Capricorn Man... Virgo Woman... Im confused!! lol
Ok so 5 months ago I met this virgo and we hit it off great! The first 2 months of us dating eachother were really great in my opinion. We went on a few dinner and lunch dates. I've cooked dinner for her at my place a few times. We basically were acting as if we were official but we werent. So me, being the capricorn I am, I approach her about this, asking if it were possible for us to take it to the next step... make things official. She was reluctant to do so, saying that Im being too clingy by wanting that. I am not the one to be clingy so I withdraw and we dont talk for about 2 months.
I reach out to her and its like we never lost contact. We meet up for a date at a comedy club and shes all over me, I can tell she missed me. So we continue dating again, meeting up for lunch dates and what not and then I bring up the issue of us being official again. She starts to act standoffish again. When we text she rarely responds. She comes up with excuses as to why we cant hang out... ect. So I decided to try to get to the bottom of it instead of cutting my losses because I really really like this woman. I call her and arrange for us to meet the next day to talk and maybe go to a movie after out talk, telling her that we really need to talk because Im getting mixed signals.
The next day comes around and its time for us to meet. I didnt text or contact her at all until it was almost time for us to meet up and by that time, she calls me. I answer as Im on the highway headed to her house... the conversation went something like this:
Me: Hello..
her: you havent contacted me all day, whats goin on?
me: I know, im sorry about that, I've been really busy all day(which was the truth) so i havnet had a chance to hit you up but im actually on my way to you right now... im on the highway. I was just about to call you actually(which was also the truth).
her: yea right... well im on my way home now.
me: oh cool, well I dont know about going to the movie just yet... i really just want to talk to you and get this off my chest
her: well I really want to see the movie so we can talk at a later date... im going to go ahead and go see the movie
me: *awkward silence* ....ugh.... ok... i guess.
She then hangs up on me.
I get upset and send a text saying that Im good on the talk, since shes showing that she really doesnt care anyway. After that I cut my ties and charged her to the game. Problem is... I miss her and I cant stop thinking of her. Is she worth it???
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Mar 18, 2011Comments: 42 · Posts: 2899 · Topics: 50
sorry, i don't get this.
it reads like she's waiting for you to trip up, so she has an excuse to back off. it's just a bit weird
Posted by ThatDudeATX
Me: Hello..
her: you havent contacted me all day, whats goin on?
^^^that's girlfriend talk. yet you try to committ and she brushes you off. do you need that 'boyfriend' label from her? are you into her because she's a challenge? and are you guys exclusive? Signed Up:
Aug 29, 2011Comments: 1 · Posts: 505 · Topics: 41
I can understand the feeling about that situation there buddy im goin thru it with a virgo guy...I did this same thing you did but I cant help myself and he and i get to talkin as if nothin happened so check out what virgo 69 said on his post about how the men are cause really the women are somewhat like this. although it seems that committment scares them to dealth a bit so i guess its about waitin to put it into sex talk with her....thats what I do when ever there is somethin i really want to talk about i wait until we are freakin good and then i began to talk and it sort of works sometimes if its not right it wont....they say why rush something that can be soooo goood or bad (thats how they view relationships) have to just ease her into it. you grow on em then they will give that label when the times right you just have to come down cap...we think to much about stability in relationships...its eatin at you that yall have not made it official but it actually is gf/bf test drive phase...if you can hack it and just stand in her corner then maybe but best timin to push it is in the privacy of her privacy lol try that out and put it on her lol
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
I'm not sure if its worth it, at least for now. My sister is a Virgo, who attracts nothing but Capricorns, but they are not challenging enough for her. Its almost as if she'd rather chase than have someone give in to her. I'm not saying all Virgos are like that, but my sister clings to those that make her work for their love/affection.
Also, for her to be all over you as if she missed you shows that she likes you. But something seems to be off to her, and I think its how forward you are with your interest and the future between the two of you. Its as if she likes you but isn't ready for the pressure to make a decision or talk about anything serious when she sees you.
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Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
Hi ThatDudeATX,As the the first Virgal to respond to you and being with a Cap,I'll fill you in.Yes.She likes you.Otherwise things wouldn't have gotten this far along.She knows that you want to have that talk.She feels that it is too soon.Nothings' off.You are just moving too fast for her.To get us into a relationship,it's like easing into a hot bath.You just have to ease in.If you want to panic a Virgo ,grab her and throw her over your shoulder and run.Slow down.Let one magic moment built onto the next.
