Women in Professions You Should Avoid Relationship/Marriage With

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by Emhendo on Tuesday, February 12, 2019 and has 92 replies.
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This is my OPINION, from what I've observed since people I know and myself have been dating.

I think a woman's career/job increases the chances of infidelity or opportunities for her to meet new people.

And since it's factual that women cheat more than men, and women can't be left to their own devices - they will take these fallacious opportunities.

These are *certified* sluts, in my opinion.

*Full-time* monkeybranchers.

Beware the:

-Blue collar worker chicks;

women that work at warehouses, garages, construction sites, use forklifts and cherrypickers

(this actually deserves it's own section, so):




-Truck Drivers (worst than a flight attendant, traveler)

(She may cheat on you with man OR woman. AHAAA)


-Nurses, CNAs, Doctor Assistants, Dentist Assistants, Nurse Practitioners

-ACTUAL Medical Doctors

-Flight Attendant (THE WORSE, trust me)

-Waitresses/Servers (Gives their number to co-workers AND customers)

-TEACHERS; highschool teachers, elementary school, college professors

-Bartending bitches

-Strippers (You gotta be stupid.. But it fucking happens)

- Tattoo Apprentices/Artist

-Artist (AHAHA)

-Yoga Instructor/Dance instructor/Any instructor

-Receptionist (stay giving out her number)

-Cosmetologist (she admires beauty too much)

-REAL ESTATE (You don't impress her)

-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)



-3rd shift/overnight stockers at grocery stores

-Telephone Interviewers/Call Center (A big fuck fest at these places)

-Office/Cubical (They have a "Work husband" and the men have a "Work wife".. And they fucking the boss)

-Still in College, or going to tradeschool


-Security, Prison workers(They looking for a real man, you ain't it)

-Surgeons (they all fuck each other like Grey's Anatomy and shit)

-Any Sales position, a woman in Sale

-Lot lizard



*I also wouldn't prefer women in government/state/federal jobs for relationships...

Don't trust these hoes

Women that are "OKAY" for relationships (girlfriend/wife):


-Pre-School Teacher

-Public relations specialists

-Bank Tellers (maybe)

-Technical writers/writers/journalist

-Designers, architecture

-Non-farm animal caretakers

-Fabric and apparel patternmakers


-Opticians (maybe)

-Animal trainers

-Graders and sorters, agricultural products

-Web developer

-Women that own their own business

-Women that work from home, like an HR Professional or something

-Nail technician



-Psychologist of children or disabled

-Pharmacist (maybe)

Basically these jobs consist of nurturing, or some nerdy shit... But that's all I have for now.
“-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)


Lol. I'm alright then
But this list made me LOL
Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

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Posted by PurplePassion38

I can't believe you have a vagina and you say this simple shit.
Well, you should mind your business on what's in my pants.

Men allowed to call each others pussies and beta males... So fuck difference does it make.

I crack on guys too.. Fuck outta here.

I date women, so fuck difference does it make what I say.. I know a slut when I see one.
Posted by saggurl88

Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

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Don't worry we'll vote you in 🦁
Women that work in male-oriented fields. Can't get enough attention despite that that's all they're getting every day all day.
Posted by Nightcap-

Posted by saggurl88

Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

Don't worry we'll vote you in 🦁
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As long as you feed me meals Tongue
Artists is a good one. There's a lot of talentless cons in that game. I have a friend that just completely rips off Basquiat but makes a decent living doing it 💁‍♂️
I am supremely offended that my profession is not including in here. I would like to submit an application for "lot lizard" and "nail technician" to be added to this list.
OP, I think you should just date men, instead.
Posted by Emhendo

This is my OPINION, from what I've observed since people I know and myself have been dating.

I think a woman's career/job increases the chances of infidelity or opportunities for her to meet new people.

And since it's factual that women cheat more than men, and women can't be left to their own devices - they will take these fallacious opportunities.

