So here goes and hopefully I'm not repeating a thread (if I am sorry, point me in the right direction/thread).
I am Virgo male born on the 10th of September and there is a Virgo chic in one of my classes that is born on September 18. So at first I felt something pulling me towards her and to add she pretty cute. I was apprenhensive because she is a bit younger, ironically 8 yrs. I felt that someone younger would be hard to date because of lack of experience. Anywho I spoke to her a couple of times and got her number. It's been a month. I changed my mind and I'm starting to like her.
Heres the thing, she doesn't really acknowledge me anymore. I texted about something small like a hw problem and no response (this happened once before and she got back to me a couple of days later). I tried asking her about her classes but no bueno. She kinda avoided any small talk. We don't sit next to each other. It's a small class with mandatory different seating everyday.
Sometimes we make eye contact but I can't read her. I'm a Virgo so I have to done this to other people but it's scary ass spit when it happens to me and I can't tell what's going on.
Should I come on stronger?
Or chunk up the deuces and keep it moving?
Is patience a virtue?
Because I'm getting very antsy.
Signed Up:
Sep 26, 2016Comments: 0 · Posts: 2078 · Topics: 13
1. You are 8 years older.
2. How did you get her number? Did she give it willingly? Did you ask for it?
The way I read it is she is seeing you as another classmate and the exchanging of numbers is in the event she needs your help.
I got the number from talking to her after class. The number was give willingly and I believe I asked. I wasnt pushy thats just not my style . Which why I was wondering why the change in her demeanor. I think you maybe right about the "just clasmates" thing. I wanted to get a perspective from other Virgos because we know each other better than others. I came to that conclusion too but I saw this site and it stated some Virgo women play hard to get. But sometimes I catch the eye contact thing and I wonder is there something more. I guess I'll step back and play the field. More fish in the sea.
Thanks Virgorean for the speedy reply.