10. We don't cry at the drop of a hat
About 99% of the time, a man is an emotionless, carefree renegade. The other 1% is allotted for those rare occurrences like the death of a loved one, championship game defeats, and ESPN's "My Wish" segments. We also reserve the right to cry or get rattled over other personal tragedies like blowing our load in a fertile chick or losing our dick entirely.
9. We can piss discreetly in public
This might seem like a minute thing, but we can literally piss anywhere with no hassle. I once relieved myself in the middle of the fairway on a golf course during a tournament. I knelt down, pulled out my piece, and pretended to tie my shoe as I pissed on one of Mother Earth's finer landscapes. I'd like to see Natalie Gulbis pull that off. No, seriously, I would.
8. We don't have an extra layer of body fat or those sexy vagina bellies
Ask Billy Nye, this argument is backed by science.
7. Religions favor men
Last I checked it was a man who beat crucifixion and rose from the dead. Did I just go there? Uh, yea I did. You know where else I can go? An Islamic country... without a fucking head dress.
6. We're more creative
For instance, tackling this tired old topic wasn't our idea. Yet, we obliged because we're men and dick measuring is fun. Need more proof? Google, Facebook, Apple, YouJizz... all masterminded by dudes.
5. We have better/more loyal friends
Chicks are petty, catty, and gossip queens. You and your "girlies" may be "besties" now, but that's only until the two of you go after the same guy and someone loses. Instead of sacking up and blaming yourself for being fat and disgusting, you blame your hotter friend and say she got the guy because she is a slut.
4. We know how to share
I might actually be Eskimo brothers with over 50% of my friends. How many women, who don't flock in orgy circles, can say that? Which coincidentally brings me to my next point.
3. We can fuck without repercussions
Am I a slut? No shot. I'm just a guy with a curious cock, that's all. A man about the people. I ask you what woman who sleeps around can say that? Huh? A two-bit, freeloadin' whore, that's who.
2. We're respected as athletes
You don't believe me, ladies? Well, why do you think ESPN gave you your very own website? Because the demand to read about UConn's latest 50-point win is so high? Or is this ESPN's way of saying, "Sure, you could drink from the men's water fountain, but that one over there is labeled 'women' so why not just use it?" ESPNW smells like Segregation 2.0 to me.
1. When we're done, you're done
Whether its five minutes into it, or 30 minutes after you've already squirted the good squirt, it's over when the man finishes or gives up (because he's too drunk or unenthused to finish). I mean, when is the last time a man came and then kept going for another 20 minutes just so the chick could get off? Had to have been in the 1960s.
Signed Up:
Jan 28, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 311 · Topics: 36
And #1 makes you better because??? First of all I am in charge of my orgasms so I come whenever I want to come, thank god my boyfriend is a real MAN that cares about his woman's pleasure, that's te difference between a man and a little boy that comes after 2 minutes...
CluelessCancer has posted 10816 messages.
In 8 months, that works out to about 270 posts per week, about 40 per day; assuming you sleep, that's about 5 per hour...
Article from --> www.brobible.com/story/10-reasons-why-men-better-than-women??_
Signed Up:
Aug 16, 2013Comments: 10 · Posts: 4163 · Topics: 48
5/10 for trolling.
You get points because there's no way this won't generate some flustered female butter. But obvious troll is obvious. And if you're not trolling... well... I don't really care anyway.
Signed Up:
Aug 31, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 10616 · Topics: 40
A woman birthed you for 8 hours or longer and gave you life. We are the birthers of life itself. Trumps all 10 reasons.
That makes women more better or you wouldn't exist and if you don't exist there is no way you'd be on the internet trolling right now.
TMV: 5/10 for trolling.
Naw... it's posting an article some dude wrote on the Internet, and talking about it.
(And, it helps generate web traffic for DXP's owner.)
Interesting: Only on DXP is posting articles off the Internet considered trolling...
10 Ways Women Are Better Than Men
We are naturally hotter. Survival of the fittest? Nope! Hottest!
Thanks to evolution, women are quite literally getting progressively better looking, while men are stuck staying the same. Through observing 2,000 people over 40 years, a recent study showed attractive women have 16 percent more kids than average-looking ladies, and that beautiful people are 36 percent more likely to have a girl as their firstborn. Do the math -- all those gorgeous girls mean a greater number of stunning women than that of prior generations.
We are more likely to survive a car accident.
Unfortunately for men, its true. They are 77 percent more likely to lose their life in a car wreck than women, according to a study done by Carnegie Mellon University. Buckle up!
We talk things out, and thus find comfort.
A Mind survey of 2,000 people showed men are far less likely to talk through their problems than women. Only 29 percent of men chat with friends about what's bugging them, whereas 53 pecent of women hit up their friends to talk things out.
We are stronger against recession.
According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, 80 percent of people who lost jobs since December 2007 are male. Yikes, sucks for them. Could be a sign its time more men got into fields like education and nursing.
We graduate college more often.
Its nothing new that female enrollment is greater than male. However, the Department of Education's statistics show that men are also far less likely to graduate than women. When they do graduate with a bachelor's degree, they are more likely to take more than five years to complete their chosen degree. Way to go, ladies!
We eat better.
Get your mind out of the gutter, or your head up from... Well, you know. We are healthier eaters. A University of Minnesota survey of more than 14,000 people showed that women's food choices are far healthier than men. Despite all the crap we get about addictions to chocolate, women actually load up on fruits and veggies while men gnaw on frozen pizza and red meat.
Our immune systems are stronger.
Women actually do have stronger immune systems than men! Our secret weapon? Estrogen. That's what gives us the ability to one-up men when it comes to fighting infections, according to a study done by McGill University. It's because estrogen confronts a specific enzyme that frequently hinders the body's initial line of defense against viruses and bacteria.
We live longer.
Of all the people in the world who have survived at least a century, a shocking 85% are women, according to the New England Centenarian Study. Not only that, but overall, a woman's life expectancy is five to 10 years longer than men. Cheers to that!
We are better managers, especially in this economic climate.
Cosmo admits that is one is a little on the controversial side, but reassures that a scads of experts stand confident in saying that "women make greater bosses because they are better listeners, mentors, problem solvers, and multitaskers than their male counterparts." In a recent Daily News article, management expert Jay Forte said, "It's a very service-oriented economy [right now], so you need employees to be motivated. Women are better connectors than men and more astute about knowing how to activate passion in their employees." I would go so far as to say we are more astute about knowing how to activate passion in general, but maybe thats just me.
We invest better.
A study of 100,000 portfolios showed that women's investment returns outperform those of men, 18 percent to 11 percent. Women are loyal, and think more for the longer term. Women are also generally more cautious with investment decisions. Seems like that would be a logical thing to be when investing, no?
(Let's see the responses when an article praises women.)
Signed Up:
Sep 20, 2008Comments: 1470 · Posts: 13777 · Topics: 204
Women are definitely better than men... only not when you put three or more of them in the same room!