She barely knows you.Even if you have known each other before,dating someone is totally different than being their long time friend.Sometimes when guys move too fast,they are trying to hid their true selves.I'm not saying that you are hiding anything weird or anything like that.But men that are trying to get a female to committ quickly,need to be committed themselves.
It's like a Virgal wonders where Prince Charming is,and here you come.And you're everything she needs and it's hard to believe that you have actually arrived.And you are ready to have that relationship,yesterday.You know your trustworthy and in it for the long haul.She DOESN'T yet(LOL).
You Caps also have a tendency to plan out stuff,then say - guess what you life is all set,just pack your bag and come on.After 6 months my Cap was talking about having our daughters birthday parties together.And the ring and what size wedding ,where we are going on family trips and more children.....Sloooowwwwww Downnnnnnnn!
Include her in some of your planning.Yes,planning is in your DNA.You can't help it.Virgals have good ideas also.Listen to her input.This is the end of one life and the begining of another for her.You have thought it all out,made the plans,built the house ,furnished it ,have gotten a puppy,have her clothes brought over and are just now sending out a memo to her- don't go home tonight ,you've moved.I don't know her but I'm sitting here sweating for her.
She is just worried about the next step.How will your lives mesh together?Has she met your circle of people,so she can get to know you better? Show her more of your real world.Going here and there is great,but she wants to get to know the real you.
Don't tell her that you want to have "the talk",just be casual about it.It's got to be a natural progression.It has to be somewhere between both of your comfort zones.Don't give up on her.
Wow, thanks for the comments. I think I pretty much have the understanding now that I was rushing or moving too fast. Which I was affraid of coming off like that anyway. Those werent my intentions per say though. I just wanted her to know how I felt about her... its not like we have to be "official" right now. The talk would've clarified that. I was going to let her know that there wasnt no rush or time limit on "us"...but at the same time I was going to be real about my feelings toward her. Maybe that would've scared her anyway.
Needless to say I havent heard from her since that little episode. I've tried to reach out to her but that was unsuccessful. I dont want to give up... but I dont want to seem like a stalker either so I'm kinda at a catch 22.
As far as our charts?? I dont know anything about that, hopefully someone on here can enlighten me. All I know is that i'm a capricorn born on January 14 and her birthday is September 12 which makes her a virgo lol. Someone help me out.
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Jan 19, 2011Comments: 2 · Posts: 540 · Topics: 11
If someone wanted to have "the talk" with you,doesn't that sound kind of ominous?Give her a little time to sort herself out.She'll be thinking things over.No,if you had told her how you feel,she would have liked that.You Caps can play it so close to yourselves that,we are wondering how you are feeling about us,until BAM,you show up with a deed to something.You'll both be out of your comfort zones,but hey,that's what it's all about.Balance my friend.It's all about balance.And if we haven't told you it's over,it isn't over.That Cappy magic is more than skin deep.Hang in there.
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Sep 11, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 5494 · Topics: 18
The same thing happened with a Sag I wanted to know where it was going and she started to pull back. I was like well tell me what you want and she said to fuck so I said ok then fucked her brains her out then erased her.Two weeks later she calls back saying she misses me and bla bla I looked at her like she lost her damm cranium.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
Maaannnn, my sister be tripping.
She can't count on anyone to come through for her the way her Capricorn friend does. She's been off and on with a Taurus for three years now, and she's starting to give this Pisces guy a chance, but neither one of these guys did anything for her yesterday. The Cap is 1000+ miles away, and he still managed to show her a good Valentines day by having a Teddy Bear and some Edible arrangement chocolate covered strawberries delivered. He's been doing this for years now, while he makes the other guys look like losers on special holidays. He asks for nothing in return either, especially not since he has a girlfriend lol, but he'd drop her for my sis. Ah well. She'll get it right one day, hopefully...
Signed Up:
Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
He has a gf n is buying another woman Valentines day stuff?
How extraordinary! I'm also born on the 14th of January and the guy I really care about is a September Virgo. I too did the "want to have a chat thing", and he literally bolted out the door! He was sooo scared. Even though we've known each other as distant friends for 10 years and have been intimate a few times the past 18 months, he was not ready to hear it. Despite always having had strong chemistry (even when just being distant friends and we were both in separate relationships/marriages), he was not ready to hear it. It simply frightened him.
