Why do guys automatically assume that if a girl begins to lose interest

This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by whatisthisallabout on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 27 replies.
it is because she felt he likes her too much? Please discuss.

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Posted by P6X58DE
She has hang ups, rather easy to see there.
Would you elaborate more?
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Posted by Seraphlight
Well it could be that he liked her too much. Or other things about him.
Exactly. It can be a number of things (e.g. personality clash).

I think it is interesting that the guy just assumes that it is because she knew he likes her.
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Ya then I assume he is a psycho!
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Would you call him out on that if you see a guy being mean to your cat or his own cat in front of you?
Posted by BuffaloBills28
"I just feel somethings off to be honest" lolll.
What is so funny? Confused
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
It sounds like that dude was saying it as a defense mechanism. Almost like he wanted to be corrected and assured the feeling was mutual or told it was a reason aside from that.

This is genuis! Haven't thought about that. I think it is possible.

Just like when a beautiful girl asking a guy, is it because I am not beautiful so you don't like me? waiting for the guy to say, no no no you are the most beautiful girl I have met. something like that? Big Grin
Posted by BuffaloBills28
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by BuffaloBills28
"I just feel somethings off to be honest" lolll.
What is so funny? Confused
She's not interested, but the way she said it was pretty amusing. Nice girl who doesn't want to hurt anybodies feelings.
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Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
It sounds like that dude was saying it as a defense mechanism. Almost like he wanted to be corrected and assured the feeling was mutual or told it was a reason aside from that.

This is genuis! Haven't thought about that. I think it is possible.

Just like when a beautiful girl asking a guy, is it because I am not beautiful so you don't like me? waiting for the guy to say, no no no you are the most beautiful girl I have met. something like that? Big Grin
Yeah pretty much.

Water mercs do it a lot. Mercury in Gemini/Virgo do to a lesser extent as well.
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Spot on! the guy has mercuy in Pisces. Impressed!!

cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
Has this been true based on your own dating experience??? Confused
Lol it's because most females really don't know what they want so they end up giving mixed signals atleast that's what most guys think they're doing and we end up losing interest.
Posted by Seraphlight
She prob got scared off if he likes her a LOT.
but why?
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
but why?
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
but why?
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I wonder the same thingLaughing
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Ya then I assume he is a psycho!
Would you call him out on that if you see a guy being mean to your cat or his own cat in front of you?
I would cry.
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I see. I was trying to lecture my friend not to be mean to his cat. It totally broke my heart. Serena is the cat.

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Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Ya then I assume he is a psycho!
Would you call him out on that if you see a guy being mean to your cat or his own cat in front of you?
I would cry.
I see. I was trying to lecture my friend not to be mean to his cat. It totally broke my heart. Serena is the cat.

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UGGGHHH... BE NICE TO CATS! I will yell at her if I were you. @_@
Posted by firebunny
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Ya then I assume he is a psycho!
Would you call him out on that if you see a guy being mean to your cat or his own cat in front of you?
I would cry.
I see. I was trying to lecture my friend not to be mean to his cat. It totally broke my heart. Serena is the cat.

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UGGGHHH... BE NICE TO CATS! I will yell at her if I were you. @_@
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haha ok. giving him a taste of his own medicine it is.
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Seraphlight
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by firebunny
That's what I assume too but why do girls lose interest anyway? Interesting topic, btw.
Really? That's what you think too?

I think it can be many other things, such as, he is mean to her cat.
Ya then I assume he is a psycho!
Would you call him out on that if you see a guy being mean to your cat or his own cat in front of you?
I would cry.
I see. I was trying to lecture my friend not to be mean to his cat. It totally broke my heart. Serena is the cat.

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We must kill him.
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It really really bothers me and I have been thinking about it all day. Maybe we should put him down and save the cat Winking

Posted by sagsagsag
I think it's defense mechanism against rejection..

A likes B, B likes A: they meet halfway

A likes B, B doesnt like A: B pulls away and vice versa.

It has nothing to do with one showing interest. If showing interest becomes a turn off to B, then B is not ready for a relationship to begin with.

that's true. i don't think showing interest itself should be a turn off.
Posted by Seraphlight
What about this cat then? Who do we have to punish?
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
but why?
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idk? maybe the more difficult something is to get the more valuable it appears to be?
Posted by Ophiuchus
Posted by firebunny
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101
but why?
idk? maybe the more difficult something is to get the more valuable it appears to be?
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based on your experience? are you a girl btw? coz when i like somebody and she likes me too, it's tango.
Posted by Seraphlight
B only wants to take it so far. B realizes A likes B a lot more than B likes A and B doesn't want to risk Hurting A. Or more honestly B doesn't want to risk getting into a commitment with A.
makes sense...
She's a lesbian?
Posted by LuckyLibra979
We don't assume shit we know women are wishy washy its just a mans nature to dig for results while women leave shit hanging
Hahaha exactly