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Sep 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 182 · Topics: 21
Hi All,
Happy New Year!
It has been awhile since I posted here.
I have been literally burried inside relationship psychology books (probably about 20 so far and still reading), determined that I'm going to either get things back with "R", or if I'm destined to move on, as has been the case so far, then the next love I find, I will keep.
Did you know there is actually a book called How to Get Your Lover Back?
A book I found extremely enlightening is Keeping the Love You Find (for Singles). This one really helped me with understanding the dynamics between not only me and "R", but me and all of the relationships I have ever had. If you read it, be prepared to work hard emotionally and to derive a wealth of knowledge about you and your partner.
I've been dating a little here and there. It is awful when I really know my perfect One is someone else, though, and sometimes I feel a little guilty, and I like the attention I get from others, but don't want to lead anyone on when it seems they like me more than I like them.
I met someone this weekend that I genuinely feel as though I could love. Others, though, I have felt completely out of sinc with, you's the dating game, I guess...the process of finding The One.
It really does seem to lift my spirits to receive affection from someone and even better if it is someone I like, and it sometimes puts "R" in a different perspective for me. One that helps me to really detach myself from the feelings that we belong together -- that we could heal each other if only...
I guess I get anxious at the thought that what if I allow myself to get seriously involved with someone else, and "R" returns and I have this new perspective which will just make the whole rotten cycle start over again...
Anyway, I was reading a few of the threads, and I see that the ol' problem of "pulling away" continues.
I have learned that men of literally ALL astrological signs do it, and the only thing a girl can do is let'm go...decide what she wants for herself and either stay or go, herself.
Let's's been since August for me. We have had a few encounters, power struggles, in my opinion...guess we are stuck there. Can't work with a brick wall; he has blocked me at every entrance.
Signed Up:
Jan 11, 2007Comments: 0 · Posts: 145 · Topics: 28
I guess I get anxious at the thought that what if I allow myself to get seriously involved with someone else, and "R" returns and I have this new perspective which will just make the whole rotten cycle start over again...
i really agree w/vgm about letting go but i do know and understand that is soooo hard i was in a 5 year relationship w/ a possesive guy 11 years my senior and boooooy have we gone through up until the day he moved in w/this chick he was seein...and that was 2 weeks ago (my virgo guy knows whats up) see this is what my gma takes one nail to push another one out (sounds better in spanish lol) so sometimes it takes the right person to come along to be able to take ur mind off him and make u strong enough to let go....also though the other person should be made aware of ur situation so they're not being used...know what i'll be ok
Signed Up:
Sep 02, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 182 · Topics: 21
P-Angel...Yes, I really do think I could just forget Rhett and enjoy a new love with "J." He is the first one I have felt like this with since I started dating.
VGM- I feel I must move along. It is never wise to explain something like Rhett in terms other than general, such as: "I have had one serious relationship in the past 11 years, and tried to rekindle it last August and it didn't work out." A man you are attracted to and who is attracted to you, genuinely, does NOT want to hear about the Rhetts in our lives. That is, not if you are thinking it could really go somewhere. It is a turn off to talk about other men to your date.
Libra lis...I promise I will not use J. I am sincerely attracted to him. He is enough opposite and enough the same as I. We click.
Meanwhile, a friend of mine has said, "If Rhett returns and you want to go with him, you owe no one anything." You just live it day to day.
Hey! Tomorrow, I'm going to try to put some pics up on the board. I actually tried to already, but they looked all lopsided once I got the pixels to conform to the site's specifications, so I didn't upload them. Does anyone know if they end up looking normal after uploading? Or the same lopsided look? lol
A good evening to all...