A little virgo advice, please

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by canceranne27 on Sunday, April 1, 2012 and has 5 replies.
From my experience I've noticed the more attention you give him the more distant and unresponsive he becomes. Virgo men for some reason have a thing with texting back and what not. I think If you really want to see him again play it cool invite him out with some friends or wait it out lay low don't text or call and out of the blue ask him If he wants to hang because then it won't be awkward. It could be that he might not be looking for something especially him saying He's difficult is saying something. Plus you're a Cancer they tend to be over caring and smothering to a virgo so be careful with that especially so early on.
"and that other girls in his past always said he was really dificult."
Really difficult is code for crazy...Run
Posted by canceranne27
... the first day we worked together we totally hit it off.
After working together a couple weeks I was thinking about quitting and mentioned I would miss taking to him. He responded that we could do something about that and that it's not often in life that we meet someone whos on the same page as you and we shouldn't let it go to waste.
I was caught completely off guard and didnt respond

Virgo men are very guarded when it comes to their feelings, and therefore have trained themselves to be very tuned-in to people who attempt to manipulate them ... because they aren't going to open up to a person who can't be trusted with their tender feelings.
And you can't be trusted, it's evident above when you go on and on about how awesome you two are together, and then try to make us believe that you were caught off guard when you tried to get him attracted to you even further when you said you were leaving.
YOu know goddam well that when you told him that ... that those words were in place to manuever him into a certain position ... aka: manipulating
You also know goddam well that you weren't "caught completely off guard" when he stepped into the trap you set for him because that was your whole purpose in setting it.
If I can pick up on you trying to twist him into certain responses, and then acting innocent ... he certainly can, and he likely already senses it. It will be your demise with him.
Mark my words !!
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