I believe my mom has a severe mental issue , and it’s been getting worse over the years now it’s at its peak . Me and my family have been trying to advise her to get help but she’s persistent in believing what she believes is real and that everyone is aga
"you're already cute/handsome."
So I talked to my officemates re this beautiful hot smoking lady I was dating.
We broke up because she said something that irked me.
I was thinking, this chick must be damn stupid.
My officemates - who were all girls - told me that I have to understand
So this Gemini guy I was dating. Was continuously on and off with me but he’s always say it’s becauss he was going through a lot or he was falling and he didn’t want to or he was afraid it would get to serious . And the last time he left he told me her l
Do guys focus on a girl overall or you guys have specific wants 're certain body types?
I have heard about the boob and bum boys, but does it means if you like either or both, you don't mind other bits?
Do you have any tips on dating that you stand by? Any good/bad dating experiences that schooled you?
So I wanna start dating around and having fun. Only been on dates with my ex so I'm really nervous.
Also If you don't want a commited relationship when
It shows for me, but when I log out, I see they're not showing up. I just signed up and confirmed my email...does it take time for posts to show?
Of course this one won't show publicly either probably, but maybe the admin can see it?
Wow I’m going to be rolling in my grave with regrets 😂
I never thought anyone could make me feel this way. Let alone even have feelings 😂
Who would have ever thought these two were compatible ? It makes sense.
Something about a Gemini girl with glas