Posted by deckedandeckerI made a post
ugh, bumped
Posted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
Posted by ImperfectStormNorth Node can be a feeling of familiarity, past life memory,
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
Posted by ImperfectStormThe Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormNo i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that linePosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormLol (when I just typed Lol it came out as kill) haha😈Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of it.
No i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that line
Oh ok thank you. So basically moving to New York would turn me into a controlling, power hungry, jealous insecure freak?! 🤣😂 it seems legit. It’s funny how even just thinking about going there makes me feel uneasy, even before knowing about this. I’m a little less than 800 miles away from there now but even from here I can feel the darkness lolclick to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormVery Plutonian! 😈Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of it.
No i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that line
Oh ok thank you. So basically moving to New York would turn me into a controlling, power hungry, jealous insecure freak?! 🤣😂 it seems legit. It’s funny how even just thinking about going there makes me feel uneasy, even before knowing about this. I’m a little less than 800 miles away from there now but even from here I can feel the darkness lol
Lol (when I just typed Lol it came out as kill) haha😈
At the least it would expose you to the shadow side of yourself as in it wouldn’t be a barrel of laughs 🙃 and maybe your dark side would be seen by others (asc)
Insecurity and sexuality are the two things I feel that I repress most but I feel them strongly. I only feel safe saying that here because none of y’all know me 😂 but my Chiron is in 8th house so have a lot of past issues with those two things and I think that’s why I mask them because I feel like it’s a weakness. I’m sure there is some underlying shadow sides of me that I’m not even aware of either. Hopefully I can make those changes without having to go through something traumatic. I’m just thinking out loud now lolclick to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormSo if you decide to “go there” it could be a time of immense pain/growth. The guy i was with lived in a country my Pluto line ran through. He was Scorpio dom and we had all the sexual chemistry aspects inc Venus-Pluto. The experience lasted almost 5 years. I thought it may kill me at times but it healed me so much so i’m now like a different womanPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of it.
No i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that line
Oh ok thank you. So basically moving to New York would turn me into a controlling, power hungry, jealous insecure freak?! 🤣😂 it seems legit. It’s funny how even just thinking about going there makes me feel uneasy, even before knowing about this. I’m a little less than 800 miles away from there now but even from here I can feel the darkness lol
Lol (when I just typed Lol it came out as kill) haha😈
At the least it would expose you to the shadow side of yourself as in it wouldn’t be a barrel of laughs 🙃 and maybe your dark side would be seen by others (asc)
Insecurity and sexuality are the two things I feel that I repress most but I feel them strongly. I only feel safe saying that here because none of y’all know me 😂 but my Chiron is in 8th house so have a lot of past issues with those two things and I think that’s why I mask them because I feel like it’s a weakness. I’m sure there is some underlying shadow sides of me that I’m not even aware of either. Hopefully I can make those changes without having to go through something traumatic. I’m just thinking out loud now lol
Very Plutonian! 😈
Tell me, does Pisces have Pluto stuff going on in his natal chart?
Yeah he has more natal Pluto aspects than I do, I have natal Pluto sextile Neptune and he has Pluto opposite Venus, Pluto trine mars and Pluto conjunct ascendant. And transit wise, he has Pluto square Venus with 2 degree and pluto is trine my Venus with 3 degree orb, pluto is trine both our natal Jupiters right now. We are both libra rising so we have the same house layouts so experiencing a lot of similar transits. I know I sound crazy but I really don’t think that whole situation was an accident and I get the vibes he might come back around. It just feels like unfinished to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineIts not that, its that it showed 5 replies and then I clicked and it was one, confusing confusing stuff.Posted by deckedandecker
ugh, bumped
I made a postclick to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineWhat if Pluto is next to the sun?Posted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of it.
No i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that line
Oh ok thank you. So basically moving to New York would turn me into a controlling, power hungry, jealous insecure freak?! 🤣😂 it seems legit. It’s funny how even just thinking about going there makes me feel uneasy, even before knowing about this. I’m a little less than 800 miles away from there now but even from here I can feel the darkness lol
Lol (when I just typed Lol it came out as kill) haha😈
At the least it would expose you to the shadow side of yourself as in it wouldn’t be a barrel of laughs 🙃 and maybe your dark side would be seen by others (asc)
Insecurity and sexuality are the two things I feel that I repress most but I feel them strongly. I only feel safe saying that here because none of y’all know me 😂 but my Chiron is in 8th house so have a lot of past issues with those two things and I think that’s why I mask them because I feel like it’s a weakness. I’m sure there is some underlying shadow sides of me that I’m not even aware of either. Hopefully I can make those changes without having to go through something traumatic. I’m just thinking out loud now lol
Very Plutonian! 😈
Tell me, does Pisces have Pluto stuff going on in his natal chart?
