Posted by LethalFantasiaBeauty is temporary. Intelligence lasts a lifetime
I believe that the majority of young beautiful women believe that they HAVE to look a certain way to "survive" because they don't believe in their own inner power and what they can accomplish if you strip away the main thing they identify with
Posted by 777You talking like an ugly woman...Posted by LethalFantasiaBeauty is temporary. Intelligence lasts a lifetime
I believe that the majority of young beautiful women believe that they HAVE to look a certain way to "survive" because they don't believe in their own inner power and what they can accomplish if you strip away the main thing they identify withclick to expand
Posted by stopeHow?
Found out recently how skin deep beauty can be at times..
Posted by 777First let me say that I'm not a gold digger and never been one. In my early 20s I realized money doesn't guarantee happiness, nor it helps you find love. I'm beautiful and intelligent, have dealt with both upper and middle class guys, good looking and not so good looking. I always used to say, looks catch attention, but intelligence and personality keeps. This theory only works with guys from upper class, middle class guys only care about looks, I always test man's ability to hold a conversation on his own and if he can keep up with my mind, once I find match I get all excited, I like to be challenged in conversations, I like to discuss things. Guys from middle class are completely different story, I have nothing to talk about with them, I throw topics here and there and I get shrugs or one word responses. I got a new book the other day and posted a photo on facebook, I was really excited. One of my friends approved my choice, conversation started and turns out she has no clue who the writer is, nor what he writes and certainly has never read anything of his.
All it takes is looks to get a rich guy. I think it takes more tact, intellect, and endurance than most young women imagine. They are also susceptible to be conned by people posing as rich. I think most of the women trying to strike rich through someone else will settle with someone lower to middle class in the end lol. Experienced gold diggers welcomed to respond
Posted by stopeYour avatar is sure deceiving...Posted by GemitatiWhen she let slip her intentions were more about money and status and herself. I hmphed her hard and showed her the meaning of ice..Posted by stopeHow?
Found out recently how skin deep beauty can be at to expand
Posted by 777Nowadays it takes more than good looks. It used to just be looks.
All it takes is looks to get a rich guy. I think it takes more tact, intellect, and endurance than most young women imagine. They are also susceptible to be conned by people posing as rich. I think most of the women trying to strike rich through someone else will settle with someone lower to middle class in the end lol. Experienced gold diggers welcomed to respond