ever. I always think about her when I'm doing it like that

Hmm... Is this wrong?

Well yes!!! Especially if it’s not the girl you’re doing it with and you’re thinking of someone else!!

Just as well we can’t read your mind though hey?

Now you got me thinking ...

Let me just sprinkle some more seeds of doubt in your head lmao

But yes I think about other sex partners with any current partner. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only guy doing this lol

Oh fuck no!! That’s too much information!

I’m always going to think there are 3 in the bed from now on 🙄 mind you .. I am competitive

Come on, you must have fantasized about someone else other than your partner before. Not even like a hot actor ?

Women are guilty of this too 😛
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It’s been 15 years since I was married ... nowadays I fantasise about the guy I’m actually in bed with 😜
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Dreamy88

I keep it a bit on my phone and then I delete it. Can't let them fall into the wrong hands. I don't really forget them though so it stays in my memory

Also, sex positions give me flashbacks to which ever woman did it best

Like there was this one girl I was seeing, best doggy style ever. I always think about her when I'm doing it like that

Hmm... Is this wrong?

Well yes!!! Especially if it’s not the girl you’re doing it with and you’re thinking of someone else!!

Just as well we can’t read your mind though hey?

Now you got me thinking ...
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That’s what men are like lol 😆
I have thought it before but brushed it off thinking... nah... but after hearing that 🤔

Oh well it is what it is 😂 I’m not the one in a relationship with someone thinking of someone else 🤣🤣🤣
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff
I have your picture saved.
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.
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Under the folder A.
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️
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Thank you.
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️

Thank you.

Fuck you. Enjoy whatever delusion of power it gives you
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Is it really a delusion if the power is real? Whether I actually have your photo or not.. it's got you feeling some type of way.
Posted by BlueStar
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️

Thank you.

Fuck you. Enjoy whatever delusion of power it gives you

Is it really a delusion if the power is real? Whether I actually have your photo or not.. it's got you feeling some type of way.

Welllll I trust you, creep, but I think her point is that it is respectful not to hold that kind of power.
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I feel like everyone on DXP should know by now, that unless you are a disgusting human fuck.. I have no ill intentions. She willingly gives me this power over her when she takes jabs at me.

Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️

Thank you.

Fuck you. Enjoy whatever delusion of power it gives you

Is it really a delusion if the power is real? Whether I actually have your photo or not.. it's got you feeling some type of way.

You get off on the disgust you evoke? That does make perfect sense actually.

Literally as I say enjoy, I’m sure it’s a rare and important source of happiness for you.

And now that I’m certain about you I don’t need to spend another thought on you, no more internal debates on how bad I need to feel for you or whether deep down you’re worth chatting to. I’m free!

Truly it’s only while the debate is still alive in my mind that it matters how much of a creep anyone is. There’s so many of your type everywhere just glad to finally sort you into that box and be done with you
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Thank you for finely understanding the true me. It's like we've known each other forever.
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️

Thank you.

Fuck you. Enjoy whatever delusion of power it gives you

Is it really a delusion if the power is real? Whether I actually have your photo or not.. it's got you feeling some type of way.

You get off on the disgust you evoke? That does make perfect sense actually.

Literally as I say enjoy, I’m sure it’s a rare and important source of happiness for you.

And now that I’m certain about you I don’t need to spend another thought on you, no more internal debates on how bad I need to feel for you or whether deep down you’re worth chatting to. I’m free!

Truly it’s only while the debate is still alive in my mind that it matters how much of a creep anyone is. There’s so many of your type everywhere just glad to finally sort you into that box and be done with you

Thank you for finely understanding the true me. It's like we've known each other forever.

No thank you, got everything I needed.
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Want me to delete the photo of you I don't have?
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu
Posted by _Dazed
Posted by akitu

That is creepy as fuck and I still am praying that dazed is joking when he says that stuff

I have your picture saved.

Then you’re a fucking creep and everything I thought about your morality or respect for women is out the window 🤷‍♀️

Thank you.

Fuck you. Enjoy whatever delusion of power it gives you

Is it really a delusion if the power is real? Whether I actually have your photo or not.. it's got you feeling some type of way.

You get off on the disgust you evoke? That does make perfect sense actually.

Literally as I say enjoy, I’m sure it’s a rare and important source of happiness for you.

And now that I’m certain about you I don’t need to spend another thought on you, no more internal debates on how bad I need to feel for you or whether deep down you’re worth chatting to. I’m free!

Truly it’s only while the debate is still alive in my mind that it matters how much of a creep anyone is. There’s so many of your type everywhere just glad to finally sort you into that box and be done with you

Thank you for finely understanding the true me. It's like we've known each other forever.

No thank you, got everything I needed.

Want me to delete the photo of you I don't have?

I’m done with this
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Really done? Or done like Kim K when she starts posting on FB and IG again?
i have you by memory, sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts
You have my permission to add me to your file exo
Posted by cake

I have no photos saved in my files. I expect people to do the same and if I catch my photos floating in public or sent to third party, you better hope that I don't find out.
Problem is, once you’ve put them on the net it’s out of toe control. Randy John in Ireland could be jerking off to them 🙄
Oh I don't have no pictures of me nowhere on the internet's. And I'm glad. I don't want no creep lady jerking off her pu $ $ y to my pictures. And I don't want my pictures flying around either. I already feel bad being on dxp when we got creeps here already. Uh-uh... no picture.
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts
Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?
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black don't crack, bb! don's good, i'll let him know you're around smile
Posted by sweethearts

If you have a picture of me in your wank bank, is that in your memory or in a file 🤔 🙄
I remember what you look like. You were always very pretty inside and out.
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?
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I'm still gorgeous. smile
Lol I just realized you called it a wank bank. I don't do that but I still can appreciate beauty.
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?

I'm still gorgeous. smile
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Oh.. that wasn’t a summons. Go back to where you came from.
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?

I'm still gorgeous. smile

Oh.. that wasn’t a summons. Go back to where you came from.
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That's no way to talk to your mate!
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?

I'm still gorgeous. smile

Oh.. that wasn’t a summons. Go back to where you came from.

That's no way to talk to your mate!
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I was being polite to exo. Resume your stalking elsewhere @the_governement

I’m out!
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by Chancellor
Posted by sweethearts
Posted by exoskeleton_

i have you by memory, sweethearts

Exo, I saved your pic the other Winking you haven’t aged much in 8 years. Do you still hear from our mate Don?

I'm still gorgeous. smile

Oh.. that wasn’t a summons. Go back to where you came from.

That's no way to talk to your mate!

I was being polite to exo. Resume your stalking elsewhere @the_governement

I’m out!
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