confusing virguy hot 'n' cold

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by ariesgirl24 on Tuesday, January 31, 2017 and has 10 replies.
Hi everyone, I am new here and I would like to be given some insight into a strange situation I am currently involved in with a virgo guy.

We both came out from longterm relationships and started casually dating after being friends for a year or so. It's been three months of dating now, and I feel I am starting to really like him; however, every time I bring up feelings-talk, he seems to withdraw and starts babbling about living in the moment, being friends and so on and so forth (although, I imagine one wouldn't make out with a friend, right?).

But then, when I am the one playing it cool, he suddenly behaves like a boyfriend would (sends flowers, checks on me much more frequently, seems more interested in my everyday life, wants to be introduced to my parents) and when we see each other he is all hugs and kisses on the cheeks and sweet nothings, and he gets in a bad mood if I don't reciprocate, he tells me that I am not sweet and I don't care about him.

I hate these mood swings, and I don't know how to handle him.

Any advice?

P.S. Please, forgive any error, english is not my mother tongue.

Sounds like a Virgo with cancer moon

No advice that's how they are.
I am not able to understand if he is playing me, or if it is just the way he is and has nothing to do with me.

Posted by Weeds
Sounds like a Virgo with cancer moon

No advice that's how they are.

Posted by ariesgirl24
I am not able to understand if he is playing me, or if it is just the way he is and has nothing to do with me.

It has nothing to do with you sweetheart. It's him and how he is. If you can't handle it now let it go as you may start to feel resentment and will lead to game playing between the two of you.

It's a typical virgo man. Virgo men are rational, practical, but when feelings are involved they get lost. They are scared of emotions as hell. I had two virgo guys in my life so I know virgo men traits really well. They are careful and slow to commit, they always search for "perfect". They are very contradictory, as they want to love and to be loved, but they are afraid of that at the same time. As soon as serious feelings get involved, they tend to pull back and to "understand" what is going on on a rational level, as they can't handle their feelings well. They have to distract and to sort the things out, to see if it fits their perfect blueprint.

Even though I've been hurt by virgo men in the past, I can admit that virgo man is good catch and he can make you feel the happiest girl in the world, but he can hurt you the most too. My main advice is to not live his life and never build your life around him cause you will be doing that for ever. Be yourself, have your goals, yet be domestic and caring, don't be overwhelming. Never show a virgo man how much you want him and need him, play it cool, simple as if nothing serious is going on and he will not feel so scared of feelings, he won't feel pressured. The more YOU pull away, there more he will want to chase you smile

But know, that even in serious relationship, virgo man will never become emotional smile He will always live on mental level more, than on emotional.

Good luck
Posted by Kikyy
It's a typical virgo man. Virgo men are rational, practical, but when feelings are involved they get lost. They are scared of emotions as hell. I had two virgo guys in my life so I know virgo men traits really well. They are careful and slow to commit, they always search for "perfect". They are very contradictory, as they want to love and to be loved, but they are afraid of that at the same time. As soon as serious feelings get involved, they tend to pull back and to "understand" what is going on on a rational level, as they can't handle their feelings well. They have to distract and to sort the things out, to see if it fits their perfect blueprint.

Even though I've been hurt by virgo men in the past, I can admit that virgo man is good catch and he can make you feel the happiest girl in the world, but he can hurt you the most too. My main advice is to not live his life and never build your life around him cause you will be doing that for ever. Be yourself, have your goals, yet be domestic and caring, don't be overwhelming. Never show a virgo man how much you want him and need him, play it cool, simple as if nothing serious is going on and he will not feel so scared of feelings, he won't feel pressured. The more YOU pull away, there more he will want to chase you smile

But know, that even in serious relationship, virgo man will never become emotional smile He will always live on mental level more, than on emotional.

Good luck

Are we really like that, so people look at us like that?

Sounds exhausting
Posted by Pisces1803
Posted by Weeds
Sounds like a Virgo with cancer moon

No advice that's how they are.

click to expand

So this is common with Virgo sun/Cancer moons? Any other insights with this combo?
If you won't hug and kiss your Virgo , I will!

