You know......

This topic was created in the The Powder Room forum by CancerOnTheCusp on Thursday, February 13, 2014 and has 42 replies.
Just like real life, you ladies get a forum for girly stuff, and where are ya'll hanging out? *pointing to the forum just above this one*
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.
Pffft. My father raised me. I am more comfortable with male energy. Sue me.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by venusianbull
Pffft. My father raised me. I am more comfortable with male energy. Sue me.

Oh we're not talking about you VB. We let you in the He-Man-Woman-Hater's club and everything. We may be macho-men, but we know where our cinnamon buns are iced.
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LOL Free pass and so on.
You boyos have fun teasing the bows n' curls. Don't show off the spider collection.
Posted by Rabbit
*shits in thread*

~smacks Rabbit with rolled up newspaper~ BAD DOG!! BAD!!
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.
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~GASP~!! What does the bloody thing say? For fucks sake I can't ~turning~ read it ~turning~ from this view!! I forbid you to get those "Thank you sir! May I have another?" stickers!! They don't exist!
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.

This crab is quite the troublemaker, you know?
She may need to be locked up for everyone's sake.
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You're the one taking a crap on the carpet!! Locked out and put in the doghouse is where we should put YOU. BAD!! ~whack whack whack with newspaper~
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.

This crab is quite the troublemaker, you know?
She may need to be locked up for everyone's sake.

Agreed, Rabbit. I could tell immediately she was going to be a real headache. Luckily I got her to agree to that ill-advised deal where we stock food other than canned tactical bacon, and she has to let us slap labels on her ass, at will, with no limitations.
If all else fails, we can just keep slapping stickers on until she is completely encased and immobile. This is exactly why she should never have thought she could out-negotiate a Capricorn.
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You might want to rethink who outsmarted whom when you see your credit card statement. I'm importing the most expensive gourmet delicacies I can find. Oops...too bad you didn't specify! Winking
Posted by Rabbit
Just FYI...
I hope those that's water soluable adhesive on those stickers.
There's no way in hell I'm using our precious grain alckyhall to get all the sticky off her.

Thank you! Finally some sense around here!
Posted by cowpuncher
How about this?
< width="420" height="315" ="

Huh, if only I could aim...that would work great on Widows. But then less fun that taping them to the concrete and using a magnifier on one.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
*shits in thread*

~smacks Rabbit with rolled up newspaper~ BAD DOG!! BAD!!

Hitting a Scorpio with a rolled up newspaper and calling him a bad dog will get you the OPPOSITE effect of what you're looking for...
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And what would that be? I'm hoping I'm house training you.
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.

This crab is quite the troublemaker, you know?
She may need to be locked up for everyone's sake.

You're the one taking a crap on the carpet!! Locked out and put in the doghouse is where we should put YOU. BAD!! ~whack whack whack with newspaper~

Yes. YES.
Now...use the choker collar.
Pull real hard...
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Oh, choker collar isn't good enough! I'm thinking the riding crop is going to be needed. My horses can count to three, by the way. I rarely have to get to 2 now.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.

~GASP~!! What does the bloody thing say? For fucks sake I can't ~turning~ read it ~turning~ from this view!! I forbid you to get those "Thank you sir! May I have another?" stickers!! They don't exist!

*evil chuckle*

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Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
We don't want you men to feel comfortable in your own space. You might forget to miss us.

Still looking for a bumper sticker that says "Thank you sir! May I have another?" When I find a stash of them you'll be the first to know of course Crabby crab.

This crab is quite the troublemaker, you know?
She may need to be locked up for everyone's sake.

Agreed, Rabbit. I could tell immediately she was going to be a real headache. Luckily I got her to agree to that ill-advised deal where we stock food other than canned tactical bacon, and she has to let us slap labels on her ass, at will, with no limitations.
If all else fails, we can just keep slapping stickers on until she is completely encased and immobile. This is exactly why she should never have thought she could out-negotiate a Capricorn.

You might want to rethink who outsmarted whom when you see your credit card statement. I'm importing the most expensive gourmet delicacies I can find. Oops...too bad you didn't specify! Winking

Except that you never specified that you get to use OUR card. smile Another of those details you should have thought out ahead of time.

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OUCH!! and I did too!! Besides, I already have it. Took it while you all were passed out drunk. ~smirk~
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
*shits in thread*

~smacks Rabbit with rolled up newspaper~ BAD DOG!! BAD!!

Hitting a Scorpio with a rolled up newspaper and calling him a bad dog will get you the OPPOSITE effect of what you're looking for...

And what would that be? I'm hoping I'm house training you.

I don't think it's working.
< width="560" height="315" ="

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Of course not. ~sigh~ Rabbits are cute, snuggly and adorable fluff balls that make good ass cheek protectors but they aren't terribly smart.
Posted by Rabbit
Use the riding crop AND the choker.

Yes, and for a stroke of pure genius....the cattle prod! BWAHAHAHA
Posted by cowpuncher
Hey, a riding crop, that's a great idea.
You guys ever see those sticker-guns that they use in retail to price stuff or mark it? If we stuck one of those on the end of a riding crop, we'd make slapping stickers on the Crab's ass MUCH much much more efficient.

