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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
*continued from above*
our time.
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Oct 05, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 3561 · Topics: 85
I agree, gem. In my late 20's I started releasing people from my life that it seemed were nothing but constant pain, misery, and grudge-holding for me. I mean, I still cared about them, but had no use for them in my life. If you have more awful times with someone than you have great times...what's the use? It felt so good, and I don't regret letting any of them go. It brought me great peace.
Like I said, I will watch someone's actions--and, you know sometimes I'm like "DAMN I f'ed up...that was wrong of me", and I make a move to correct it but if that person just continues with their one-wo/man show and just builds more and more of a wall between us, I will casually walk away. I refuse to spend the rest of my life catering to people like that.
I see my sister-in-law (a cap) getting knocked around and making excuses for it
An ex of mine (a cap) who allowed his ex wife to seriously abuse him, and then chased after more abusive women after we broke up
I see a few Taurus that I know allowing themselves to be beaten up on and cheated on, etc...
and I vow never to be them.
I think that's why a lot of people get frustrated with me--I will never be your fan club; I'm too much of a challenge to them, because I don't gush after everything they say/do nor do I chase them. I let the punching bags who don't mind you treating them like crap one second then trying to mend it with a hug later do that. I'll give you a pat on the back, shoulder to lean on, and ear to listen if you treat me right if I feel you deserve it, but chase after you? Never.
The only people I've ever met who needed fan clubs to make them feel better were the ones who either tried to take their own lives (and I do know a few), tried to take OTHER'S lives (I know 2) or stay in a constant state of tears and depression.
People expect me to praise them and lift them up to the sun like baby Simba, for no reason at all--just for being them, ego-inflated big head and all, and when I won't do it, they start with the insults, and the childish tantrums, etc.
In this life, you got to learn how to make yourself happy. "Yes Men" are only fun, but for so long. After a while, you start to question how people *really* feel about you.
No. Grudges are pathetic. When you hold onto something negative and won't let go, the only person it's damaging is YOU.
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Mar 13, 2010Comments: 5 · Posts: 4244 · Topics: 258
Not to sound1 arrogant at all or anything, but people don't usually get mad at me. I don't know whether it's something I've developed or my demeanor in general, but I just usually have a calm and friendly demeanor. I'm really empathetic, so I know how individual people work. And I randomly mold myself to support the person without really losing myself. The only person who I've had a full blown argument with was with my mother, but we have reached common ground after several years. I do get into tiffs with my friends, but they are really minor and forgotten after 10 minutes. And if someone does get upset with me, I don't allow it to get out of hand if I can. Regardless, I don't allow anyone to walk over me, but I'm not one to try to one up the other person either.
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Mar 27, 2010Comments: 2 · Posts: 2394 · Topics: 102
I don\'t get mad, i get even. No grudges, I cut out people who try to leave negative influences on me. ;D
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Mar 13, 2012Comments: 2 · Posts: 1266 · Topics: 237
To be honest yes I do hold grudges: sometimes for a long time, but not forever. I think that we are somewhat like Scorpios in this, although in my case anyway although I sometimes think about taking revenge I seldom do it! I think that Tauruses, Cancers and Capricorns are also inclined to harbour grudges. We are all sensitive people and when hurt we do not necessarily heal easily and therefore do not forgive (the hurt) easily.