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Apr 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 27
I'm getting confused with my virgo ex. He's hot and cold. It's crazy.
Situation is this. Like I posted before, me and an aqua got in a relationship and recently got in a mess but we're ok now. I did not tell my virgo ex that me and aqua are trying to fix our relationship. So, lately, I find it weird that he is becoming a bit emotional again just like when I first met him. He was telling me over and over again that he is very open with me. That he tells me if he's sad or happy. That recently he saw a mental doctor and that I have to bear with his hang ups. He kept on joking around me as well which already stopped in the past, when I got in a relationship with the aqua. I wasn't paying so much attention to him other than being a comforting friend. I just wonder why he's suddenly like that. Showing his emotions again when he has hidden and moved away from me before.
What can I do with this virgo? Should I continue to be a "friend" to him and show that I care? Or would it be best if I avoid him just so it won't lead to things that we might regret? I'm afraid to open up to him about the aqua since he might get angry at me again or something....
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Apr 03, 2013Comments: 18 · Posts: 1149 · Topics: 51
Are you with Aqua? Why are you concerned about Virgo? It seems you are playing one with the other to have someone there if the other doesn't work out. That isn't fair to either guy. And a Virgo will sniff that out. I think you need to make up your mind who you want and leave the other person alone. If you want Aqua then be with Aqua. If not then you will really find yourself alone and could have hurt two people.