Do virgo males crush on more than 1 person at a time??

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by tauruss77 on Sunday, December 23, 2018 and has 5 replies.
Posted by rejuvenatedheart

They fuck around with as many women as they want until they've picked the one who's proven herself to be the biggest project and then they quit fucking around

Posted by tauruss77

I have a virgo crush I'm talking to right now, and he seems to be into me too based on how he behaves around me tbh, but he also has a lot of friends who are girls and people at work who are girls, so I'm wondering do virgos like only one person at a time romantically or more than one? Like is he "talking to" multiple people or is it usually one person with virgo?
Sometimes they just like to be friendly...
Posted by virgoop

don't know about the men but as a virgo, i DEFINITELY talk to more than one person especially when i'm unsure about their level of interest.

so i have only ONE person i'm really into yes but if they are not direct enough yeah i'm SURE to talk to a LOT of others.


I have one young lady I'm head over heels for. She is the only one I'd ever consider being in a relationship with. I also got out of a relationship last year, and haven't really been laid since. Basically my "get laid" alarms are blaring, but I won't do it with anyone other than her for now, unless she outright rejects me soon. I can definitely get laid, but my acute sense of loyalty is keeping me dry at the moment. I won't "fall in love" with someone immediately, and it's a very slow process for that, but I will "commit" to someone immediately in terms of my attentions and intentions.

I've had girls approach me, and I always flirt back, and if I'm ever given an opportunity to flirt, charm, and woo, I absolutely will. I love being a romantic. But it's never serious. There's no intention of taking it anywhere. I'm literally just exercising my personality muscles and the charm-y side of my brain. That way I can be razor sharp on the lady I actually care about.

I will always have plenty of irons in the fire, but there's only one that gets any true, meaningful attention from me.

Bssically, there's a superficial flightiness that will scare off the weak and insecure, but a strong, independent and loyal partner will uncover a deeply caring and loyal lover with a bit of patience
One and the same.

Don't we have similar placements too?
Posted by tauruss77

I have a virgo crush I'm talking to right now, and he seems to be into me too based on how he behaves around me tbh, but he also has a lot of friends who are girls and people at work who are girls, so I'm wondering do virgos like only one person at a time romantically or more than one? Like is he "talking to" multiple people or is it usually one person with virgo?
Why virgo, that only one trait,

a horoscope consist of many traits, hour your born etc.