Signed Up: Jan 28, 2022 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1 · Topics: 1
Hi, I'd like some advice on how do I deal with my relationship, it's always rocky and things always seem to go really bad real fast when it's been going well for awhile.
I feel like we are destined to be farmers, shepherds. Our purpose is maintaining and building. I believe I have said that before. But I recently came across wilderness cooking. I feel like we are grazing peaceful people who are like a fish out of water
I feel like we are destined to be farmers, shepherds. Our purpose is maintaining and building. I believe I have said that before. But I recently came across wilderness cooking. I feel like we are grazing peaceful people who are like a fish out of water
So I discovered kitchen gadget but I have little space, so it has to be multipurposed. Which one would you buy?
Food proceasor:
Pro: Much less prep time
Pro: Can be used for sauces and smoothies,
Con: Sauces are a smaller component of a m
I'm about this [ ] close to embarking on a nomadic life, just have a few things to finish, and then I'll go wandering. I've been watching different content, and I've landed on a lot of stuff about these two communities. Its a little strange because van
I am not sure if I am the only one who has noticed this but it seems like Gemini women end up being targeted by horny and aggressive guys a lot. As a Leo, I wish I had more Gemini women in my life but even I have gotten really touchy and flirty with some
I never went through this but I have been seeing this trend saying that it is, and the kind of effects it has. For example they say if a male lose his virginity early he will be a sex fend. Of the men I know in real life that are really horny like that th
So, I have this girl who is mid 20's Scorp Sun, Gemini Moon, Mars and Venus in Sagittarius interested in me.
That kind of chart gives me the vibe she's more looking to play the field, especially