i'm a sag women, any advice on Virgo men?
im so attracted to one.
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Sep 23, 2013Comments: 11 · Posts: 177 · Topics: 5
Don't act like a savage !
Just be yourself, and be fun.
My wife is a Sag, and she's Sagalicious delicious. Married 2 years coming April 20.
Make sure he's not a stick in a mud.
Don't play games with him.Be honest,which that works with everyone.Get thicker skin also.
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
Don't make fun of him (at least, not too much, and especially not too soon): be sensitive about that. Show that you take him seriously first, then try to cheer him up if that's what he needs.
@OP Be yourself and don't be afraid to disagree with him and voice your opinion. Just be careful how you present yourself as there is a difference between simply arguing and actually having an intelligent discussion with a dueling of the minds. Express your interests and don't take things too seriously. Reading too much into things might make him concerned about how HE is presenting himself and make him over-think and over-analyze to see it he is misleading you in any way. He will feel responsible, but be sure to hold yourself accountable and take care of your side of the equation. Umm...don't play games. I'm talking the manipulative, "I'm testing you and trying to make you jealous or mad" type games." That's what I can offer right now. One more, treat him like amily individual. Don't assume you know him just because you know his sun sign and have been reading up on it. Discover HIM and explore HIM at your own pace, together. Listen and observe...don't fill in the blanks or read ahead. Really see and hear what HE is revealing to you.
Have fun and smile.