a libra and a virgo story... oh goodie!! lol

This topic was created in the Virgo and Libra Compatibility forum by LibragtGlitter on Wednesday, September 12, 2012 and has 13 replies.
ok need advice but the best way to explain would have to be if i put it in "story" mode. ive been creeping around this site for some time now and just felt the need to share. Hopefully someone helps me out. But anywhoo the story is about a libra woman with virgo rising and a virgo guy who was born sept. 16th (sorry dont know his rising)
Libra and virgo have known each other for 8 years. Never had a relationship, but the chemistry was always there. Libra wanted relationship and so did Virgo, or so she thought. For the first 3 years libra wasnt sure of how virgo felt about her.... one minute he was there and then the next poof. but virgo always managed to come around somehow. (btw took them 3 years to actually do the doo) Eventually libra got frustrated of waiting for him to make his move, that she started to talk to other people. Now all of a sudden when Libra has a boyfriend, he comes along and confesses his feelings and now wants to be in a relationship. But nope, too late Libra Is already committed to someone else and as bad as she wants virgo, she wont leave her aquarius. Time goes on, a kid came in the mix from virgo and now libra is feeling some type of way because she felt she could have been the beter option for him but their TIMING was just always wrong. They dont speak for almost a year and a half. Libra falls for another virgo but this virgo is just not the original virgo she initially wanted to be with. They have problems and one day she checks her facebook and guess who sends her a friend request?? its the og Virgo (lol) Surprised she hesotates to accept because the last yime they spoke it wasnt really on good terms. She wanted a relationship, he wasnt really trying to rush into anything (which doesnt make sense because they have known each other for 6 years at this point. Now he really professes how he wants to be with her but again Libra hesitates because she is not sure if he was just using her for sex, or if hes really serious. But being the advocate for saving her current relationship, she says "it doesnt work like that, you cant just pop back in my life and expect me to drop everyone for you " so virgo backs off... by now things got really bad with the actual virgo bf, (cheater) so libra ends it. but it was always off and on with those two... so when virgo #2 disappeared libra started communicating with og virgo again... things looked for the better, they were communicating more but it just wasnt where
wasnt where she thought it should be. By now they have known each other almost a DECADE, shes single, hes single, why isnt he jumping at the opportunity to make libra his girlfriend? is he playing games? so unsure, she starts communicating with Virgo #2 again and being as that she doesn't like to be prtrayed as a liar, she tells OG virgo about their communication. BIG NO NO. Virgo explains how he was "fucking pissed" and how libra played him and this hurts Libras little heart. Virgo tells her to "leave me alone please" and they stopped speaking for a few days. Libra honestly feels like she did notjing wrong, she was honest about the situation and she stated the problems that she was having with him being so laid back and not pushing anything (dates... NOTHING) Libra send him a text apologizing about the situation and he texts back "whos this" (libra doesnt. know if he really deleted her number or if he was trying to be mean, but she falls for it) libra responds and then he says "you played me" Libra tries to explain her side of the situation and how she felt but after that text, no response. So she sends another later in the night saying she doesn't like when hes upset with her, and still nothing. (mind you, this is the first time libra has ever really made virgo mad, but virgo has made libra mad on numerous occasions... standing her up on dates, taking forever to get text back, finding out about other women etc..)
Besides all the crazy stuff, they managed to come together anyway and now she just wants to know will he forgive her or should she just mark this as the. episode where they both let each other slip away and now. hes REALLY NOT coming back this time.
Help her!!
hey thanks virg_goki for your advice! Nice back tat by the way too!
To answer your question, Yes! There have been numerous occasions where I've told him how i felt about him, and when i ask whats going on between us the answer his always so vague. But one day through text he did tell me that hes always loved me and he knows the feeling is mutual whenever we reconnect or see each other. He claims to be a jealous guy and hates when i give other guys chances, but when the opportunity came for you to snatch me up, you MOVE LIKE A SNAIL!! He tells me all the time "oh all the women i talk to either want me for sex or my money, but with you it was never like that... i just didnt want to hurt you because i knew at the place i was at i was either gonna cheat on you or hurt your feelings" ok that was before... now you claim you have matured and are ready to setlle down and youre tired of being single and blah blah blah... wth arebya waiting for?? i kept telling him im trying to give him the chance but hes not showing me that he really wants it. If you waited forever for a person and the timing was finally right, you wouldn't let the opportunity pass would you?!? nooo so why is he?? could he really be THAT upset or was this all just a cat and mouse game for him? lol
Did it ever occur to you he always wanted you only when you were unavailable and had a boyfriend? And when you are free and single, he gives you excuses and won't step up?
He isn't sincere or ready to be in a committed relationship. He's already told you he's afraid to cheat on you. He blames you a lot. He has some serious growing up to do and needs to resolve his issues before you should invest any more time and mental space in him.
The biggest mistake we make is we focus only on our own interest level, how much WE like him or how WE feel about him. Yet we don't measure HIS interest level, which is shown thru concrete actions and a series of moves that in incremental steps bring the two of you closer together. Until a man does that, everything is just chitchat drama.
Don't mistaken drama for chemistry!
Thanks for that eye opener VirgoSpirit. Sometimes i look at our "relationship" as Carrie and Mr Big in sex and the city,(ugghhh i know) but we alll know happily-ever-after's with his type just dont happen. But dont say you have matured and you're a "different person" if the reason you still havent manned up is because you're still a big chicken. Just when you leave, dont come back. I dont know what it is with me and virgos but I cant get enough of them, even when I know they are kinda bad for me...well the two I have experienced anyway.
You and Virgomen is like me and Libramen. I once dated Libras in a row! Didn't Carry land Mr Big at the end, at least in the movie version?
I know what you mean. Liking a guy is like an addiction. As a cautious Virgo I try to quit early before I can't shake him off. We Virgos just hate messes!
Whoops, I meant 'three Libras in a row'
yeah she did get her dream man in the end... i just wish mine would open his freaking eyeballs. I just want to get some type of reaction out of him. besides his vague ass answers !!! i dont know what his deal his. I mean i think i get along with virgos pretty well because my best friend is a virgo! i dont know if he is just used to having everything handed to him on a silver platter.... he i s VERY attractive.... but it doesn't work on this libra scale. over here! my last resort is to wish him happy birthday which is coming up in a few days and if nothing happens... then i guess its really done with. i just want to really know WHY exactly hes upset... i thought you virgos were honest and sometimes blunt lol.
Virgos are blunt if you take our actions (or in his case non-actions) seriously! That is really the only thing he is capable of communicating, and you'll just have to rely on the nonverbals to help you decide what to do next. We talk about everything but our true feelings when it comes to verbalizing.
He's upset because he believes he made it obvious that he has deep interest and feelings for you. Just because he didn't move as quickly or at the pace you wanted him to, didn't mean that what he felt wasn't genuine. Why would any one want to jump into a relationship with someone who just got out of one? Noone wants to risk being a rebound and any smart Virgo is not dumb enough for that.
You had both guys at your disposal without him knowing; you toyed with his emotions and he's somehow supposed to respect your "honesty"? Really? What did you expect him to say? "Oh, okay. I wish you love and happiness."
When you said you were being "honest" that's why you told him you were back with Virgo #2 again, he's pissed because you DID "play" him. C'mon, ALL Libras I know do this... They keep a string of suitors in their lives in case one rejects them, another will fill in the void. Many times, Libras will use other men to make their "prized guy" get jealous, hoping it would arouse something from him and make him move faster. One too many Libras are elusive and manipulating in this exact manner.
This is where i think Libra and Virgo communication goes all wonky. A "hey whats up" call or text every three days does not come across as you being interested in a Libra for that matter. I don't know about any other libras or people in that matter, but that just shows me that im not a top priority in your life if you feel thats okay. (Especially if youre telling me that you love me and wanna be with me, act like it!) I'm not saying smother, (cause i can't deal) but at least acknowledge the fact that we were supposed to "working on us" if thats what we're doing. We definitely were not trying to jump into a relationship either, i didnt want him to EVER be a rebound. Honestly the other guys were my "rebounds" if you want to call it that because i was just waiting for him to mature and come to his senses. Also, i do know to some extent of what i did was wrong, but had he actually courted me like i felt he should have after all this time, we would not be going through this. When i told him i was communicating with virgo #2 , that was my fault for not expressing clearly that we weren't back in a relationship. I just want to fix it so he wont be mad at me anymore and we can really work on us.
You're playing games with him ....

