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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
"he doesn't compare"
"it's just that i keep having these dreams involving you..i'm not sure what they mean"
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
"you're my favorite person"
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Jun 14, 2017Comments: 1119 · Posts: 10883 · Topics: 28
" OMG If I had a kiss from you I could die right now and be a happy man "
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Oct 05, 2016Comments: 815 · Posts: 4576 · Topics: 0
2 years ago at new years eve I was talking to a rich girl from Honkong
Her: What's your zodiac sign?
Me: Sag
Her: Oh wow, my dad is a Sag too. I hate him.
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Jan 10, 2015Comments: 1929 · Posts: 17032 · Topics: 108
Aries woman: I'm going to mark my territory on you and make you mine.
Me: Should we like go to the bathtub first? It sounds messy.
Aries: Not literally, metaphorically..
Me: Oh...
Wait, you said pickup lines? Let me think.
Does simply talking to me count?
What was your name again?
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Mar 27, 2017Comments: 1255 · Posts: 12836 · Topics: 29
I will be coming here every now and then babe. I am missing you already.
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Feb 08, 2015Comments: 88 · Posts: 2780 · Topics: 55
My ex leo affaire... I was at a club and then a random guy approached me saying" sorry to disturb you but I'm here to ask you if my friend may introduce himself to you"
I was like "eehhh okaaay?..." was kinda surprised but not offended since that guy was very friendly, not drunk and seemed very polite.
Then the leo came up to me, shaked my hand and introduced himself. Few minutes later he suggested for us to go outside since it was too damn loud. Outside we were talking for 2h straight and none of us thought about going back inside - we were so focussed on eachother.
Then he asked me - and that was the best "pick up line" I ever heard - "can I invite you to drink some peppermint tea with me soon?"
That was it and my traditional cap venus heart melted like fucking butter....
We had an affaire with lots of up and down for almost 3 years - and we named our hangout time T&T (tea and talk) although it was obviously waaaay more than just T&T each time. Later when I asked him why he sent his friend to approach me instead of going after me himself (like he can have every damn girl he wants) he said "the last time I did this was with my ex gf & you had a smile that brightened up the whole room next to all the other girls just staring at their phone and who never smile"
Man... that fucker......
Leo sun/asc/moon/venus/merc
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Aug 24, 2011Comments: 17 · Posts: 5119 · Topics: 78
Good one, OP. Let me think of the ones that werent so...explicit.
"I can't find my sister, can you help me find her?"
"So are you going to take my number?" after sparking a conversation by pressing her breasts against my back for no reason. (Not the first time this line has been said or the first time this action has been taken)
"You should...come over"