Capricorn Rising

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by VIRGOEXALTED on Thursday, July 27, 2006 and has 6 replies.
I am a Virgo, and my rising sign is Capricorn. I just find my personality quite peculiar; I can be cold, or burning; I wish to konw if anyone has the ability to explain this combination. what does it mean to be a Virgo, and possess Capricorn as your rising sign is the question I am posing on anyone who cares to answer.
Well so far I know about you is that you have a lot of leo and virgo in you which is quite a interesting mix because of your sidreal. Virgo makes you intelligent and leo makes you brave and not too afraid to make a point or to express one self and so forth and forth.
Being cold is a virgo trait so far what I know and the burning is from the fire of leo.
But having a Capricorn rising sign could make you quite ambitious,Business-like, success oriented, practical, serious, stern,the teacher and Taskmaster.Your determination to keep trying even after many failures and setbacks is likely one of your most valuable and outstanding traits.
Well I did a bit of reseaching a bit
Here you go VE Big Grin
Capricorn Rising endows an energetic, success-oriented personality, with the determination to achieve your personal goals. The shrewdness and open ambition associated with the sun or moon in Capricorn does not always show up so overtly in the personality of those with Capricorn Ascendant but these traits are present nevertheless. You could be a very capable manager or supervisor, willing to accept responsibilities and positions of authority.
You strongly identify with the material world and tangible assets. You are unlikely to adopt easy-going, "take me as I am" attitudes, for you feel more comfortable with formality. You want to be aware of all the rules of social conduct and adapt your actions to fit these structures. Consciously or subconsciously you specifically choose the company of people who make you look good. It is not unusual for handsome Capricorn Rising males to select less attractive wives or, beautiful Capricorn Rising women to select less attractive female friends.
Ruled by Saturn, lord of structure, restriction and longevity, you may have experienced a difficult birth or restricted childhood. However, it hardly matters what particular difficulties life presents you with, for your biggest challenge is always you in yourself. You feel dissatisfaction with some aspect of your personality or appearance and may develop conflicting behaviour to deal with these feelings when they surface. One side of your character is prone to practice strict self denial, while the other longs to abandon itself to hedonistic pleasures, perhaps as as a form of self destruction. At every turn you confront fears and insecurity. How well you deal with the conflict marks your success as a well-adjusted adult. Fortunately, these conflicts seem to settle into perspective as you get older.
Capricorn ruling the first house raises the competitive spirit and by no means dictates the presence of a sombre or colourless personality. On the contrary, it implies individuals with overcompensatingly cheerful personalities, who willingly accept responsibilities and hardships which they feel they were born to endure. There is always a choice to be made and the right one is never easy, because it usually involves success which must be earned.
Your abstemious eating habits help you avoid gaining too much weight. Sensitive skin, finely textured hair, brittle bones, and dental difficulties are common physical complaints.
wow....intresting cappysweetie, I appreciate it as always from you; thank you sincerely...I did experience a restricted childhood, and wow, this really has me; except, I am none to intrested in having alot of material things; I just want a good time, and wringing life dry in that I want to get the most out of it, not just materialistically..... I've known that ever since childhood, that things of the world, get lost, fade away, get destroyed; so I never was too materialistic, and never really attached myself to my toys; I wanted something more; success, yes, bu I think on the Cappy's side, I want to succeed internally; to feel that inner peace, the feeling you get when you know, "yea, now it is ok; it's fine; I'm the best I can be". I do have a very endurant; my bones do hurt from time-to-time as well; my hips, and legs hurt the most. however, I do not change my personality; I am me, and am quite satisfied, (at least for now lol!!) about myself; I would never alter who I was, and that was one thing I was ALWAAAAYS sure of; which is why I've usually been a loner, but never minded becuase I like my freedom to come or go as I wanted.....but this definitley is a good source of info.....Cappysweetie, do ya know by any chance how Capricorn Rising affects Virgo Sun????????
I am greatly...SUPREMELY HAPPY to have such powerful signs apart of me....I feel Capricorn is a great part of my personality, and I'd rather have my freedom than to be formal....I HATTTTE DRESSING UP!!!!!. I like to be comfortable, and easily able to move. I did face, and continue to face many challanges; and yea, Cappy supports me with that cheerful, energetic personality that NEVER WAVERS IN TIMES OF CRISIS; what a great sign to be....or to just possess as a part of I'm really happy!!! THANKS CAPPYSWEETIE!!!! Capricorn is really mysterious....yet so obvious, I'm quite vexed now by the element that rules the us; Earth, Reality, wow...
*winks, and blows a kiss*
Aw, I can't stop posting!!!!!!!. So many questions, and with such a powerful imagination, and this thirst to be enlightened....I can't stop!!! lol!!!. Anyway I like the idea of Cappy and me....I makes me think of being held in chains, then bustin' out for freedom; I think that's what cappys want...the WHOLE PICTURE IS YOU GUYS WANT FREEDOM; TO ASCEND TO A POINT WHERE YOUR FREEDOM CAN'T BE THREATENED; just my thoughts though. I have this overwhelming feeling to be the best....but I don't know how to direct it, and waht is the best anyway?????