Is this true?

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by whatisthisallabout on Monday, January 23, 2017 and has 14 replies.
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

I kept on rejecting a girl from my class (who, while not atrocious, isn't as appealing character-wise) who likes me, however, I ended up kinda friendzoning her (primarily because I am chasing someone else) about a month ago. She didn't necessarily act desperate during all of this time, but there was some kind of chasing going on.

Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I kept on rejecting a girl from my class (who, while not atrocious, isn't as appealing character-wise) who likes me, however, I ended up kinda friendzoning her (primarily because I am chasing someone else) about a month ago. She didn't necessarily act desperate during all of this time, but there was some kind of chasing going on.


You said she didn't act desparate during all of this time, but I am curious if your rejcting her ended up fueling her fire? Or was she very persistent/consistent the whole time and was not influenced by your rejection?
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I kept on rejecting a girl from my class (who, while not atrocious, isn't as appealing character-wise) who likes me, however, I ended up kinda friendzoning her (primarily because I am chasing someone else) about a month ago. She didn't necessarily act desperate during all of this time, but there was some kind of chasing going on.


You said she didn't act desparate during all of this time, but I am curious if your rejcting her ended up fueling her fire? Or was she very persistent/consistent the whole time and was not influenced by your rejection?
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I think she remained persistent in terms of chasing, but she did become slightly more direct in her effort over time, making it a bit less obvious.
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

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Depends on the girl. For most i know ...this doesn't hold true .

I personally haven't liked guys who showed less interest .
"The less the guy is into a girl, the more she wants him" - This seems more like a case where the girl is looking for validation from a place she's not getting it. If I were that girl, I'd probably lose interest as soon as I know that the guy is finally into me.
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by TheGreatSearcher
I kept on rejecting a girl from my class (who, while not atrocious, isn't as appealing character-wise) who likes me, however, I ended up kinda friendzoning her (primarily because I am chasing someone else) about a month ago. She didn't necessarily act desperate during all of this time, but there was some kind of chasing going on.


You said she didn't act desparate during all of this time, but I am curious if your rejcting her ended up fueling her fire? Or was she very persistent/consistent the whole time and was not influenced by your rejection?
I think she remained persistent in terms of chasing, but she did become slightly more direct in her effort over time, making it a bit less obvious.
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Thanks for the elaboration smile
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

Depends on the girl. For most i know ...this doesn't hold true .

I personally haven't liked guys who showed less interest .
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Based on my observation, it only works if the guy was very interested in the beginning and then pulled away, then the girl began to chase... have you noticed something like that? Confused
Posted by Teena
"The less the guy is into a girl, the more she wants him" - This seems more like a case where the girl is looking for validation from a place she's not getting it. If I were that girl, I'd probably lose interest as soon as I know that the guy is finally into me.
This is very true! I have seen that. a friend of mine was teasing this really shy guy all the time. when he finally asked her out, she was like meh, not interested.
Posted by PeanutButterandElly
Yeah it works but the circumstances have to be right.

The guy normally has to express some interest first. Something to show the woman attention. Then he starts to back off or hammer the brakes. A lot of times the woman will volley back and wonder 'wait, why is he not giving me as much attention anymore?'

You see threads like that all the time.

By the same token, it typically only works on the more insecure or unaware types, women who don't really know what they want so they just follow whatever stimulates their feelings. Hot/cold relationships fit into that mold nicely.

Women who are more innately confident or who know what they're looking for tend to bore of someone who's not interested so it wouldn't really work.
oh yes oh yes oh yeas. I actually agree with everything you said hereLaughing
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

Depends on the girl. For most i know ...this doesn't hold true .

I personally haven't liked guys who showed less interest .

Based on my observation, it only works if the guy was very interested in the beginning and then pulled away, then the girl began to chase... have you noticed something like that? Confused
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True i agree . We get use to of the attention and it disturbs us when it goes Big Grin . (except for when the attentions is from some creep)

Posted by marshmallow
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by marshmallow
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

Depends on the girl. For most i know ...this doesn't hold true .

I personally haven't liked guys who showed less interest .

Based on my observation, it only works if the guy was very interested in the beginning and then pulled away, then the girl began to chase... have you noticed something like that? Confused
True i agree . We get use to of the attention and it disturbs us when it goes Big Grin . (except for when the attentions is from some creep)

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haha yea. if the person is simply a creep. good riddanceLaughing

Posted by DickButt
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Ophiuchus
cause the less ur into a girl the more she wants you

this is relationships 101

I don't think it's necessarily you being less into her that triggers her to like you. It's you not being overwhelming, and being a bit detached which gives her the freedom to breathe and like you more as time goes on. Obviously she has to have some type of interest in you in the first place, so you can't really be this way with every woman and her fall for you. But just being naturally go with the flow, giving her space, letter her come to you, and then reciprocating and doing the same will help your cause. Guys often forget that they are dealing with another individual, who has feelings, a thought process, and her own pace.
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now you are talking smile
Posted by whatisthisallabout
Posted by Teena
"The less the guy is into a girl, the more she wants him" - This seems more like a case where the girl is looking for validation from a place she's not getting it. If I were that girl, I'd probably lose interest as soon as I know that the guy is finally into me.
This is very true! I have seen that. a friend of mine was teasing this really shy guy all the time. when he finally asked her out, she was like meh, not interested.
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If love is not the base to want someone more, then yeah this might happen.