Love in the house of dreams, illusions, undoing...Does it make one have a wrong perception about love, feeling that no one really cares, even the closest people like Family or friends?
As the moon rules the emotions and Saturn representes restriction, limitation, duty and work...
Being this moon in scorpio would make this even more sad? As this placement would provide depth and intensity to these sad feelings?
Articles around the
Would mind giving your opinion, please.
hi! :) what's your sun & moon sign combination, and what would you say are your relationship styles/patterns? long-term and committed, detached and flighty, clingy, independent, romantic, etc, etc.?
Let's have a fun creative forum for once! What about the sign would make the person? What element would the sign be? Get creative!
Ex: I would want a bear or dragon sign, element most likely fire
I feel the dragon would be more spiritually enlighten
Why people make it feels we are so hard to love? They're caught up in our natural self-composed traits and associate it control or constraints. And forgetting our soft, loving nature.
I have....well going through this makeup or breakup for good phase
i need an advice about an Aquarius man,, i knew him from year and half, he was hesitated about our relation, but he after 5 months we got engaged,, he has some problems in his work and some bad experiences in relationships, also he loves living alo
Hola! So it's thing thing with this Scorpi born 2nd November. We are college mates and have been friends for over a year.However, we have gotten close only from last year September. Frequent non-stop textings started and he would come sit with me in one o
My love for her is so strong it makes me think of death... How Ironic we went to go see Edgar Allen Poe together.....
We drove for a day Trip yesterday to Baltimore. Just me and her. Were together from 3:30pm until about 3:30am by the time we got bac
Watching porn isn't enough when you need intellectual stimulation. is so hard to find guys to give you intellectual communication, most guys are dumb or just want sex then when they want to settle down look for a (maid) as their partner..."You know, some