Advice from any virgo females

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by Mavi on Saturday, December 8, 2012 and has 4 replies.
Hello all virgo ladies,
I am a leo dating a virgo, 4 yrs and counting,....I am loyal to her, try to be patient but yet always be there to show her i care, never forget important dates n try to be detail in certain things so she has less to worry about...n try to cheer her up when her thoughts are muddled and she is feeling down...
I would very much appreciate if any of you beautiful virgos can tell me wat makes a perfect relationship to your sign... N wats your pet peeves...likes... Dislikes.. Wat u value... Etc etc.
I have become a tamed lion becoz of my virgo but would like to go the extra mile to make her happier by truly understanding wat virgos like and dislike in a relationship... I dont want anything to upset what we built....i have tried to read up alot on virgo and its helped immensely.... But what do u u girls truly look for in mr right?
Thx very much in advance!

Can't help you here but I will say this is a wonderful post - hope you receive tons of well constructed answers.
I'm not a Virgo female but i have been married to one for decades. They want perfection , so if you are anything less than perfect there will be issues. Be tidy and clean , pick up after yourself , sex is not high on the agenda but love is ,I hope that makes sense.
Thx libragemmale,
My girl is not as tiday as i thought... But she does have order to her madness!
Thx for the tip!