Mistake made- Lost chance with a hot fighter pilot- lesson learnt: male friends can be bitches.

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by Bloop on Friday, December 9, 2016 and has 1 replies.
I made a business acquaintance around August, call him M ..... He casually mentioned about his best buddy (call him A) being a pilot. That pilot guy is all over M's facebook pictures and both of them are like super hot (and go women "hunting" and are each other's wingmen). (This was all I knew from facebook).

Now, I don't really like commercial pilots when it comes to dating because they already have loads of hot women options around them. Moreover I had already had an image of A's in my mind where I thought he'd be just like those handsome pilots who sleep around with cabin crew.

When I met A (the supposed pilot) in person at a social event, he asked me for my number (Aries sun) head on and I refused (thinking he was the typical commercial pilot) saying "I'm not interested in dating and I work at a sewage treatment plant and I clean other people's potties".

Second meeting he did the same. I cooked up an even weird story about how I sell sauce and was only there at the event to find buyers.

He backed off saying "haha...okay..seems like you are really into your selling...bye".

I told M about me trolling his friend. and how I didnt like him. M told me he was meeting him next day.

Later I stalked him a little and I found out he was a fucking fighter pilot in the navy that too topper of his batch.

Inside my head : Ok, so not only is he a goddamn fighter pilot...HE IS FUCKING HOT....

I approached him pretending to be casual asking "are you a commercial pilot ?" (knowing very well at this point he wasn't)

He was like "save the effort....my friend (M), told me about you....and stop being so weird". (I know super embarrasing).

What had happened: M, being an asshole had told A the fact that I told him about trolling his friend. (and he didnt tell me that he had told A this).

So A had already known (at the point when I approached him), that I very well knew he was a fighter pilot and was just hitting on him.


So ladies, if you are ever approached by guy that seems like a lame option, don't assume. Talk to him first.