These are *certified* sluts, in my opinion.

*Full-time* monkeybranchers.

Beware the:

-Blue collar worker chicks; women that work at warehouses, garages, construction sites, use forklifts and cherrypickers

(this actually deserves it's own section, so):


-Truck Drivers (worst than a flight attendant, traveler)

(She may cheat on you with man OR woman. AHAAA)


-Nurses, CNAs, Doctor Assistants, Dentist Assistants, Nurse Practitioners

-ACTUAL Medical Doctors

-Flight Attendant (THE WORSE, trust me)

-Waitresses/Servers (Gives their number to co-workers AND customers)

-TEACHERS; highschool teachers, elementary school, college professors

-Bartending bitches

-Strippers (You gotta be stupid.. But it fucking happens)

- Tattoo Apprentices/Artist

-Artist (AHAHA)

-Yoga Instructor/Dance instructor/Any instructor

-Receptionist (stay giving out her number)

-Cosmetologist (she admires beauty too much)

-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)



-3rd shift/overnight stockers at grocery stores

-Telephone Interviewers/Call Center (A big fuck fest at these places)

-Office/Cubical (They have a "Work husband" and the men have a "Work wife".. And they fucking the boss)

-Still in College, or going to tradeschool


-Security, Prison workers(They looking for a real man, you ain't it)

-Surgeons (they all fuck each other like Grey's Anatomy and shit)

-Any Sales position, a woman in Sale

I also wouldn't prefer women in government/state/federal jobs for relationships...

Don't trust these hoes

Women that are "OKAY" for relationships (girlfriend/wife):


-Pre-School Teacher

-Public relations specialists

-Bank Tellers (maybe)

-Technical writers/writers/journalist

-Designers, architecture

-Non-farm animal caretakers

-Fabric and apparel patternmakers


-Opticians (maybe)

-Animal trainers

-Graders and sorters, agricultural products

-Web developer

-Women that own their own business

-Women that work from home, like an HR Professional or something

Basically these jobs consist of nurturing, or some nerdy shit... But that's all I have for now.
Wouldn’t that be easier to list those whom you SHOULD date?
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by PurplePassion38

I can't believe you have a vagina and you say this simple shit.
Well, you should mind your business on what's in my pants.

Men allowed to call each others pussies and beta males... I crack on men too.

I date women, so fuck difference does it make what I say.. I know a slut when I see one.

Yeah, you see that slut in the mirror every morning. I think that's why you're so insecure. Usually it's the cheaters who are paranoid.
click to expand

Fuck is your problem.

Get your sorry ass out my face. I actually thought you was cool too.

Fuck you AHAHAHA.

I'm insecure coming from PPPP.

Purple Passion with no Profile Picture.
Posted by nikkistar

I am supremely offended that my profession is not including in here. I would like to submit an application for "lot lizard" and "nail technician" to be added to this list.
Lot lizard and "do yu have boyfreennnn" added the list.
PV&J came back with a vengeance. It's turning me on.
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Black-Mamba

Fight fight fight fight fight fight

LOL. I'm not here to fight. I just hate her chauvinist posts.
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Shut the fuck..... Man, nobody give a fuck what you "hate".

Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Nightcap-

Posted by saggurl88

Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

Don't worry we'll vote you in 🦁
As long as you feed me meals Tongue
We've discussed this already. Boy, you sure move on fast...

click to expand
My bad! I was just playing Tongue

You never bought the ingredients anyways! This Cap eats out at restaurantsLaughing
Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by PurplePassion38

Posted by Emhendo

Posted by PurplePassion38

I can't believe you have a vagina and you say this simple shit.
Well, you should mind your business on what's in my pants.

Men allowed to call each others pussies and beta males... I crack on men too.

I date women, so fuck difference does it make what I say.. I know a slut when I see one.

Yeah, you see that slut in the mirror every morning. I think that's why you're so insecure. Usually it's the cheaters who are paranoid.

