women on their period

This topic was created in the The Man Cave forum by CreepyPants on Wednesday, March 5, 2014 and has 26 replies.
for those of you guys in a relationship or something similar??_
when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?
actually??_ first lemme ask??_ do you have any idea what we're going through???
Posted by CreepyPants

when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?

Posted by Rabbit
You, Ms CreepyPants, have answered your own question by posting in The Man Cave.

this is where the men are??_. i demand answers
Posted by tiziani
What is the point of this sub forum?


??_ i am not sorry smile
fine. i'm a lil sorry.
Posted by DonumDei

Creepster, hun... I suggest you delete the thread, change your identity and preferably join the witness protections program.
The shitstorm is brewing. Big Grin

damn, Donum??_ who's side? thanks for the suggestion, but i'll be pressing on with this??_
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by CreepyPants

when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?

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lmfao, all caps and death doesn't do it justice.
of all theories, i believe this one the most??_
our estrogen and progesterone levels are at their lowest during the cycle, which means our testosterone/estrogen ratio is more evened out??_
higher testosterone ratio = horniness
I act normal as I always would. Why would I change my behavior for one week a month, because someone else is on an emotional roller coaster?
I somewhat know what you are going through, but the more important point is that YOU know what you are going through. It's been happening most of your lives, yet many ladies still have no idea how to handle it. Being on your period gives you no right to treat me, or anyone else like shit, so I don't give get out of jail free cards.
It's your period, it comes once a month -- every month, learn to deal with it. You know what is happening so get off everyone else's ass, and quit using it as an excuse for your shitty behavior. Take a Xanax and chill the eff out.
What was the question again? .....

i won't speak for all of women, but i do know the important thing. the question is??_ do you MEN know what we are going through?
many of us know how to prepare for it, but to "handle" it is an entirely different thing that is arguably impossible. it's not that simple when you are talking about hormones that effect emotions which are a part of every day life. every day life being kind of a wild card. and when you are in a relationship??_ emotions are very much a part of every day life. and this is just one aspect of the ordeal. there's the whole physical part??_ which all by itself??_ is a force to be reckoned with.
and i would never use any of it as an excuse for bad behavior. not ever. i don't condone it either.
but really... when at times even the max strength morphine derived pain killer can't quell the physical agony that you are in??_ "learn to deal with it" is one of the most insensitive things that could be said.
but i don't expect guys to know this. or at least the gravity of all of it. i see how many of you are??_ pretty shy about the whole subject. and most women don't wanna go into the gory detail! so we're not really helping you help us at all.
i bring all of this up because my sweet bf of 3 months and i had kind of a bad night a week ago when i closed up and sort of iced him out. i knew i was in a bad mood and didn't want to project it onto him and he was having a hard time understanding my self conscious issues. bless his macho heart, he actually googled "how to make a woman feel better while on her period"
holy shit.
we had a lengthy discussion about what happens??_ i told him all the signs that i notice when it's around the corner. i told him exactly what i go through, and if i'm feeling bad??_ i told him exactly what he could do if he wanted to help me.
now it all makes sense to both of us. smooth sailing isn't guaranteed from here on out, but i know we'll be able to navigate with few problems!
Mostly the biggest thing that would help and that I want is to be cuddled and coddled a little because things hurt, my mood is all over and I want to be soothed. It's as simple as that.
and my point is??_
i know many couples have issues, arguments, around the time of the woman's period.
as much as we all wanna pass the buck??_ let's be honest??_ both parties have to deal. it effects both men and women in relationships.
knowledge is power!
Posted by MoonArtist
Mostly the biggest thing that would help and that I want is to be cuddled and coddled a little because things hurt, my mood is all over and I want to be soothed. It's as simple as that.

same here??_ but in all my past relationships, as soon as dear bf found out i was on the rag, they were outa sight.
which is fine! but ouch. and yes, sometimes it caused problems.
Posted by CreepyPants
Posted by Rabbit
You, Ms CreepyPants, have answered your own question by posting in The Man Cave.

this is where the men are??_. i demand answers
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You "demand"?
not anymore. i have my answers Tongue
Posted by CreepyPants
i the question is??_ do you MEN know what we are going through?

NO, I'll tell you what the question is.
The question is do you WOMEN know what men go through, working long hours and coming home to a wife who wants to have sex?
Do you?


i mean??_ noooo...
but i know what it's like being the hornball with a tired bf smile
*rape chills*
Ok. Just a simple question.
the question was for men
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by CreepyPants
i the question is??_ do you MEN know what we are going through?

NO, I'll tell you what the question is.
The question is do you WOMEN know what men go through, working long hours and coming home to a wife who wants to have sex?
Do you?



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I have this need, and desire to make mischief. Naturally I go to the Man Cave to find a place to make mischief, and what do I find? A post about CFM time (Closed For Maintenance). That the women's are talking about their periods in a thread in the Man Cave forum is quite delightful to me and I have to say I Did Have A Chuckle. *****me chuckling now*****
It has been my experience that Most Men are very uncomfortable with this topic and all things surrounding and including this topic. As a note, I think the one thing you can be thankful for is that all of us Women's have probably not synched yet for then you would have a very serious problem!
Then again.... maybe we are Big Grin
and this one I just learned today from IS

you all love it

and me

and you know what?

i love you all right back.

xoxo smile
Posted by enfant_terrible
Posted by CreepyPants

when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?

click to expand

Posted by CancerOnTheCusp
Ok. Just a simple question.

Where else would a question about a woman's nether regions be posted? If we weren't supposed to talk about lady parts here they wouldn't have called it "the man cave".
Posted by CreepyPants
for those of you guys in a relationship or something similar??_
when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?
actually??_ first lemme ask??_ do you have any idea what we're going through???

Honest answer to op:
Medically/physically yes, I have a very good idea what is going on. Emotionally/mentally, no, I have no clue. I imagine if my dick bled 1/4 of the time it would irritate me.
As for comforting... I don't need any, why would I? As for her, I'm a loving, attentive partner anyway, I run and hide. Haha, it really ain't that different. Try to minimize the stupid shit I do and give her a little less crap about hers. Don't bring up those touchy subjects that I have cruel opinions on. You know, that kind of stuff.
Posted by Sugarfoot
Posted by FixedWater
. That the women's are talking about their periods in a thread in the Man Cave forum is quite delightful to me and I have to say I Did Have A Chuckle. *****me chuckling now*****

This was my exact reaction to seeing this thread here. I was laughing my ass off. Then Tiz asked what's the point of this sub forum and I laughed even harder.
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teehee. guys it just struck me that many of you probably have no idea of the turmoil we go through physically and emotionally.
and i figured opening up some healthy discussion on it might save some couples (or future couples) an argument once a month.
i think if you have a level-headed lady, she won't take her crap out on you. ever really, and this situation is no exception. but it sucks for us. some way more than others. it's akin to be sick once a month. show us a lil love.
Posted by LibraSid
Posted by CreepyPants
for those of you guys in a relationship or something similar??_
when your chick is on the rag??_ how do you treat her or the situation? how do you comport yourself?
actually??_ first lemme ask??_ do you have any idea what we're going through???

Honest answer to op:
Medically/physically yes, I have a very good idea what is going on. Emotionally/mentally, no, I have no clue. I imagine if my dick bled 1/4 of the time it would irritate me.
As for comforting... I don't need any, why would I? As for her, I'm a loving, attentive partner anyway, I run and hide. Haha, it really ain't that different. Try to minimize the stupid shit I do and give her a little less crap about hers. Don't bring up those touchy subjects that I have cruel opinions on. You know, that kind of stuff.
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perfect. *kisses fingertips*