Escorpiona's Delimna Part II

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by P-Angel on Monday, January 15, 2007 and has 2 replies.
Thank you Es . . I hope you figure everything out.
Don't let me run you off . . we are all different in here . . and I am me.
If you tick me off . . I'll say so . . but, that doesn't mean I hate anyone, so you don't have to leave.
Keep talking about it, it helps.
P-Angel you are most welcome....
And do not worry about me, I am a grown woman with my act together.
I will continue posting on needed basis, on the mean I will continue to read all the time and give my 2 cents worth of opinion when I see fit...
Your personality and character does not bother me, I have dealt with tougher cookies in the past and I have had them melt with my charm, once they get to know me! lol
By the way you do take good care of yourself and find peace in your journey in life whether is married or divorced. I wish you the best!
Now you keep talking too, it does the soul good! Winking