Posted by LibragtGlitter
But being the advocate for saving her current relationship, she says "it doesnt work like that, you cant just pop back in my life and expect me to drop everyone for you " so virgo backs off...
by now things got really bad with the actual virgo bf, (cheater) so libra ends it.
... so when virgo #2 disappeared libra started communicating with og virgo again... things looked for the better, they were communicating more but it just wasnt where she thought it should be. By now they have known each other almost a DECADE, shes single, hes single, why isnt he jumping at the opportunity to make libra his girlfriend?
... so unsure, she starts communicating with Virgo #2 again and being as that she doesn't like to be prtrayed as a liar, she tells OG virgo about their communication.

BIG NO NO. Virgo explains how he was "fucking pissed" and how libra played him and this hurts Libras little heart.

He comes back and you push him away, saying you're trying to save a relationship in which in the next sentence you're saying that AT THAT POINT you and boyfriend were on the outs and you ended it. So, in reality, you weren't tryingn to save anything, you were playing games with the first Virgo ... then when he obliges you and backs off, you turn back to the one you called a 'cheater', and made goddam sure that you told the first Virgo about it ... for no other reason except to hurt his feelings and to rush back to you harder to satisfy your huge fucking ego.
Then you come off pompous when you say, "this Libras little heart" as if you're just an innocent victim.

This whole Story is full of yourself, and how you're playing him.
good for him that he sees it and has enough integrity to hold himself on higher ground above you .. because he is higher than you.
LOL, you're reading too much into the story. When i told him i wasn't gonna drop Virgo #2 for him just because he POPS back into my life, i was happy in my relationship. Shortly AFTER that conversation (like in months time) things went downhill for us so THATS when i started to communicate with him again. So no i dont have a huge fucking ego, sorry. So how was i playing him again?? oh yeah because.i started talking to my ex again. I never said we got back together. Im still single. please have an everlasting row of seats somewhere else because you didnt get the story.. Maybe you should reread.

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