Fuck is your problem.

Get your sorry ass out my face. I actually thought you was cool too.

Fuck you AHAHAHA.

I'm insecure coming from PPPP.

Purple Passion with no Profile Picture.

I'm not the one always whining about getting cheated on though.

User Submitted Image

I'm just stating my opinion, stop being sensitive crab. Seriously, why are studs always more chauvinistic than men? I never understand that shit. What's the point of dating a woman and then having to deal with male bullshit.
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Bitch, you just straight up attacked me talking about what I can and can't say - then I defend my right and now I'm a "sensitive crab"? ....Suck a dick.

Can you quote me or show me when I whined about being "CHEATED ON"??? Cuz I did not.

Like get a fuckin life... And your fuckin facts straight.

Because I'm single.

I date multiple women at the moment.

Candidly and happily haven't had a girlfriend in almost two years.

So...... Look.....

There is a whole society and group of men that call themselves "redpilled" or "MGTOW".. And they say some pretty blunt shit.

So "chauvinistic", my ass. You ain't seen NOTHING yet.

I don't have to post what you like. Fuck did you expect me to SAY to you or DO about your dislike??

I'm suppose to say "okay" and delete my shit?? AHAHAHAHAA

GET THE FUCK OUT MY FACE. Fuckin loser...
Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Nightcap-

Posted by saggurl88

Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

Don't worry we'll vote you in 🦁
As long as you feed me meals Tongue
We've discussed this already. Boy, you sure move on fast...

My bad! I was just playing Tongue

You never bought the ingredients anyways! This Cap eats out at restaurantsLaughing
Go, and don't look back! 😫
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BAAAABY!!!!! Crying

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

Posted by Black-Mamba

It's pretty accurate

A guy of high value laugh at this topic. As long as you handle you business at work and in the bedroom the women will cave.
Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by JustBrowsing

Posted by saggurl88

Posted by Nightcap-

Posted by saggurl88

Damn! I'm not on the hoe list! Guest I can be wifed up again then! Big Grin

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image

Don't worry we'll vote you in 🦁
As long as you feed me meals Tongue
We've discussed this already. Boy, you sure move on fast...

My bad! I was just playing Tongue

You never bought the ingredients anyways! This Cap eats out at restaurantsLaughing
Go, and don't look back! 😫
BAAAABY!!!!! Crying

User Submitted Image

User Submitted Image


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User Submitted Image
Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
click to expand
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
Ya whatever...

We still fuck all of thee above.

And don't flatter yourself cuz I never said the "OKAY" jobs were "safe" jobs. Get fuckin real.

Any woman can be a hoe. Duh.

But why not minimize the risk of STD, drama, infidelity, dating single mothers, and shitty westernized women by just singling out a few generalizations that are proven to be accurate enough.

It's "small dick energy" to use your fuckin brain and develop a little common fuckin sense if you desire a relationship/marriage??

If I want a wife - would it be common sense to go find a wife at the strip club?? At a nightclub?

If you wanna "find someone you trust", you take correct measures. Starting where she works.

Nothing wrong with my generalizations.... I would respect ya'll argument a little more if some of you bitches said "not all cops are sluts" or something - rather than trynna use an ever WEAKER argument. "Find someone you trust".

That's dry pussy energy.
That was like every single position?!??!
Posted by stillstillwater

That was like every single position?!??!
Pretty much.

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Emhendo

This is my OPINION, from what I've observed since people I know and myself have been dating.

I think a woman's career/job increases the chances of infidelity or opportunities for her to meet new people.

And since it's factual that women cheat more than men, and women can't be left to their own devices - they will take these fallacious opportunities.

These are *certified* sluts, in my opinion.

*Full-time* monkeybranchers.

