disappearing,ignoring, no communication-rude virgo

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by applemint_fv on Thursday, November 28, 2013 and has 13 replies.
Ok I'd like to understand myself..maybe SOME virgos are like this as well..maybe..
When I have important things to settle, I'm busy with work, have problems(big or tiny), something is bothering me (which has nothing to do with you), feeling down about something..... I cut communication with you and whooosh disappear. If you send me messages on Whatsapp, I will read it (& u'll know that I have read it because you could see when I last came in) & I know that you know I've read it... BUT I will not respond.
After many messages you've sent, I will still not respond and you will ask what's wrong & blow up because I will still be online on whatsapp but I'll still ignore you. It's not because I hate you but I need to cut myself off from the outside world, & that includes you. Why can't I just reply sheeesh. I can still deal with the problem or continue with my work after replying, it'll only take seconds to reply. So my recent disappearing act was with my sister, she got angry on whatsapp and said Fine whatever!! when I still ignored her. When I do this, I will reappear back & respond to u when everything's fine in my world
my bf who is a virgo does this as well from time to time. in the beginning I was pissed off & couldn't understand..but then I thought mannn I do that as well! so if he does this, I know that he's stressed with work or too busy. his explanation to me: i was too focused on what I was doing.

any explanation to this ignoring, cutting communication?
Posted by CluelessCancer
The only explanation i have is that your a self absorbed selfish inconsiderate cunt.

anybody else?

you think so aha.. I do think that I'm emotionally connected to them, it's just that when my focus is on something bigger or more important at that particular moment, I can't seem to channel my energy on something else/anybody else
ya sags are happy peeps, my sis is one haha.
Posted by Sagtastic1
Maybe it's because you don't have an emotional connection with these people. The virgo's in my life (male and female) reach out to me when they're going through something.
Get a happy sag in your life.

Posted by Sagtastic1
Maybe it's because you don't have an emotional connection with these people.

Posted by applemint_fv
.... was with my sister ....
.... my bf ....

click to expand

The sad part is the reality .... since Virgos refuse to experience feelings, an emotional connection is probably absent, regardless of the relationship status.
If I truly like or care for the person, I will probably tell them that I'm busy or that I'm going through something so I need space. If I don't care much for you or about you then I don't care either way.
I would say that it is a very exhausting process to separate feelings from facts or what you know vs what you want to believe vs whats actually true. It requires focus and can probably only be done most efficiently when the external world is put on time-out physically and mentally. Some people prefer to find solutions to problems by plotting things out and making only informed decisions on a matter. This process typically yield optimal results when it is done so in a logical manner and in order for that to happen, the person would need to detach any emotions from the issue at hand. This way it is purely rational thinking without any irrational feelings diluting it. There is a formula to problem solving and unless your presence proves to be practical in context to the issue at hand, you are just gonna need to step aside for the meantime. It sucks but apparently its a tried and true process for these peeps. ....shrug.
What romancing said.
and like the story of narcissus, you may not be purposely shunning and cutting people out but youre so enamored with self that you cant see the other.
As the greatest virgo Kobe Bryant said
"Look, you guys as my teammates, yell at me. Let me know that you're open because I'm so programmed,' 'I see nothing but that basket. You could be open, there could be three guys on me, but the only thing I see is that basket so you have to tell me, Look, I was open. Or yell at me mid-play. That doesn't affect me at all and I respect that."
Posted by tiziani
But in the long term, when you start seeing how this burns your bridges somewhat you'll start accepting you need to give back a little. There'll be a moment where your behavior becomes counter productive to your needs.

When is this realized? You'd think that with all the thinking that is done during solitary confinement, this logic will somehow click already and somewhat motivate a person to open the lines of comm a little. But who knows, perhaps currently the benefits outweigh that grim reality which has yet to happen so who cares about that for now. There are more important pressing matters to sift through.
Posted by CluelessCancer
Posted by tiltedmoonshadow
so you need to mentally process responding to a text from your own family member..wtf is this bs. this isn't neuroscience dude.

No...the mental process is for whatever current issue is at hand and it does not include the outsider person trying to reach the Virgo in solitude. Logical thinking is what science is built on. And when it comes to science, there's no room for emotions. Being excited to solve some equation isn't going to get you to solve it unless you actually focus and gained the mental capacity to solve such an equation. Likewise, just bc the Virgo is fond of the outsider, it doesn't mean there is a pressing urge to respond during a time when any external disruptions isn't going to help solve whatever is putting the Virgo so deep in thought.
May e it's best to just get a hobby or don't be so needy or demanding.
click to expand
The relationship with his other family was strained because they did not like his wife. How do you know what he is continuously doing? Are you clocking his dick mileage? How do you rape a woman who has semen from five other women in her already. shut up.
Posted by CluelessCancer
The only explanation i have is that your a self absorbed selfish inconsiderate cunt.

anybody else?

There's a saying "even a dog barks". Its rude not to respond when someone calls or reach out to you. You don't have to engaged in a conversation...As a virgo, I know I shut people out...my favorite line is "I will call you back".
Posted by applemint_fv
Ok I'd like to understand myself..maybe SOME virgos are like this as well..maybe..
When I have important things to settle, I'm busy with work, have problems(big or tiny), something is bothering me (which has nothing to do with you), feeling down about something..... I cut communication with you and whooosh disappear. If you send me messages on Whatsapp, I will read it (& u'll know that I have read it because you could see when I last came in) & I know that you know I've read it... BUT I will not respond.
After many messages you've sent, I will still not respond and you will ask what's wrong & blow up because I will still be online on whatsapp but I'll still ignore you. It's not because I hate you but I need to cut myself off from the outside world, & that includes you. Why can't I just reply sheeesh. I can still deal with the problem or continue with my work after replying, it'll only take seconds to reply. So my recent disappearing act was with my sister, she got angry on whatsapp and said Fine whatever!! when I still ignored her. When I do this, I will reappear back & respond to u when everything's fine in my world
my bf who is a virgo does this as well from time to time. in the beginning I was pissed off & couldn't understand..but then I thought mannn I do that as well! so if he does this, I know that he's stressed with work or too busy. his explanation to me: i was too focused on what I was doing.

any explanation to this ignoring, cutting communication?

Im exactly like this. sometimes I become extremely focused on school or a goal Im trying to accomplish at the moment and I can NOT stand when someone keeps reaching out/calling/texting me. I feel like I need to isolate myself and settle whatever it is I'm doing.. then I can go back to being my laidback self but until then dont expect to hear from me.