I'm vague all the time. Everything is "that thing" or I'll be describing a situation at work to my supervisor and he'll be like "can you be more specific". he's a triple Libra and also a good friend of mine. he laughs whenever I'm up in arms describin
have you guys noticed that tauruses and typically people born in may tend to have a round head and flat face... miranda kerr charice kelly clarkson miley cyrus who i believe has taurus ascendant
A woman that works at a company I frequent she's been trying to get my attention noticing she's playing with her hair a lot, now the weather is a little warmer she's wearing clothes that show off her figure. Yes I notice her and yes she's attractive but I
ye fish who dwell in darkness Evil forces heed and harken Upon this Neptune's scepter rub To reconvene The Bad Fish Club of Dagon and Poseidon We take these oaths for'er to abide in Be ye scallywag or wench The laws of Mariana's trench
Im a 36 year old Pisces male and I was recently dating a cancer women. Im from Ny and she was from Georgia we had talked for a couple of weeks and decided we would soon meet. However my dad was involved in a bad car accident in Alabama so I called her and
This may sound crazy but all of my life I wondered about my father. My mother got pregnant in her senior year of high school and my parents married shortly before I was born. They had my brother a few years later and divorced when I was 7. Here is the th
So, I have been dating a leo male for 2 months. When we are together, all is great. He displays public affection, our mutual friend says he talks about me a lot, I have met his kids...blah blah. However, when we are apart, I'm always the one initiating co