So far for me it’s been raising a tiny human. I have no clue how others handle multiple. I have so much love for this tiny human but at the same time greatly mourn all the free time I used to have. The other night we were watching Girl in the Basement (of
…..that are addicted to true crime documentaries, ‘reality’ shows like the Kardashians and soap operas?
10 likes and I’ll post the link to dxp
I feel like an ass for even typing this and people may say I’m an ass in response, but I don’t know what to do so here goes.
My first ‘real’ girlfriend from school got in touch with me recently. I was 15 when we got together and she was 16 (same school y
So I'm at a new job and I realize something about myself. I'm a pretty inventive kinda person and I can make shit to solve problems or I can figure out a tool that will solve that problem.
The thing is that my mind just goes there by default, as soon as
Just wanted to get into depth into Pisces men and friendships.
From what I observed, Pisces men tend to dislike Virgo and Leo men. They’re (Pisces M) at best friends with Taurus men.
So Pisces males, what do you think about Leo and Virgo men and how’s y
I noticed those two signs don’t get along with each other. They’re always at odds with each other and in competition, especially the men. It seems like Leo men and Pisces men hate each other.
I just wanted some thoughts from a Leo pov but also Pisces pov
Whats your opinion about them?
Why is there an attraction between Scorpios and Aquarius.When you go online you notice its a frequent pairing.
Whats are some negative traits of Aquarius women?
We are very close and understand each other very well, both handsome guys, living in a small town i noticed many times the same girls liking both of
Anyway, here are the differences.
1.Hes outwardly very nice, saying hello to everybody first, cha
What superpower would you have and why?