A photographer...

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by LillyPetal on Sunday, February 5, 2017 and has 9 replies.
...asked me to allow him to photograph me at his studio. "You look interesting" is what he told me as I was leaving a local theater performance.

My boyfriend was there and I glanced at him after the photographer made his offer. "Why not?" So, I wrote my name and number on his program with the pen his wife gave me. He wants to set a date to do it.

An artist once asked to paint me, "I love your look" she had told me.

Anyone else experience this? It's not even about being drop dead gorgeous because I'm really not. There is something about me that they seem to want to capture. Did you say yes? How did it turn out?

I'm at a Sheetz getting ready to down a veggie burrito and a bucket of fries - just me making sure I don't like this go to my head. Heh
Posted by Impulsv
Be safe
Thank you, I will. My Capricorn will accompany me. *^_^*
I was going to say Don't go alone... but good

you're taking the Cap.

Esp. because they're soo eternally good about

*not* making decisions on impulse.

It can be a drag but its mostly good stuff.

Come back and tell us how it went for you.

If your Cappy is with you, you will be safe! Big Grin

Congrats btw and best wishes smile
Oh very nice , I've had similar things happen as well but I turned them down ? Lol
On vacation some japanese wanted to take a photo of me.

I could not deny it, I love art. And Japan.

Sometimes I smile thinking I appear in some japanese familiar album x)

"Veggie burrito and a bucket of fries" you have style , *nom nom nom*
I am going to be honest woman need to honestly say I am a person before a woman... remember men are people too.

I am not saying all men are not just trying to hook up with you... how ever if you don't just jump in the sack right away then what does it matter.

I am saying hold your lines it is that simple. Just because a woman is attractive does not mean it give them a right to be full of themselves... I particularly watch woman no mater how attractive and evaluate how thy handle themselves.

After all looks in most woman fade at 35 to 40... I particularly am interested to see what a woman did in her 20's...

All I know is we have a lot of woman that treat there looks as though it was good as gold.

I am not trying to be down... on it. Just have some class... you never know who some else is. ?

You should post a painting of yourself here smile
I really feel that @piscesmoon2 summarized my feelings. What does it matter, really, if you don't intend on bedding them? But as the other posters said, definitely bring your Cap along smile