Yeah he has more natal Pluto aspects than I do, I have natal Pluto sextile Neptune and he has Pluto opposite Venus, Pluto trine mars and Pluto conjunct ascendant. And transit wise, he has Pluto square Venus with 2 degree and pluto is trine my Venus with 3 degree orb, pluto is trine both our natal Jupiters right now. We are both libra rising so we have the same house layouts so experiencing a lot of similar transits. I know I sound crazy but I really don’t think that whole situation was an accident and I get the vibes he might come back around. It just feels like unfinished business.
So if you decide to “go there” it could be a time of immense pain/growth. The guy i was with lived in a country my Pluto line ran through. He was Scorpio dom and we had all the sexual chemistry aspects inc Venus-Pluto. The experience lasted almost 5 years. I thought it may kill me at times but it healed me so much so i’m now like a different woman
A few sessions with a Shaman healer helped me to walk away from the relationship which had run its course but from which both of us were slow to let go.
He was the only person i have felt extreme sexual chemistry with and he helped heal any sexual blocks i may have had. I was insatiable with him. Luckily he was younger so able to cope lol
Amazing time, for good and for bad
Aside from the Pluto aspects we had so many trines 😩 I was so hopeful. I feel like I’ve been through enough pain and transformation with the situation with my sons dad. But it’s possible that that situation caused more wounds and thus some type of regression. I’m tired of going through pain though I really just wish I could find my happy. I’m 40 years old and ready for something healthy and happy and realclick to expand
Posted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?click to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineSo in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough line.Posted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?click to expand
Posted by deckedandeckerTough but ultimately healing. If you run it’ll come back at a later stage. Do you have any Scorpio/strong Pluto placements. It may help to study your transits?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?
So in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineIf I run it comes back at a later stage? Huh?Posted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?
So in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough line.
Tough but ultimately healing. If you run it’ll come back at a later stage. Do you have any Scorpio/strong Pluto placements. It may help to study your transits?click to expand
Posted by ImperfectStormYou’re welcomePosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStormPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Yeah since it’s on the AC/Pluto line I’m guessing it has something to do with transforming my outward appearance. My natal Pluto and ascendant are both in my first house, and I think I remember reading that eventually I will need to shed my “mask” to become my authentic self. I do sometimes feel like I come across more libra than Scorpio because of my stellium maybe? I struggle with confidence issues and asserting myself.. I bet living in a crazy city like nyc that outward appearance wouldn’t last since NYC is so hardcore. Even the thought of even traveling there gives me anxiety because of all the busy-ness, the loud noise, rude people and hustle bustle. Im most at peace when I’m surrounded by quiet and nature, so I can see why living in a concrete jungle would not be enjoyable for me.
The Ascendant is the energy outgoing into your personality, and personal expression. The person’s personality takes on the planetary energy close to the Asc, and acts like a lens. One is identified with the accompanying planetary energy on the Asc.
So are you saying I come across as more plutonic or Libran? Lol Pluto and Lilith are conjunct in the first house. I don’t think I come across as Plutonian but maybe other people think I do. I feel like I’m mostly passive as my outward appearance although on the inside, I’m not passive at all. Lol at some point (around the time I met my sons dad) I felt that my assertive side was unladylike, so I feel like around my early 30s I turned into this quiet, well behaved and non-confrontational person even though on the inside I feel the opposite of all of those things
And I will say the Pisces brought out the confrontational, assertive, misbehaving side of me and that’s why we fell out lol he is Pluto conjunct ascendant in the first house as well, so he could be pushy and bossy at times, and during our last discussion I snapped back at him for the first time after I had had enough of it.
No i’m referring to the Map line energy and your (potential) experiences under that line
Oh ok thank you. So basically moving to New York would turn me into a controlling, power hungry, jealous insecure freak?! 🤣😂 it seems legit. It’s funny how even just thinking about going there makes me feel uneasy, even before knowing about this. I’m a little less than 800 miles away from there now but even from here I can feel the darkness lol
Lol (when I just typed Lol it came out as kill) haha😈
At the least it would expose you to the shadow side of yourself as in it wouldn’t be a barrel of laughs 🙃 and maybe your dark side would be seen by others (asc)
Insecurity and sexuality are the two things I feel that I repress most but I feel them strongly. I only feel safe saying that here because none of y’all know me 😂 but my Chiron is in 8th house so have a lot of past issues with those two things and I think that’s why I mask them because I feel like it’s a weakness. I’m sure there is some underlying shadow sides of me that I’m not even aware of either. Hopefully I can make those changes without having to go through something traumatic. I’m just thinking out loud now lol
Very Plutonian! 😈
Tell me, does Pisces have Pluto stuff going on in his natal chart?
