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Apr 04, 2011Comments: 0 · Posts: 216 · Topics: 54
I have observed that Virgos have this rare ability of falling in and out of love (apparently easily) on the basis of logic. And this is because their minds rule their hearts.
What do you say ???
I do not agree completely. The Virgos I know and have known, love really hard and are so dedicated and loyal, that their love bond is a strong one and it's hard for them to release it. They will overthink and analyze, bringing logic and practicality into the mix, but I don't think it's easy for them at all.
Now, if it isn't really love for them then they can throw you away like trash in a heartbeat and never look back. My ex-Virguy use to say if you move on and say you don't care then that means you never cared in the first place. He has a point, because no matter who you are, it's really hard to "forget" or disregard people you care about and truly love.
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 565 · Topics: 25
thank you
well said
may i add
that we're
we're always
trying to change
that not an expert or anything you can correct me
i think love comes to you only when you keep your heart open to it...if you are CONSTANTLY guarding your heart and ALWAYS assuming everyone is out to hurt you
you miss out on it and end up in and out of relationships searching for it because you dont allow yourself to FEEL!
you think so much that it sucks out all the beauty and fun of it.
If all Virgos were exactly the same this would be a pretty boring forum. For myself, there are characteristics in people that I love. Self worth & kind heartedness being the most beautiful. While, sincerity & virtue being the most admirable. I haven't been in love many times, but when it comes down to the nitty gritty, a virtuos soul is always the girl I fall for. It never changes.
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Sep 23, 2012Comments: 0 · Posts: 205 · Topics: 25
Nah, it is very hard for me to fall and be in Love. Yes, I fall in love using my Logic but... It takes a while for me to make my mind up.
I really analyze the actions of who I plan to fall for before I fall... I am always in fear of falling for the wrong person. Even, if I am in love tho... I'd my logic leads me to realize that this
person is not worthy of my love or is not putting forth as much effort as I am... I will walk away and not think twice about... And, cry and mend my wounds in the
It's more so that Virgos can compromise their ideals, and can romanticize easily in order to find a partner suitable. It's easy to then realize the compromise wasn't worthwhile, and they put themselves out for a false premise if things don't work out.
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
I imagine that if a Virgal falls out of love easily then she wasn't really in love in the first place... Maybe what looked to you like love--wasn't.
I have a hard time letting go of people I've worked hard on keeping around & getting to know.
I don't love anyone not even my fish
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Feb 12, 2012Comments: 8 · Posts: 2284 · Topics: 58
Alicia Keys keeps fallin in n outta love... But she's an unemotional Aqua. Lol.
I have to agree. My mind has rationalized breakups and falling in love. I bewilder my friends and myself. I had one Gemini friend who exclaimed, "You can't just pick someone up and throw them away!".
Your ex did love you, I wager. Just that she made the breakup feel easier thru the help of her mind. Virgos fall hard and deep when we decide to. But we also exit without fanfare when we finally make up our minds it is over.