This topic was created in the Virgo forum by hopelessdreamr on Sunday, April 30, 2006 and has 11 replies.
Inspired by Dyr's Turn Back Time smile
wat does it really mean for two people to share a seed..?.. ive seen alota disregard and alota love but i dunno.. the decision to mix DNAs to make a baby is a big one.. a Whole Lot shood be thrown n2 the mix of Consideration.. a whole nother lifetime to bring nto existence...
..wat does it really mean for two people to share a seed..?...
It means..."I'm WHAT?? No, no way is that line blue. Look at this, is it really blue?? shit..."

Just my perspective smile
lol talk about smellin the roses
Babies smell funny. Toddlers are cuter... when they behave.
I've always thought that I didn't want babies cuz I'm not fond of the boogers and don't want the responsability. Plus they're liabilities instead of assets... but I'm starting to think that there's enough low quality babies out there and to neglect the world of my offspring would be a sin... lol jk It'd be cute to have a mini-me... awww but don't know don't know... I see it as an extension of you... ball n chain! ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh what happens to my freedom? aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhh
Maybe it is the Cancer in me...
But becoming a mother has matured me. I love my babies more than I have ever loved anyone in my life. I am trying to counteract the sadness I will feel when they grow up by thinking...I am only borrowing them.
As far as freedom goes...the reason most women have a problem with that is they have not sown their wild seeds. Me? I have been at least half of the states, several different countries (including a 2 month stay in France...not just vacation) have had my college party days and post college club hopping days...Had my wild-out period where I was a bit of a slut (Atlanta's beautiful men smile ) and loads of WILD spontaneous experiences.
So now...I actually WANT to stay home sometimes with my babies and USUALLY I want to take them with me when I go anywhere. LOL My mom has to MAKE me leave them at her house if I am going to Wal-Mart or something. Really the only thing I wish was different was the father's attitude towards them.
All I am saying is that when you are ready...babies can really be a joy. But perhaps I am still in the honeymoon period...Ask me in 2 yrs when the terrible 2's hit! Tongue
i cant wait to have a little Mini Me..ill teach him all the tools of the trade..hell be no sucker thats for sure
What if he is a she?
Message posted by: cancerlady on 5/1/2006 9:08:34 PM
All I am saying is that when you are ready...babies can really be a joy. But perhaps I am still in the honeymoon period...Ask me in 2 yrs when the terrible 2's hit!
Lol....Yes they do become somewhat less of a joy, when they are having major tantrums in the middle of the baked bean aisle in Sainsburys,(supermarket) especially two of them at the same time(twin girls 2yrs). I also have an 12 yr old who has forgotten how to talk and He grunts, when I ask him a question and thinks the whole world's out to get him. I love them really, pass the wine........

Cancerlady..if He is a She then i get to share alll the little secrets with her..smile i wont let her be as sensitive as i though..it canc be so painful..maybe she wont have cancer in her chart..dominate neways.. i love my cancer moon but boy do i set myself up for failure fu---- with folks that are in no way tuned to their emotions..just so happened the most recent experience was with Virg guy.. ahh.wat a tale
Tell the tale...If you wish. I'll listen with GREAT interest. Especially since I am not working these days! Tongue
LOL Loud Libra...you sound like you have a bit of experience with that. I was a HORROR when I was younger with the crying and tantrums so I hope they won't be too bad but as I always say...Karma smile Man I used to throw SUPER FITS! LMAO I was the youngest though and had EVERYONE wrapped and tied except for my oldest sister who hated me. She is a Scorp. though so she could talk about me all day and night but if anyone else even looked like they were going to say something bad...POW! Right in the kisser!
Message posted by: cancerlady on 5/2/2006 3:15:48 PM
Man I used to throw SUPER FITS! LMAO I was the youngest though and had EVERYONE wrapped and tied
Im used to this cancerlady I have 4 and the girls are the worst, such dramas. Though I must say that having kids is an experience second to none and makes you a totally different person. Love and Hate to the same degree. Especially when they smush chocolate on your blouse as you walk out the door.Bless you....