Yeah he has more natal Pluto aspects than I do, I have natal Pluto sextile Neptune and he has Pluto opposite Venus, Pluto trine mars and Pluto conjunct ascendant. And transit wise, he has Pluto square Venus with 2 degree and pluto is trine my Venus with 3 degree orb, pluto is trine both our natal Jupiters right now. We are both libra rising so we have the same house layouts so experiencing a lot of similar transits. I know I sound crazy but I really don’t think that whole situation was an accident and I get the vibes he might come back around. It just feels like unfinished business.
So if you decide to “go there” it could be a time of immense pain/growth. The guy i was with lived in a country my Pluto line ran through. He was Scorpio dom and we had all the sexual chemistry aspects inc Venus-Pluto. The experience lasted almost 5 years. I thought it may kill me at times but it healed me so much so i’m now like a different woman
A few sessions with a Shaman healer helped me to walk away from the relationship which had run its course but from which both of us were slow to let go.
He was the only person i have felt extreme sexual chemistry with and he helped heal any sexual blocks i may have had. I was insatiable with him. Luckily he was younger so able to cope lol
Amazing time, for good and for bad
Aside from the Pluto aspects we had so many trines 😩 I was so hopeful. I feel like I’ve been through enough pain and transformation with the situation with my sons dad. But it’s possible that that situation caused more wounds and thus some type of regression. I’m tired of going through pain though I really just wish I could find my happy. I’m 40 years old and ready for something healthy and happy and real
It may help to go for some deep healing then, ie Shaman. I don’t think we can do this stuff alone. If it’s not pulled out and healed the same issues will keep resurfacing and you’ll be back to square one. I felt I owed it to myself and son to go there
I hardly recognize myself ....from
love junky >>>>independent non needy woman
Bloody miracle 🙏😀
Thank you I will look into it. I think I switch between the two extreme spectrums… it’s like when I’m not really interested in anyone im independent to the point where im almost stand-offish and block any intimacy or budding relationships.. but when I fall in love I fall deeply and yes, love junkie is an accurate term. I need to find balance between the two. Thank you for suggesting shaman ❤️ Definitely going to look into itclick to expand
Posted by deckedandeckerYes, no escape from the life lessonsPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?
So in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough line.
Tough but ultimately healing. If you run it’ll come back at a later stage. Do you have any Scorpio/strong Pluto placements. It may help to study your transits?
If I run it comes back at a later stage? Huh?
Also, yeah, I have a Scorpio Pluto that aspects every planet in my to expand
Posted by MyStarsShineMaybe, I mean the only planet Scorpio rules in my chart is Pluto but it touches every single planet in my natal.Posted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?
So in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough line.
Tough but ultimately healing. If you run it’ll come back at a later stage. Do you have any Scorpio/strong Pluto placements. It may help to study your transits?
If I run it comes back at a later stage? Huh?
Also, yeah, I have a Scorpio Pluto that aspects every planet in my chart.
Yes, no escape from the life lessons
So you’re Scorpio dominant?click to expand
Posted by deckedandeckerEvery single one?Posted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by deckedandeckerPosted by MyStarsShinePosted by ImperfectStorm
Interesting stuff.. I had never heard of this until now so I looked mine up on astro. My Pluto/AC line runs right through NYC which is where that Pisces guy lives. Lol I’ve never been there though.
I was also looking at the other lines though.. my north node and MC goes through Africa and my Venus line runs through Dallas Texas. Maybe I should move to Texas 🤔 lol
You dodged a bullet
It causes destruction but ultimately rebirth and growth
I went there ....... never been the same since .... it’d help being a Scorpio to survive it 🥴😳🙃
Next to Mars or Saturn, Pluto is pretty difficult to deal with. When around a Pluto line, a person might feel as though they are coming apart from within, because the life experiences would dictate a lot of heavy issues coming to the foreground. Intense upheaval, isolation and deep pain can be debilitating, but also freeing. On the other side is the potential for an enormous amount of soul searching and eventual growth.
What if Pluto is next to the sun?
The sun represents our ego/identity and Pluto transformation/regeneration/rebirth so Pluto will be illuminated by sun. It makes Pluto issues and lessons more intense I’d say?
So in other words, head for the hills as it is going to be a tough tough line.
Tough but ultimately healing. If you run it’ll come back at a later stage. Do you have any Scorpio/strong Pluto placements. It may help to study your transits?
If I run it comes back at a later stage? Huh?
Also, yeah, I have a Scorpio Pluto that aspects every planet in my chart.
Yes, no escape from the life lessons
So you’re Scorpio dominant?
Maybe, I mean the only planet Scorpio rules in my chart is Pluto but it touches every single planet in my to expand