Beware the:

-Blue collar worker chicks; women that work at warehouses, garages, construction sites, use forklifts and cherrypickers

(this actually deserves it's own section, so):


-Truck Drivers (worst than a flight attendant, traveler)

(She may cheat on you with man OR woman. AHAAA)


-Nurses, CNAs, Doctor Assistants, Dentist Assistants, Nurse Practitioners

-ACTUAL Medical Doctors

-Flight Attendant (THE WORSE, trust me)

-Waitresses/Servers (Gives their number to co-workers AND customers)

-TEACHERS; highschool teachers, elementary school, college professors

-Bartending bitches

-Strippers (You gotta be stupid.. But it fucking happens)

- Tattoo Apprentices/Artist

-Artist (AHAHA)

-Yoga Instructor/Dance instructor/Any instructor

-Receptionist (stay giving out her number)

-Cosmetologist (she admires beauty too much)

-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)



-3rd shift/overnight stockers at grocery stores

-Telephone Interviewers/Call Center (A big fuck fest at these places)

-Office/Cubical (They have a "Work husband" and the men have a "Work wife".. And they fucking the boss)

-Still in College, or going to tradeschool


-Security, Prison workers(They looking for a real man, you ain't it)

-Surgeons (they all fuck each other like Grey's Anatomy and shit)

-Any Sales position, a woman in Sale

I also wouldn't prefer women in government/state/federal jobs for relationships...

Don't trust these hoes

Women that are "OKAY" for relationships (girlfriend/wife):


-Pre-School Teacher

-Public relations specialists

-Bank Tellers (maybe)

-Technical writers/writers/journalist

-Designers, architecture

-Non-farm animal caretakers

-Fabric and apparel patternmakers


-Opticians (maybe)

-Animal trainers

-Graders and sorters, agricultural products

-Web developer

-Women that own their own business

-Women that work from home, like an HR Professional or something

-Lizard lot

-Nail technician

Basically these jobs consist of nurturing, or some nerdy shit... But that's all I have for now.
Lizard Lot?
click to expand
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by Neshama

Posted by Emhendo

This is my OPINION, from what I've observed since people I know and myself have been dating.

I think a woman's career/job increases the chances of infidelity or opportunities for her to meet new people.

And since it's factual that women cheat more than men, and women can't be left to their own devices - they will take these fallacious opportunities.

These are *certified* sluts, in my opinion.

*Full-time* monkeybranchers.

Beware the:

-Blue collar worker chicks; women that work at warehouses, garages, construction sites, use forklifts and cherrypickers

(this actually deserves it's own section, so):


-Truck Drivers (worst than a flight attendant, traveler)

(She may cheat on you with man OR woman. AHAAA)


-Nurses, CNAs, Doctor Assistants, Dentist Assistants, Nurse Practitioners

-ACTUAL Medical Doctors

-Flight Attendant (THE WORSE, trust me)

-Waitresses/Servers (Gives their number to co-workers AND customers)

-TEACHERS; highschool teachers, elementary school, college professors

-Bartending bitches

-Strippers (You gotta be stupid.. But it fucking happens)

- Tattoo Apprentices/Artist

-Artist (AHAHA)

-Yoga Instructor/Dance instructor/Any instructor

-Receptionist (stay giving out her number)

-Cosmetologist (she admires beauty too much)

-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)



-3rd shift/overnight stockers at grocery stores

-Telephone Interviewers/Call Center (A big fuck fest at these places)

-Office/Cubical (They have a "Work husband" and the men have a "Work wife".. And they fucking the boss)

-Still in College, or going to tradeschool


-Security, Prison workers(They looking for a real man, you ain't it)

-Surgeons (they all fuck each other like Grey's Anatomy and shit)

-Any Sales position, a woman in Sale

I also wouldn't prefer women in government/state/federal jobs for relationships...

