falling for the virgo man

This topic was created in the Virgo forum by tlashell on Saturday, August 3, 2013 and has 11 replies.
Hi all....I have been dating a virgo male ( birthday august 24)
He first approached me asking to take me out....we had ran into one another a few rimes at the bank and n my neighborhood.
After a long conversation I decided to give him my number.....we've only been out once and that was my suggestion after yhe plans he made didn't work out for us.
I have asked when will he be takibg me out....he comes by and we'll sit on the porch and talk about our day a few times a week.
He claims not to know what to do or say to me as I am not the typucal women he usually dates.....I am 37 & he is 27.
Recently I joked w him about eating and eunning and he has been distant since.....
With all of that said I really need some insught on how to handle this situation. .. I'm not use to dating younger than me so communication has never been so complicated
text or call him
@Loveorlust....he does have that magnetic charm and i do sense that maybe he is a bit insecure..I am going to see where this may go.
@leejt86....I do text him.... we rarely talk on the phone.
I can tell when he is feeling some kind of way becuz he doesn't greet me w a hi beautiful or gorgeous text.
Im 11 yrs older than a virgo man. He is so tender, and more sensitive than a person would think. Im heartbroke now over circumstances beyond my control. I dont think i'll ever get over himSad
Im 11 yrs older than a virgo man. He is so tender, and more sensitive than a person would think. Im heartbroke now over circumstances beyond my control. I dont think i'll ever get over himSad
@ raerae2one8....Wow sorry to hear that.....my virguy and I are just beginning.....I am head over hills right now.....I have dated a virguy befor he was in my age range though and such a player....so I do fear this one being my jr will be that same way.
He is very caring we both worry about thr neughborhood lady that feeds the stray cats all hours of the night.....I certainly have witnessed his sensitive side and he has shared things which makes me think that he is opening up.
We have been on a date.... and the other was not carried out
We flirt a bit...however he says there is no rush....it will happen were getting to know one another.
@Loveorlust.....I want him bad..he is very attractive.
Certainly sexual tension between the two of us.
The sexual dynamics were off the hook. My guy was more worried about me being the player. He was so hinest and, there really didnt seem to be any issues with age gap. But, in all truth there is something so sad when its over. Taking thibgs slow just makes it all the more delishous.... Relish every single moment! But its best to definetly ask what he expects. In the beginning, neither one of us wanted a relationship, and we got so close, were talking about bf/gf, then it fell apart. Heartbroken like a mofo right here. I know he feels same to. And we live a block apart.. blah! Cirvumstances
Circumstances that i cany change, and really he has too. Hes got a crazy baby momma that he has been broke up with for a year, but not only did she take his kids he threatened both our lives. Anyway, he gotta deal with that. Smh.. sux
raerae2one8.....sorry to hear that and i dont so well w drama either....We see each other often becuz his family lives in my neighborhood... I'm moving soon so if nothing happens or if it does....I won't be forced to run into him.
We haven't discussed what either of us want....I have a child and he has none....I have heard that virgo men doesn't like to get serious w women w children....so if anyone reading this can shine some light on that for me that would lovely.