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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
The Thinker
Pros: The thinker has an open mind. The thinker is clever as can be and curious, with a head full of wonderful ideas that can be considered both unique and original. The thinker is smart enough to think outside the box, and analyze their surroundings with a strong attention to detail and preparedness to learn. The thinker is good with money.
Cons: To be blunt, thinkers just don’t have balls. They may have incredible concepts and ideas that can shoot their careers forward, but they are so afraid to actually put those ideas into effect. They will keep coming up with excuses as to why they haven’t put their concepts into action yet. Due to the thinkers’ attention to fine detail, they are unable to just simply focus on the bigger picture and get the damn thing off the ground.
Fear is also a big problem for thinkers. They tend to think more of the cons of a situation when moving forward and tend to be afraid to leave everything they know and jump into the vast unknown. Things can go straight to hell with one wrong move and thinkers are well aware of that.
Afraid of what could be, thinkers tend to wait for opportunity or change to happen to them, rather than go after it, which it rarely ever does. Because of this fear, thinkers don’t live up to their potential. Depression can easily run rampant with thinkers, seeing as they never had the courage to take a shot with their ideas and successfully turn them into an accomplishment to be proud of."
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May 04, 2012Comments: 4373 · Posts: 50653 · Topics: 564
so basically they are saying that a Thinker's WORST traits is that they can't DO things, because they are afraid, to do it. This is a "detriment"
and it says that thinkers are generally unhappy. Because they live in their heads too much.
Also, a DOER is happier, but here's the thing: the thinker is better with money than doers.
so are you both??? if so, why?
For myself, I am very happy but i notice i can think and do. I am both, but i do notice that my husband is both too. he is a thinker and a doer. but i get the feeling he is mostly a doer. but he generally analyzes everything!! he has virgo. but dominantly fire because that is a DOER.
no wonder they say that air signs in GENERAL are in detriment or fall, because they generally have great fantastic ideas, but they don't put in motion.....
and they are generally unhappy. if you can change this about you, what do you do??
and the DOERS are bad with money in "general" again, but they are brave and fearless. this is probably why air needs fire and fire needs air......