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Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6939 · Posts: 3916 · Topics: 152
My mom, my brothers, cousins, aunts, family friends, and the rest.
Social-medially speaking, I soft-blocked every single one of my family members.
I never wanted them on neither my Facebook or my Instagram to begin with.
I had been dodging my family's social media presence for YEARS.. I either make my account private or I block everyone before they get a chance to discover me.
I deleted my Facebook 4 years ago come this summer.
I think having my family present online really influenced my decision to say fuck Facebook.. Nobody was ever really engaging with me or liking my stuff. People would just see my shit and not like it, but mention it if I saw them person..
Proof that people are in fact watching you on social media, but will ignore engaging with you. Fuck those people.. I would watch those that show that behavior.
Why do we need people in our business anyway??
I just get so fed up with watching my content on Instagram.. I gotta watch what I post, even if my mom says she won't judge my content..
Instagram was the only thing I had to myself.. It is the only place where I can freely express myself for the rest of the world to see.. My dark humor, the graphic photos, my charring selfies, my topics of discussion, etc.
I don't need my family all up in my head and in my face..
A year ago, my mom BEGGED could she follow me.. Said she would not judge, make comments, etc.. I've told her for years she cannot follow me and that I have her blocked.
She is such a nosey Gemini mom..
Last year, not even a week into following me -she called me about the selfies I posted..
Says my jaw look like I had a stroke.. And why did I do my face like that and yadda yadda..
I told her straight up, "MOM, I WILL BLOCK YOU... DON'T START THAT SHIT".
Instantly nipped that shit in the bud with my mom calling me about my shit ..
I gave my mom a chance..
Since then, she has kept her word for the most part, about not making comments and judgement about my posts.. My brothers even followed me after, then my cousins.. And it was just beginning to be too much.
I still had to ghost my family. They just don't give me the space I want.
Even though I live in a completely different city than my family.. I don't think social media makes us that much closer. You can video call me, text, and just call.. Invite me places..
I just think you wanna be nosey once you ask about social media..
Even my dad still asking about Facebook 3-4 years later... I ain't been on Facebook in YEARS and this fool still talking about add him or go on Facebook..
Does he think I'm lying and don't want him on my shit??
He would be correct in that case, but except I really don't give a fuck about Facebook.
I'm a very private person, and I'm just now learning to enforce my boundaries..
I never had boundaries growing up, and I think that's why I'm so angry sometimes - because I let people and family violate me and my space too many times in life.. And never stood up for myself until it was too late.
Now I'm cockblocking the first sign of trynna fuck me or my fuck my space.. And just the thought of anyone trynna do that to me gets me so angry..
I just realized - letting my mom convince me to let my immediate family on my Instagram was a huge breach in my boundaries..
I had to remember... I put that wall up for a reason.. It should have never come down.
I feel slightly bad about it... But I'm happier this way and that's all that matters.
My mom noticed and she took it the wrong way and blocked me. Do I give a fuck??? No..
I'm a freak. I'm weird. I like to cuss. I like sex. I like women. I like explicit content. I like gore and gross shit. I like dark comedy. I like conspiracy and taboo topics...
Nobody but very special that are just like me understand this..
My family don't t understand me.. What made me think that following me would help them??
I can feel their judgement through the wires of my flesh connecting through the universe from them.. I can feel them judging me, and I don't care but they won't continue to see me..
See me so open ever again.
Anyone ghost their family??
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
yes. fb died for me once my mom invaded
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Sep 03, 2016Comments: 36289 · Posts: 40796 · Topics: 321
I see parents commenting on their adult kids FB page
Leave them alone....
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Feb 23, 2013Comments: 22238 · Posts: 25616 · Topics: 84
I deleted my fwb and blocked my nosy family from seeing my Instagram stories lmao. They can just see the old pics and memes I post on my page. It works for me.
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Jan 27, 2019Comments: 2 · Posts: 1548 · Topics: 27
My father has requested me numerous times. It's a NO from me.
NOR am I interested in my siblings.
I have plenty of cousins on my page but I may only post once a month so.....
What I find entertaining is focusing and mingling with the GROUPS I've joined. Lots of fun there. Everything else I couldn't care less about.