Don't trust these hoes

Women that are "OKAY" for relationships (girlfriend/wife):


-Pre-School Teacher

-Public relations specialists

-Bank Tellers (maybe)

-Technical writers/writers/journalist

-Designers, architecture

-Non-farm animal caretakers

-Fabric and apparel patternmakers


-Opticians (maybe)

-Animal trainers

-Graders and sorters, agricultural products

-Web developer

-Women that own their own business

-Women that work from home, like an HR Professional or something

-Lizard lot

-Nail technician

Basically these jobs consist of nurturing, or some nerdy shit... But that's all I have for now.
Lizard Lot?
click to expand
Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Administrator please confirm
click to expand

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Administrator please confirm

click to expand

@xoxflute won the DXPIL Cup so she is now administrator
Posted by nanobot

Where does pilot fall on the list

I mean, I don't really know any pilots but it seems like a hot profession, be it male or female
The private pilots I know try to hook up with their older rich lady clients. Good sugar mama start up.
Posted by nanobot

Where does pilot fall on the list

I mean, I don't really know any pilots but it seems like a hot profession, be it male or female
Seems hot....

I mean, it's attractive - but does that make anyone a hoe??? I don't know.

I gotta think about it
Posted by Emhendo

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
Ya whatever...

We still fuck all of thee above.

And don't flatter yourself cuz I never said the "OKAY" jobs were "safe" jobs. Get fuckin real.

Any woman can be a hoe. Duh.

But why not minimize the risk of STD, drama, infidelity, dating single mothers, and shitty westernized women by just singling out a few generalizations that are proven to be accurate enough.

It's "small dick energy" to use your fuckin brain and develop a little common fuckin sense if you desire a relationship/marriage??

If I want a wife - would it be common sense to go find a wife at the strip club?? At a nightclub?

If you wanna "find someone you trust", you take correct measures. Starting where she works.

Nothing wrong with my generalizations.... I would respect ya'll argument a little more if some of you bitches said "not all cops are sluts" or something - rather than trynna use an ever WEAKER argument. "Find someone you trust".

That's dry pussy energy.
click to expand
If she trusts you, pussy is a slip and slide.

One day you'll get there.
op, what does your girlfriend do?
Posted by AfternoonDelights22

Posted by nikkistar

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Administrator please confirm


@xoxflute won the DXPIL Cup so she is now administrator
click to expand
Nah, hooker. You ain't getting out of this one so easy.
Posted by Emhendo

This is my OPINION, from what I've observed since people I know and myself have been dating.

I think a woman's career/job increases the chances of infidelity or opportunities for her to meet new people.

And since it's factual that women cheat more than men, and women can't be left to their own devices - they will take these fallacious opportunities.

These are *certified* sluts, in my opinion.

*Full-time* monkeybranchers.

Beware the:

-Blue collar worker chicks; women that work at warehouses, garages, construction sites, use forklifts and cherrypickers

(this actually deserves it's own section, so):


-Truck Drivers (worst than a flight attendant, traveler)

(She may cheat on you with man OR woman. AHAAA)


-Nurses, CNAs, Doctor Assistants, Dentist Assistants, Nurse Practitioners

-ACTUAL Medical Doctors

-Flight Attendant (THE WORSE, trust me)

-Waitresses/Servers (Gives their number to co-workers AND customers)

-TEACHERS; highschool teachers, elementary school, college professors

-Bartending bitches

-Strippers (You gotta be stupid.. But it fucking happens)

- Tattoo Apprentices/Artist

-Artist (AHAHA)

-Yoga Instructor/Dance instructor/Any instructor

-Receptionist (stay giving out her number)

-Cosmetologist (she admires beauty too much)

-House Keepers (No different than a maid, might be vulnerable to advances)



-3rd shift/overnight stockers at grocery stores

-Telephone Interviewers/Call Center (A big fuck fest at these places)

-Office/Cubical (They have a "Work husband" and the men have a "Work wife".. And they fucking the boss)

-Still in College, or going to tradeschool


-Security, Prison workers(They looking for a real man, you ain't it)

-Surgeons (they all fuck each other like Grey's Anatomy and shit)

-Any Sales position, a woman in Sale

I also wouldn't prefer women in government/state/federal jobs for relationships...

