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Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
So this Virguy I like sent me a really drunk message that rambled about nothing a lot but contained the words "you're amazing" at the beginning and the end. He's not the type of guy to say that sort of thing, he's usually pretty reserved. The following day he sent another message that said "wow i was so drunk last night". I replied all chatty and friendly and flirty and now he's giving me his silent treatment again. What's going on?! Was he retracting the 'amazing' thing by saying he was drunk? Why's he backing away when I responded nicely? Help!
ps: he has moon in pisces, could this have caused him to say things he didn't mean when drunk?
Wish I couild help you. I'm looking forward to the virguys on here interpretation. My initial response was yes you're jumping to conclusions if you think it means something, but that's only because I was loaded up by all kinds of sweet messages and whatnot only for him to disappear. That's the one thing I don't get about them. Why gas someone's head up one day and then disappear. It pretty much null and voids
everything said as far as the recipient is concerned. It's like they reel you in and once they've got you they lose interest. Then they come back like everything is fine and don't understand why you're confused.
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
"message that said "wow i was so drunk last night". I replied all chatty and friendly and flirty and now he's giving me his silent treatment again. What's going on?! Was he retracting the 'amazing' thing by saying he was drunk? Why's he backing away when I responded nicely?"
Respond nicely ??????? You responded by being chatty, which is something men don't like in females.?? So, how exactly do you eqate that with assuming
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Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
He gets drunk and in his drunken stupor, he lets his tongue wag .....
You zero in on this to make the assumption that he must want YOU to respond all chatty, flirty, friendly ..... eventhough he clearly makes the remark that he was very drunk.
You .... are an opportunist. Apparantly waiting for an opportunity to strike.
It's highly likely that he'll pull all the way back now ... because he will begin to realize that you don't understand him at all.
I should think that this probably scared other men away also.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
He was fucked up .. people can't be held accountible when they are trashed.
Yet, you took this as an opportunity to attempt to hold his feelings of how he feels about you (((((( responsible )))))) by how he responds when he's sober to your deluge of feelings.
:::::::: shakes head ::::::::
Signed Up:
Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
right so he doesn't actually like me? that's fine, i just want to know the truth. some people don't appreciate the flirty, friendly thing and that's not a problem. i just want to know if i'm wasting my time with this guy.
ps. in my response, i didn't ask him to marry me, proclaim him the most beautiful man i'd ever seen or make a soppy declaration of love. i made light of his drunkeness by saying it had brought out a sweetness in him i'd not seen before and then talked about a couple of other things we'd been discussing. if that's enough to make him retreat, that's a bit worryingly weak, is it not? i didn't say anything overt or OTT.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You're not getting it.
He tells you in a stupor words you WANT to hear because you like him and you WANT him to say things to you to make you feel special.
The next day, he tells you he was so drunk .. which means = he didn't mean to say those things to you.
You respond to him as if he did mean them by proceeding to be flirty with him.
Did your mother drop you on your head?
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
You're not wasting your time with this guy because you like him and you WANT your time to be spent on dreaming, wishing and hoping that he (((( feels )))) you .. this is what you want, so how in the world could this be a waste of your time?
You are putting yourself in a place to be a waste of his time if you are looking for opportunities to attempt to hold him accountible for your feelings, though.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
Well there you go LondonLibra .. go find him ^^^^^ I'm sure he'd be happy to fuck you.
Signed Up:
Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
Whoa there, P-Angel. Who said anything about fucking? Do you have a problem with me or something? Have I offended you? You seem very anxious to argue with me. I'm not looking for a conflict.
Virguy has now responded very sweetly but I am not sure if I want to play any more of these games. I can't be spending all my time wondering what he's thinking.
I have to agree, I'm not sure why there is hostility aimed towards this poster.
Moving on.. he's embarrassed, not that he likes you or thinks that you're amazing - no. I think because he let slip of his feelings in the manner that he did. He is as you say reserved when sober, but when drunk he spilled his feelings. I think if you give him some space and show him that it's okay to express himself then you should be fine. I don't think it would have mattered what you responded to his text, he will still feel that way so there wasn't much that you could do.
None of us know the full story but it's important that you react well to these situations. It was he who sent the drunk text, not you. He has expressed some feelings, and sober or not those feelings are now out in the open. If he doesn't want to show further interest or progression and if he becomes difficult then find someone else. Plenty of fish in the sea and all that...
Well let tell you one thing London Libra, if a guy have to tell you how he feel only when he's drunk, he's lame ass hell and don't have a spine. Move on.
Signed Up:
Nov 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 308 · Topics: 46
Thanks everyone for your help. I don't think I can be bothered with this guy. Life's too short! We're far from perfect for each other anyway. I'd like to keep his friendship though, we always have great conversations.
Signed Up:
Apr 13, 2005Comments: 0 · Posts: 44084 · Topics: 685
I always have a problem when people act stupid.
You're a Libra .. so use your brain.
Signed Up:
Jul 19, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 532 · Topics: 30
P-Angel can be harsh, but there is often wisdom in what she says if you over-look her harsh deployment of words.