Yes!! yes yes yes!!! Use the gun! ~nods eagerly~
Posted by cowpuncher
I never get drunk. Nice try Crab :p

OW! Would you STOP that? I'm trying to have a rational discussion here. I had a feeling that would be the case so I liberally dosed you all with sleeping pills in your drinks.
Really? I just liked the gun idea better than getting spanked. No gun modifying!
Posted by cowpuncher
That sounds like a great idea Rabbit, I'm all for it. Sort of a conveyor belt of rubber flaps to give her a whack. Apparently we need something more efficient, despite much correction... she's still making trouble.

At least the gun is limited to sticker size. HA!
Posted by Rabbit
It will need a spray nozzle for cold water as well...

What the bloody hell?! No cold water!
Posted by Rabbit
Oh yes. Cold water.

I'm getting a shocker collar for you to go with the choke chain. ~BZZZZZZZZZZZZZAAAAPPPPPP~
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by cowpuncher
That sounds like a great idea Rabbit, I'm all for it. Sort of a conveyor belt of rubber flaps to give her a whack. Apparently we need something more efficient, despite much correction... she's still making trouble.

At least the gun is limited to sticker size. HA!

You don't understand - i've got the best machine/metal-fab shop in several counties in my back yard.
If I want a gigantic sticker gun, I can MAKE a gigantic sticker gun.
Something about the right size to affix those "Thank you sir, may I have another?" bumper stickers I found should be about right.
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You're getting shocker collar, too. I just found where you took your shit on the carpet like Rabbit. >.
Posted by Rabbit
BTW dress code is white tshirts for the ladies.
Just sayin'...

You didn't specify size. I'm ordering all the 3x's. Oh look! It's like a dress!
Posted by Rabbit
I washed them all in HOT WATER and dried them ON HIGH...

OOPS!! I knew you'd try that so I got the preshrunk ones! Big Grin
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
BTW dress code is white tshirts for the ladies.
Just sayin'...

You didn't specify size. I'm ordering all the 3x's. Oh look! It's like a dress!

Let the record show that the Crab is now required to dress, at all times, in a XXX manner...
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WHAT?! NO!! That's the size I ordered, not the type of clothing!
It was a type. The L is there, it's just invisible.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
It was a type. The L is there, it's just invisible.

Yeah, well, now that you're required to dress XXX, so are your clothes. Winking
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I did NOT agree to this!
Posted by Rabbit
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by Rabbit
I washed them all in HOT WATER and dried them ON HIGH...

OOPS!! I knew you'd try that so I got the preshrunk ones! Big Grin

I'm a man.
I can shrink ANYTHING in a washer.
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That's why I double safe guarded and ought them in 6xl.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
It was a type. The L is there, it's just invisible.

Yeah, well, now that you're required to dress XXX, so are your clothes. Winking

I did NOT agree to this!

You proposed it. It's not my fault you don't pay proper attention to detail when you come up with these ideas...
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That wasn't an idea proposal. THAT was me ordering extremely oversized shirts.
Posted by venusianbull
Pffft. My father raised me. I am more comfortable with male energy. Sue me.

+1 add three big brothers Winking
look!! Her legs are crossed too! Winking
Oh mah goodness. I would definitely wear that. I'd drive the truck too. Big Grin *hooves clattering*
I sense a double standard in the men. Why am I getting sticker ass slapped and forced to wear xxx clothing and everyone else gets the classy dame outfits? >.
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
I sense a double standard in the men. Why am I getting sticker ass slapped and forced to wear xxx clothing and everyone else gets the classy dame outfits? >.
Because LIB and VB pay more attn to detail. :p

I pay plenty attention to detail! What has happened is you guys have played fair with them and with me you keep underhandedly changing the rules. I have a theory on that but I'm going to keep it to myself for now. ~pout~
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Posted by Rabbit

I did NOT sow anything! You all just like picking on me. I think there's some anti-crab sentiments you men are working out. Or maybe you all have crab fetishes.
Posted by cowpuncher
We are two caps and a scorpio... believe me we have plenty of underhanded bs to go around smile
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Oh, I believe it. That's the most truth you bunch have doled out so far.
No worries. Everyone that knows me knows I'm a blend of 1817-1948 depending on the day. Big Grin
Yet here I am getting singled out....complete with sticker guns specially altered just for mio. Hurrumph
I am NEVER crabby and difficult! Lies and slander, sir! That's worthy of a glove-slap right there.
Posted by ElusiveSoul
Posted by MoonArtist

That's worthy of a glove-slap right there.

Word to the wise; he just might like it! Winking
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DAMMIT!! Is there no justice in this world? :p
Posted by cowpuncher
Posted by MoonArtist
Posted by ElusiveSoul
Posted by MoonArtist

That's worthy of a glove-slap right there.

Word to the wise; he just might like it! Winking

DAMMIT!! Is there no justice in this world? :p

*slaps them both on the rump with a gloved hand*
There. Yet you girls all think I am unresponsive to your requests and preferences....
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Oof! I don't know if I'm flattered you tried to pad the slap or offended that you made it less personal.