Don't trust these hoes

Women that are "OKAY" for relationships (girlfriend/wife):


-Pre-School Teacher

-Public relations specialists

-Bank Tellers (maybe)

-Technical writers/writers/journalist

-Designers, architecture

-Non-farm animal caretakers

-Fabric and apparel patternmakers


-Opticians (maybe)

-Animal trainers

-Graders and sorters, agricultural products

-Web developer

-Special Ed teacher

-Women that own their own business

-Women that work from home, like an HR Professional or something

-Lizard lot

-Nail technician

-Counselor for teens and children

Basically these jobs consist of nurturing, or some nerdy shit... But that's all I have for now.

Posted by LibraSupreme

Posted by Black-Mamba

It's pretty accurate

A guy of high value laugh at this topic. As long as you handle you business at work and in the bedroom the women will cave.
click to expand
You sound so fuckin corny...

You wouldn't know high value if it hit you in the fuckin face.

High value men wouldn't date/marry a damn stripper, blue collar woman, etc... Kind of the damn point.

"The bedroom"... Women don't give a fuck about your damn "sex game" these days. "Sex game" is expendable. Everybody knows how to fuck. You ain't fuckin special. You ain't got strawberry flavored cum or someshit. You don't eat pussy with 2 tongues.

Fuck outta here with that bullshit AHAHAAAAA...
Posted by Arielle83

Female prison guards
Mentioned that.... They are the worse.

Even if it's illegal to fuck the inmates; they still crush and might even show titties or something.. And if they can fuck them, they will..

Hell, even break his ass out of jail and don't give a fuck about if she got a man with a 6 figure career, his own business and a home.
Posted by jeane

op, what does your girlfriend do?
Posted by Notmyrealname

Oh man. Wouldn’t even know where to start with this! 😂😂😂😂🤦‍♀️
Funny as hell, right
Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Administrator please confirm
click to expand
Shortest ban ever, less than 24 hrs. Lol really
I work in the truck industry and I'm loyal AF. People aren't cheaters because of their job or because of opportunity to cheat, they do it because their relationship sucks, they've settled for their current relationship, or they have no self respect and pride.
Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Posted by Pontus

Posted by LadyNeptune

Your so naive.

I'm in that 'safe' designer architect field.

I get propositioned/hit on minimum 1x per month.

Meet 4-5 new clients per week. Those clients come with an engineer, architect, interior designer, contractor/developer, etc.

I communicate and deal with all those people.

Opportunity to cheat =/= cheating

Find someone you can trust. Period.

Don't follow this frightened insecure small dick energy guide. You'll be disappointed with the outcome.
you not ban long
I was not banned at all. Sorry to disappoint your thirsty ass.
Administrator please confirm
Shortest ban ever, less than 24 hrs. Lol really
So you say you got ban?
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Sarcasm = truth
Posted by Elissar18

I work in the truck industry and I'm loyal AF. People aren't cheaters because of their job or because of opportunity to cheat, they do it because their relationship sucks, they've settled for their current relationship, or they have no self respect and pride.
Okay, I get that.... You're in "the 1% ".. But I bet your co-workers differ.

And what exactly do you do in the truck industry?
I beg to differ, not all women cheat.

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Aww, daddy loves you!
Posted by TheSag

I beg to differ, not all women cheat.

User Submitted Image

Aww, daddy loves you!
Duh, not all women cheat.... Breaking news. AHAAAAA.

I mean 🤷🏽‍♀️
Posted by Black-Mamba

Posted by LibraSupreme

Posted by Black-Mamba

It's pretty accurate

A guy of high value laugh at this topic. As long as you handle you business at work and in the bedroom the women will cave.
Ok i don't care
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Look at my reply to dat fool.
Posted by Earthy


I mean 🤷🏽‍♀️
Fuck is the lie, right?