Being a Capricorn like you, I analyze and plan things, just like VulcanLass mentioned above. I know he's the one for me so I pushed it a bit (albeit after having been a bit closer for a year, so not exactly rushing it by anyone else's standards). However, I've come to learn that Virgos (especially men, perhaps) are a bit different. Much slower with things, need a lot of time to think things over. Also, as a Capricorn, I do play things quite close to my chest, too, which I know is confusing. I blow hot and cold sometimes, have a lot of patience, but at the same time I get a bit keen to sort things out after a while.
My advice to you would be to take things slow, like other's have said here before me. Don't rush it. I think Virgos need to feel safe, be given space to think things through and come around in their own time without feeling pressured. Be cool, but don't be cold and uninterested. I think they need a lot of reassurance, but without feeling pushed.
I really hope it works out for you, because I know that Virgos are very special. I think that if you can possibly take your time and be patient, a Virgo will definitely be worth the wait! I only wish I knew this 18 months ago, as I would have done things quite differently.
I'm new here so I don't know if you've said in other threads -- but what happened with your Virgo? How would you have changed your approach 18 months ago if you'd known?
Cheers, luck to all!
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Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
Posted by Peanutbutter
He has a gf n is buying another woman Valentines day stuff?
They've been friends forever and he's liked her since high school. He's moved on from pursuing her, of course, since he had to but he still looks out and cares for my sis. Makes sure to send her something on V-day, her birthday, christmas etc. I'm sure he REALLY hooked his girlfriend up. He's not "trying" anything with my sis, which is worse because he still managed to do more than the guys she's involved herself with lately.Signed Up:
Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Posted by lnana04
Posted by Peanutbutter
He has a gf n is buying another woman Valentines day stuff?
They've been friends forever and he's liked her since high school. He's moved on from pursuing her, of course, since he had to but he still looks out and cares for my sis. Makes sure to send her something on V-day, her birthday, christmas etc. I'm sure he REALLY hooked his girlfriend up. He's not "trying" anything with my sis, which is worse because he still managed to do more than the guys she's involved herself with lately.
click to expand
Oh wow... Is she just not into him or what? She needs to snap out of it lol, not a lot of guys would go out if their way like that, obvs!Have you had any of the famous cap dissappearing episodes with her? Have you been contacting her "too late" with the I was bizzy and forgot but was just ab 2 call-execuse, like in your last conv? If yes, that DEF smells like B.S to a virgal. She reads your just trying 2 play with her and she withdraws. Im a virgal I just cut off a cap cuz of those execuses, just made me doubt him and nomatter how much I liked him it was dead by virgo, i dropped everything. Check if your toughts are in harmony with your words, and words with your actions before you approach a virgal.
Signed Up:
Oct 25, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 8822 · Topics: 132
@Peanutbutter, yeah, she's not into him. I think she was going to give it a try a long time ago but im not sure what happened.
Angyals might have a point. My sister dated a Cappie or two back in the day, but she ended it pretty quickly. I asked her why she doesn't give Caps a chance, and she said that she'll like them a lot but they always do something to mess up or hurt her and its a wrap after that. I tend to attract many many capguys, friends and lovers, but have never managed to get myself into a relationship with one. They hold back not keeping steady contact and suddenly show up with bf like behaviour opening up about feelings etc then dissappear again..its spooky, makes me think its a game n he must have someone else then I get disgusted n end it. Hehe. Then the cap is left confused n speechless. Last one was in shock when I had to end it, but yet I dont believe him. Started out with me
started out with me thinking all the best about him, he seemed almost angelic hehe, ended with thinking it was all fake mask and manipulation ;p Just don't see what the point was cause he won nothing. Anyways, if you want a virgal better shape up or get out. If we sense b.s. We will cut the crap so quickly you'll never see it coming. I had a virguy bf who loved me a lot but somehow got it to his head that I was cheating, I was NOT. But I was dumb n younger n found it funny so I didnt do much to make him believe me but let him think what he wanted. Guess what, one day he had it he explained n ended it boosh..Didnt believe me didnt trust me, I deserved it n understod him cause Im exactly the same;P
started out with me thinking all the best about him, he seemed almost angelic hehe, ended with thinking it was all fake mask and manipulation ;p Just don't see what the point was cause he won nothing. Anyways, if you want a virgal better shape up or get out. If we sense b.s. We will cut the crap so quickly you'll never see it coming. I had a virguy bf who loved me a lot but somehow got it to his head that I was cheating, I was NOT. But I was dumb n younger n found it funny so I didnt do much to make him believe me but let him think what he wanted. Guess what, one day he had it he explained n ended it boosh..Didnt believe me didnt trust me, I deserved it n understod him cause Im exactly the same;P