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Mar 30, 2017Comments: 6931 · Posts: 3915 · Topics: 152
I talk shit about feminism, but I think feminism has reduced a lot of pressure on women and put certain toxic behaviors and attitudes against women IN CHECK.
I know the women here like to believe that I got hate, and I look at women are certain way and shit, but I been saying for the longest - I'm all about truth, not ignorance. A lot of the negative beliefs ya'll have about my threads stem from you thinking I got a old school "macho" toxic masculinity mindset, which would be an ignorant way to look at women.
I been accused of thinking it's 1952 and all this shit...
So just to clear things, I was doing some thinking and I believe feminism is a good thing. Its just women want to stand up for something and end up lookin stupid or cringe... I just can't stand the cornball feminist, and "feminist men" have become women's biggest ass-kissers, trynna get in bitches good gracious - I just think feminism has created more beta males than we need on this earth.
I got a mother and a baby sister who is 5, I have ex-girlfriends I love dearly and want to see be the best they can be and not be subjected to some stupid "man" shit.
Hitting women -
I believe feminism has checked men hitting women. Back in the day and even now, it was a woman's fault why she got almost beat to death... If you watch Jennifer Lopez's abuse movie "Enough" - there is a scene where she rides to her husband's mother house after he beat her ass real good; and his mother immediately says "what did you say to him". Which just means it was essentially her fault... They always use to say "why you piss that man off, you shouldn't of been fuckin with that man like that".. Things that suggest it was the woman's fault.
Back then, men didn't have game and was heavily bluepilled. Not knowing women test your strength, they tease, they can't be left to their own devices, and etc.. When women shit-test men, get confrontational, or simply have an opinion, and the man responds with anger, abuse, getting physical... It's just he simply got no game and doesn't understand women's nature, - and that masculine energy is used to balance feminine energy and neutralize the relationship.
WITH ALL THE DATING BOOKS, VIDEOS, AND WOMEN'S STUDIES - Men should know by now to remain rational, cool, calm and it's not even a big deal... Which is STRENGTH. Abusing her, acting a fool and getting emotional (anger or sadness) is WEAK.
I'm not saying let a woman cuss you out, disrespect you, or even hit you either, but if you remain calm and say something of the effect of - "can we talk like adults".. What can fucking go wrong?? What mature humanbeing would continue to verbally hound you when you aren't returning that energy? Try to restrain her if she getting physical, or just leave... Leaving hurts bitches a lot more.
A man that hits women for petty shit, or at all - is weak.
Raping women/Sexual harassment -
Back in the day, women use to be pressured for sex by their bosses, co-workers, friends, etc. Especially at work. A boss could push up on a woman, she may not want to lose her job or have fewer hours on her schedule, and that is what I call a powerless position. It's not fair and it's thirsty beta behavior. Men use their job/authority to get pussy. Feminism has put this in check. Men use their hierarchy to get pussy, excluding women that willingly wanted to be sexually active at work with the boss.. But I don't believe a boss' many female works - ALL wanted to throw themselves at him. A lot of times, it is pressure. When women were raped, it was again, "her fault".It was blamed on her outfit, the time of night she was out, etc. I say that is bullshit... You don't take sexual advantage of anyone for any reason. A girl could be laying buttnaked on the couch using a damn vibrator she got from her purse... A man could think she is a tease all he wants. That is on him. That don't give you the right to rape nofuckinbody. No means no. Keep your thirsty ass hands to yourfuckinself. Rape is just thirsty ass beta male behavior. Rape is not alpha. Ya'll guys got a fucked up perception of alpha tendencies... An alpha tendency is an abundant mindset and knowing consensual sex is accessible, whether from her or another woman. ABUNDANCE.
You sexually abused/harassed a woman - You SHOULD be hated. You SHOULD be in prison.
Backtalk -
A woman is not your fuckin kid, slave, none of that shit.
"She backtalked me". You can ask a woman to be quiet while you are talking and don't allow her to talk over you - but fuck is all this "backtalk" bullshit?? You can say what you want and she can't say SHIT?? It don't fuckin work like that. Even if you not gonna agree with her and know her point is ineffective, but "backtalk"? Fuck, is she your daughter or your girl? Fuck outta here. Some of ya'll just weak and don't know how to handle augmentative situations, especially from your girlfriend. "No backtalk" is bullshit... Your girl is a grown ass woman with her own fuckin mind.. Not your property. I preach to "objectify" your girl, to keep things sexy - but I don't agree with literally making women your "property". First off, that's impossible - cuz it's a whole damn human. Not a lamp, or a 40 acres of land out in the country. Don't threaten a woman for "backtalking", shut the fuck up and sit down somewhere. Feminism CHECKED THAT SHIT.
Women HAVE been oppressed in this world.
A little girl can't even tell her mom that her step-dad touched her, because the mom won't believe them... Or really don't want to.. Because the mom wants to keep her fuckin man. It's pitiful.
Equal pay -
I have said before that I didn't *exactly* believe that women get paid less... I use to say it's a profile thing, not a woman-thing.. But women do get paid less, because they literally don't offer the same jobs to women as men. For a long time women weren't offered mechanical, machine-operated jobs. I think maybe they weren't trusted, believed they could do it, or psychically capable. Fork-lifting, anything blue collar... Bitch gotta be a damn receptionist, package handler, or some bullshit that simply PAYS LESS. Feminism has checked this. They never gave women a chance... No way in hell it's not one woman in the jobsite that can't operate a fuckin machine. They didn't want to give women a chance.
That's all I have for now.... Fuck you if you contribute to any type of oppression of people.
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Dec 14, 2016Comments: 7399 · Posts: 18799 · Topics: 84
Without feminism, we wouldn't have had Woman's Suffrage. I like the fact that I can vote now without being "land owner".
Feminism has always had benefits.
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Dec 24, 2018Comments: 998 · Posts: 331 · Topics: 8
Without feminism, nikkistar wouldn't be able to be a truck stop hooker.