Calling all Virgos!!!

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by cuff1025 on Saturday, December 19, 2015 and has 11 replies.
HEYYY 😊. I just wanna say hi to all my fellow virgos, this is my first post. How does it feel to be a virgo?
Hmm interesting, I understand. I think I'm bipolar lol. I have Scorpio rising, Aquarius moon, gemini mars, leo venus.. Some days I feel emotionless, the next day im an emotional wreck. Some days I'm very confident, the next day I'm not lol. But everyday I feel can outwit anybody lmaooo...
It's hard sometimes because everytime i show myself to the world to go to work or somewhere else, I already know this kind of crowd are waiting for me outside. I keep telling them to move on and find someone else to crush on because I'm already married but they wont listen. SIGH...
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In one word: uptight

Then again, my only Virgo influence is business as usual - Saturn in 6th house and Pluto in Virgo
I like quirky people. #IBlameItOnVirgoRisingInfluence
I like being a Virgo. I love being clean and able to intellectually refine words and pick the best ones. I love how practical I can be too. I feel realistic. smile
On the downside, my confidence can be compromised from trying to meet a standard and I can get very nervous.

That's because Virgos set very unrealistic goals. Typically, the Virgo is very unaware of themselves in real terms, and believe that they are more/better than they are .... so of course, you can't measure up to that.


How does it feel to be a Virgo? A surprising question for something so simple. I don't believe I've ever really considered it.

Is there really a feeling for being yourself if you can't experience what it is to be another? Or perhaps pausing to digest all these little implications is in itself the nature of Virgo? Who can really say.

Posted by Vixen2
*wait for it...*

Wait for what?
Posted by P-Angel
That's because Virgos set very unrealistic goals. Typically, the Virgo is very unaware of themselves in real terms, and believe that they are more/better than they are .... so of course, you can't measure up to that.


Did you virgo husban set unrelistic goals when he likes to involve you in everything?
